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Vine Abider

Worthy Ministers
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Vine Abider last won the day on September 21 2023

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About Vine Abider

  • Birthday 04/01/2024

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    Mountain Biking,
    RVing/Camping, Travel and
    Developing People

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  1. So I agree . . . at least I think I do . . . sorry, but I'm still not exactly sure what you are questioning from my earlier post. Maybe quote from me the specific item you are questioning. Thx
  2. Not sure . . . what is it specifically you found questionable?
  3. This morning God impressed something on me from two devotionals. One said this: "The authority of darkness is a very real thing to us. We have experiences, and if we were to capitulate to them, that would be the end of us. He tries to bring upon us that impingement of the authority of darkness, and if we surrender to it, capitulate to it, accept it, we are beaten." (from T. Auston Sparks, "The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ") It went on to say that through our environments and feelings, Satan will try to put these things above Christ and who we are in Him. Then the second devotional (copied below) talked about how important it is that we always look to Christ in everything. This is because, as Colossians 2:9 says, we "have been made full in Him!" So what is critical and needed is that we always endeavor to view ourselves as God does, and speak that reality to ourselves and others in the body of Christ! God's Estimate of Things "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you have been made full in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." Colossians 2:9-10 If God's estimate of things is centered in His Son so that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him, then who am I to challenge God about what is important in my life? I surely do not want to go after something other than Him. It is God who said that the fullness dwells in Him. Are we going to challenge God's interpretation of our life? Do we think we need something more than Christ? A better husband? A better wife? A better job? A better environment? Better security? Do not challenge God. God says, "In Him dwells all the fullness." And not only so, "You have been made full in Him." What contentment! What satisfaction! I might be deprived in my outward circumstances. I might even be tried to the limit, but I have a Christ in me who is rich and all-sufficient. He is my fullness and my satisfaction. Because Paul knew Christ as his fullness and his satisfaction, he could be in prison and talk about always rejoicing (Phil. 4:4). He could pray, sing, and praise the Lord in the midst of suffering, because his understanding was so full and rich with Christ (Acts 16:24-25). The "full assurance of understanding" and "the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord" were constantly ushering Paul into more and more experiences of Christ in his daily life (Col. 2:2; Phil. 3:7-8). (from "The Supplied Life" by B. Freeman)
  4. I just know that everything will pan out . . . hence "pan trib."
  5. Indeed! No, sin is never OK and there are various negative consequences for sin. (Condemnation is not one of those consequences, because it is part of the "done" in Christ!) And we will be held accountable for how we have built up others in the body of Christ - only those works which are of Him will remain, but the wood, hay and stubble will be burnt up in the testing fire. Lord have mercy on us that we will build effectively with Your materials!
  6. Yes, whatever it is, as someone I know likes to say, "Just bring problem to Jesus!" And that's what the sister in that book did. She had a lot of struggles with same sex attraction after she got saved, but she just kept taking it to Him. Eventually He lead her to her husband and they now have two lovely daughters, and the whole family is following Christ!
  7. Yes. It's that old question: "Is it me doing it or His Spirit/life in me doing it?" Again, yes. As Philippians 2:13 says, "For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working." So we must cooperate, that is, we let His life operate through us to do the works. But surely something of a mystery . . .
  8. FYI - I finally finished this book (I read several things at a time, over a period of time) and I highly recommend it for anyone who has struggled with same sex attraction. She pulls no punches about the sin of her being gay, and is quite clear in conveying how God worked, and is working, in her life to make very real changes in her. Jackie is very strong on the truth of her new identity in Christ, and the need for reliance on God and fellowship in the body of Christ. I found her story and writing quite genuine and refreshing. I'm now passing the book to a couple who's family has had it's share of gay related challenges.
  9. Other's here have said some good things. One mentioned that if this person predicted something that doesn't come to pass, that's a clear indicator that they are not speaking for God. I think another commented that all can prophesy, as it says in 1st Cor 14:31, but the word here does not necessarily mean to predict the future, but also to speak something from God. So all true believers can now, through the indwelling Spirit of God, speak something from Him that will build-up others in the body of Christ. And that brings me to this point - pray and ask the Lord if He has really sent this person to you. You have the inner Anointing (Christ lives in you), so He will give you the proper inclination.
  10. "As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord (by faith in Him and His work), so walk in Him." Col 2:26 "Apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5 We accept Him and the atonement He has gained for us by trusting Him; then He comes into us to empower us to do as He wills (if we let Him). Agree?
  11. I agree! - as stated in the OP: "Put another way, one is a religion and the other is actually a relationship."
  12. So if I may, let's change the subject back to the OP . . . I think that realizing the simplicity of there being really only two belief systems out there, could really help with the gospel. If someone wants to know what makes the difference between the Christian faith and all others, it's pretty easy to say something like: "All religions require you to do something to please God; the Christian faith is founded upon just believing that Christ already did the work to make us well-pleasing to God!" "Jesus answered and said, 'This is the work of God, that you believe into the One He has sent!'" John 6:29
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