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2 Thess. 2

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,

10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I believe verse 11 has something to do with the "mark".

Rev. 13

16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

Here's something to think about.

It states that he, the beast, causes all to receive a mark. It doesn't say that he is the one who introduces the idea of the mark. He is the cause of it, not the inventor.

Check out verse 15.

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

What do you think a lot of people would do if they were faced with the option of swearing their allegiance to someone or dying? I think many christians will be deceived into following the beast, and here's why.

2 Thess. 2

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,

Christ said that those signs and wonders will be so convincing that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. I believe that a majority of the world will believe they are witnessing Christ Himself.

2 Thess. 2

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

He's not only going to say he's God, he's gonna show you that he is. How many lukewarm christians do you think will be taken in by that show of power?

This is where I think the mark comes into play.

11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

That's my take on the mark of the beast.

Everything that has to do with God is spiritual. I believe the mark will be a spiritual mark. Everyone who is taken in and deceived by the beast will be marked for destruction.

The mark on the forehead will be their minds believing they are gazing upon the Lord. The mark on the hand will be their works for that false god.

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I am just saying...Why does everone assume it will be a chip inserted under the skin? I really feel most people would be against that, christian or not. The truth is no one really knows what the mark of the beast is or the signifigance or the number of the beast as of yet...

Simply because that is exactly were technology is not only headed, but is actually there in certain circumstances.


Well I don't want one. I don't even have a credit card for goodness sakes!

What happens if they go cashless? How are you going to pay your tag renewal? Property taxes?

Not only are they going cashless, but they are going to go to direct deposit, and get rid of checks, check, and debit cards. They are going to get rid of picture I.D. cards and it will all bundled up into the smart chip. Without it you will not be able to survive. It is the mark of the beast.

That's not entirely true, to any body left behind my segustion would be to take a lesson from the north ameircians (indians) and learn to hunt eather with bow and arow or a spear, also start learning to farm and grow crops, on top of that they must relearn how to build strustures useing nothing more than the most base tools. (mostly knives and the like)

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Not only are they going cashless, but they are going to go to direct deposit, and get rid of checks, check, and debit cards. They are going to get rid of picture I.D. cards and it will all bundled up into the smart chip. Without it you will not be able to survive. It is the mark of the beast.

You know, there are already people who live in a cashless society.

For those people, what would be the advantage or disadvantage of having a "smart chip"?

Why would they need one?

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Not only are they going cashless, but they are going to go to direct deposit, and get rid of checks, check, and debit cards. They are going to get rid of picture I.D. cards and it will all bundled up into the smart chip. Without it you will not be able to survive. It is the mark of the beast.

You know, there are already people who live in a cashless society.

For those people, what would be the advantage or disadvantage of having a "smart chip"?

Why would they need one?

And what percentage of the world would this be 1/2 of a % maybe?

It doesn't matter what percentage it is.

Just because someone lives out in the middle of nowhere, doesn't mean God has forgotten about them, or the devil for that matter.

As of right now, 1 half of 1 percent of the worlds population is 33,635,545 people. That's today. Tomorrow that number will be bigger. That's a lot of people.

God isn't only the God of the civilized world.

When it comes to the mark of the beast, those people have to be taken into account also.

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You answered your own question, satan will take them into account.

But you never answered mine.

For those people, what would be the advantage or disadvantage of having a "smart chip"?

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You answered your own question, satan will take them into account.

But you never answered mine.

For those people, what would be the advantage or disadvantage of having a "smart chip"?

They will eventually be grafted into the worlds system with the rest. They will be forced to take the mark and or worship the beast. All who do not worship God will eventually worship the beast.

Why would they need a "smart chip"?

Do you realize how long it would take to put a chip in the hand of just 1 half of 1 percent of the worlds population? That's just half of 1 percent.

Now think of the time it would take to track these people down.

It's not logical.

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Logical or no the Mark of the beast is the smart chip. Further more any other opinion of what the mark could be would run into the some problem you apparently believe the smart chip has with those that still live in uncivilized tribes.

I don't believe the mark of the beast is going to be that obvious.

Nothing is foolproof. The same technology that is used to build that chip, can be used to disarm it. Look at some of the things computer hackers can do, and a lot of them are just kids.

The devil has got you convinced that the mark of the beast is this computer chip. You're so focused on this chip that you refuse to look at anything else. You're playing right into his hand.

Why would satan, who is able to perform all those signs and wonders, need a computer chip to mark those that are his? The people who will be following him will be doing so because they want to. He isn't going to need a physical mark to tell who is his and who isn't.

The battle between good and evil is not a physical battle, it's a spiritual one.

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Am I missing something? :emot-heartbeat:

Yes...read the book of Revalation....

the mark of the beast will be in or on a person skin either the forehead or hand...anything else and it is no thte mark of the beast...it really is as simple as that. :emot-heartbeat:

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I am just saying...Why does everone assume it will be a chip inserted under the skin? I really feel most people would be against that, christian or not. The truth is no one really knows what the mark of the beast is or the signifigance or the number of the beast as of yet...

Simply because that is exactly were technology is not only headed, but is actually there in certain circumstances.


Well I don't want one. I don't even have a credit card for goodness sakes!

What happens if they go cashless? How are you going to pay your tag renewal? Property taxes?

Not only are they going cashless, but they are going to go to direct deposit, and get rid of checks, check, and debit cards. They are going to get rid of picture I.D. cards and it will all bundled up into the smart chip. Without it you will not be able to survive. It is the mark of the beast.

That's not entirely true, to any body left behind my segustion would be to take a lesson from the north ameircians (indians) and learn to hunt eather with bow and arow or a spear, also start learning to farm and grow crops, on top of that they must relearn how to build strustures useing nothing more than the most base tools. (mostly knives and the like)

There is no left behind because there is no pretrib rapture, we all need to heed the advice of Knight of Christ. Even though he is mislead about the rapture, he does give good advice about surviving the Tribulation. We need to become hunters, farmers, and fisherman. More so than all of that we need to trust in God for our provision just as the Israelites did in the desert, when he sent manna from heaven and water from a rock. Most important we all need to realize we cannot shrug off these discussion with the idea that we will not be here because of the rapture lie, unless we are dead first we will have to endure the tribulation, no matter how saved you believe yourself to be.

Lets not get into a rapture debate there are a lot of other threds out here for the, scondly I wouldent be so convinced that there will be no rapture is i where you, becouse as of now they are all only theryes including my own, becouse for all we know every last one of them could wrong, that includes pre,mid,post, and none.

And I'll thank you not to act like you are warnning everybody agenst me as if i was some kind of faulse profit. I don't take kindly to ppl trying to make themselves look like there better than everyone els.

Sorry about that I didn't relise that the wife was still loged in here my bad

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I am just saying...Why does everone assume it will be a chip inserted under the skin? I really feel most people would be against that, christian or not. The truth is no one really knows what the mark of the beast is or the signifigance or the number of the beast as of yet...

Simply because that is exactly were technology is not only headed, but is actually there in certain circumstances.


Well I don't want one. I don't even have a credit card for goodness sakes!

What happens if they go cashless? How are you going to pay your tag renewal? Property taxes?

Not only are they going cashless, but they are going to go to direct deposit, and get rid of checks, check, and debit cards. They are going to get rid of picture I.D. cards and it will all bundled up into the smart chip. Without it you will not be able to survive. It is the mark of the beast.

That's not entirely true, to any body left behind my segustion would be to take a lesson from the north ameircians (indians) and learn to hunt eather with bow and arow or a spear, also start learning to farm and grow crops, on top of that they must relearn how to build strustures useing nothing more than the most base tools. (mostly knives and the like)

There is no left behind because there is no pretrib rapture, we all need to heed the advice of Knight of Christ. Even though he is mislead about the rapture, he does give good advice about surviving the Tribulation. We need to become hunters, farmers, and fisherman. More so than all of that we need to trust in God for our provision just as the Israelites did in the desert, when he sent manna from heaven and water from a rock. Most important we all need to realize we cannot shrug off these discussion with the idea that we will not be here because of the rapture lie, unless we are dead first we will have to endure the tribulation, no matter how saved you believe yourself to be.

Lets not get into a rapture debate there are a lot of other threds out here for the, scondly I wouldent be so convinced that there will be no rapture is i where you, becouse as of now they are all only theryes including my own, becouse for all we know every last one of them could wrong, that includes pre,mid,post, and none.

And I'll thank you not to act like you are warnning everybody agenst me as if i was some kind of faulse profit. I don't take kindly to ppl trying to make themselves look like there better than everyone els.

Sorry about that I didn't relise that the wife was still loged in here my bad

Ahhh that make more since, however if you read through my post again I did not warn anyone against you or call you a false prophet, I told them that although you may be mislead about the timing of the rapture you gave us all good advice on how to live during the tribulation. :whistling:

By the way for the most part people who believe in the pretrib rapture, do so because it is what the church teaches. It is not their fault it is their teachers fault. The flock is not to be blamed because of this false teaching, the shepherds are.

Well as for the rapture part normaly i would agree with you if it wernt for the fact that i have done some extetcive resurch on the subject, and have come to the conclusion that if all the phrophceys where tobe forfilled with any real cronalogical order then pretrib is the way to go. But like i said befor it like all the others is only a theroy and will remane so untill it happens for there s no way totruly test it in any rational manner.

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