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Babylon. Babylon the Fallen.

Babylon the Fallen.   The religious part of the city of Babylon deceives the nations with its demonic philosophy. The people of the earth lose their common sense and become confused in their mind. `Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord`s hand, that made all the earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore, the nations are deranged. ` (Jer. 51: 7) `The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golde

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. Babylon World Center.

Babylon World Center.   God tells us that the city of Babylon will be the World Center. It will be the Political, Economic and Religious center of the world. `And the woman (Religious Babylon) which you saw is (in) that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.` (Rev. 17: 18) We can see events moving quickly to bring this about; the ancient city being rebuilt; a modern-day city planned to be erected; access to a deep-water port for every type of ship on the sea; an

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. The Grand Port of Faw.

The Grand Port of Faw. The Grand Faw is the port under construction on the coast of Iraq, on the northern tip of the Persian Gulf. The port is considered a strategic national project for Iraq and will become one of the largest ports in the world and the largest in the Middle east. It will also strengthen Iraq`s geopolitical position in the region and the world. The port will also help create a shorter transportation corridor between the Middle East and Europe, bypassing the Suez Canal,

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. Cultural Tourism.

Cultural Tourism. Cultural Tourism will become Iraq`s second biggest industry after oil. The government of Iraq is moving forward with plans to protect the archaeological remains of the ancient City of Babylon, in preparation for building a modern city of Babylon. The project is aimed at attracting scores of `cultural tourists` from all over the world to see the glories of Mesopotamia`s most famous city. The Babylon International Festival has a goal to relaunch art, culture and ev

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. The Future Babylon Project.

The Future Babylon Project.   Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the area around Babylon came under the control of US forces. Much damage was done by military vehicles; however, the US are now working with Iraq leaders to restore Babylon.   This project is called the Future Babylon project. (2009)   Those involved will involve the local community and work to create a sustainable situation. Jeff Allen of the US side said, “The idea is to develop something that is g

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. Babylon being Rebuilt.

Babylon Being Rebuilt.   The great city of Babylon passed through many Empires – Persian, Greek, Roman and later the Muslims. However, it became insignificant as a city with much being in ruins. Looting and zealous excavation caused significant damage to the area, till finally the site became officially protected and excavated by the Kingdom of Iraq, (1921)   In 1978 the Iraq government under Saddam Hussein began the `Archaeological Restoration of Babylon Project, ` reconstru

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. Babylon the Great.

BABYLON THE GREAT. In 609 BC Nebuchadnezzar came to power and was made by God to be the ruler over the great Empire of Babylonia. The center was Babylon. It became the largest city in the world at that time. `You, O king, are a king of kings. For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory, and wherever the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven, He has given them into your hand, and has made you ruler over them all.` (Da

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. The Tower of Babel.

THE TOWER OF BABEL. After the flood Noah`s three sons (Shem, Japheth, and Ham) and their families spread out around the two rivers of the Euphrates and the Tigris. Nimrod, a grandson of Ham, became a mighty hunter and built Babel in the land of Shinar. `Cush begot Nimrod, he began to be a mighty one on the earth…..the beginning of his kingdom was Babel…in the land of Shinar…` (Gen. 10: 8 – 10) Babel – Heb. `Babel,` meaning confusion – Babylon. Many others gathered there and s

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Babylon. Overview.

OVERVIEW   Babylon is on its way toward popularity again. A mere 2600 years ago, Babylon stood as the greatest city on earth, the capital of the world. The grandeur of the mighty city can be imagined by gazing on the restoration that is in progress. Babylon is where Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens and where Alexander the Great died. Millennia before that, mankind attempted to build a tower `whose top may reach to heaven, and as a result, their languages were confused, and

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Babylon.

Daniel - Conclusion.

CONCLUSION. The Book of Daniel reveals much about God`s character and purposes. To the Nations God shows His great wisdom, power, mercy, judgment, and supreme authority. These are recognized by kings who either humbled themselves or stood against God, receiving either mercy or judgment. The people of the empires were told of God`s great power and authority, by awesome events that happened – the fiery furnace, the lion`s den, etc. Thus, the Gentiles were given a visible demonstration of

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Summary.

SUMMARY.   God purpose for Israel is revealed. They will be chastised not only for not keeping the Sabbath rests, (70 years) but also for everyday that Israel rebelled against God and His laws, (70 x 7 years, 490 days). This time frame however had a gap after Israel rejected their Messiah, (Jesus). And that `gap` gave room for God`s other purpose, (the Body of Christ) whereas Israel would be scattered amongst the nations for over two thousand years. Then at the end of the Gen

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Israel`s Delieverance.

Israel`s Deliverance. When the Global Leader goes over to Jerusalem at the end of the seven years, Michael, the great angelic Prince shall stand in the gap for Israel.   `(The global leader) shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain;…` (Dan. 11: 45) `At that time Michael shall stand up , the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people;…` (Dan. 12: 1)   Daniel now sees `two men` clothed in linen, one above the

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Daniel`s Vision of the Lord.

Daniel`s Vision of the Lord. Daniel was in mourning for three weeks and then when he went down to the riverbank, he saw a wondrous vision of the Lord. `Behold, a certain man clothed in linen, whose waist was guided with gold…His body was like beryl, His face like the appearance of lightning, His eyes like torches of fire, His arms, and feet like burnished bronze…and the sound of His voice of a multitude. ` (Dan. 10: 5 & 6) Daniel was overcome, however the Lord told him not to

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - God`s Time Frame for Israel.

God`s Time Frame for Israel. God has revealed to Daniel that a king shall arise in the latter times and desecrate their sanctuary. God also shows where this king will arise from. Now God is revealing to Daniel the time of Israel`s chastisement and final deliverance. It was in the reign of King Darius the Mede, that Daniel was reading the prophecies of Jeremiah. He read that seventy years was the time span that God would accomplish Jerusalem`s desolations. Thus, Daniel set his face towa

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Final Gentile Ruler.

The Final Gentile Ruler. God reveals to Daniel not only the next two great Empires that were to come, but also what would happen in the latter time of the victor. The scene is set pictorially but explained by the angel Gabriel. Daniel is in the empire of Babylon and then the Medes and Persians will rule, (ram with two horns) till they are confronted by the king of Greece, Alexander the Great, (goat) who is the victor. The angel points out that four kingdoms would arise from Greece and

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Section 2. Israel.

Section 2. Israel.   Previously God was dealing with the Nations, (Gentiles) and He revealed His Time Frame for them ruling the world, from Babylon to the final Gentile Global Government. Then God also revealed the great Federations leading to the final Gentile Rulership. Now in Section 2 God is dealing with Israel. The language now changes from Aramaic to Hebrew, the language of the Jews. God unfolds the length of time Israel will be under God`s chastisement and then what will ha

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Summary.

SUMMARY.   SECTION 1. The Nations. This section from Dan. 2: 4 – 7: 28 was written in Aramaic, the international language of the time. This would enable the nations to understand what God had done and will do in the Nations. God reveals His power, authority, and purpose in His dealings with the King of Babylon and the Medes and Persians.   1.God`s Wisdom – revealing His Time Frame for the Gentile`s Rulership across the centuries.   2.God`s Power – demonstrated

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Throne Room.

The Throne Room. After the vision of the great powers, (beasts) Daniel kept looking and was shown a truly amazing scene. This was the very throne room of God in the third heaven with the Ancient of Days on His throne.  It is the Lord Himself in His ageless, timeless, changeless character. His white garment symbolizes His purity, His holiness, while His hair like pure wool indicates His great wisdom. The fiery flame of His throne issuing forth a fiery stream, reveals that this is a

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Daniel`s Vision.

Daniel`s Vision. Although Daniel had this vision in the time of the previous king, Belshazzar, it does complete this section of the book of Daniel relating to the Nations. Thus this vision is presented after the narrative of Daniel`s life so far. God had revealed the times of the Gentiles ruling from Babylon to the final Gentile Government in our day. Now, Daniel is given the view of the great powers leading up to this final Gentile rulership when God will judge it and bring in His ow

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Plot against Daniel.

THE PLOT AGAINST DANIEL. King Darius (the Mede) was now ruler over the great kingdom. He set Daniel in a very high position as one of the three governors overall. Daniel excelled above the others and the king thought to raise him over them. This caused envy among the other governors who set about to trap Daniel. Since they could find no fault with Daniel they devised a scheme whereby they would have a law established that they knew Daniel would not uphold – praying to God instead of th

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Feast.

THE FEAST. Over time another king arose, called Belshazzar. He was a proud man and decided to give a feast for a thousand of his lords, their wives and concubines. As they drank the wine, Belshazzar called for the vessels of gold and silver taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Then as they praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone, a man`s hand appeared with writing on the wall.   The king was troubled and cried out for his astrologers, soothsa

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The King is Humbled.

THE KING IS HUMBLED. Many years later King Nebuchadnezzar had another dream. He called all his magicians and counsellors to interpret the dream. When they couldn`t tell the king what his dream meant, Daniel was called and the king told him the dream. “I was looking and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great. The tree grew and became strong: and it could be seen to the ends of the earth. Its leaves were lovely, and its fruit abundant, and in it was food for a

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - Bow or Burn.

BOW OR BURN. King Nebuchadnezzar had a great golden image made. He sent word to gather all the governors, administrators, counsellors, judges and officials of the province to come to the dedication. Then when they heard the music they were to fall down and worship it or be cast into the fiery furnace. Everyone did except Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. The king was in rage and fury and spoke to them, “Is it true that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Great Image. (Part 2)

Daniel then explained that this Gentile system of Government would be done away with and God would establish His own kingdom rulership. God would set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed. `In the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume these kingdoms; and it shall stand forever.` (Dan. 2: 44)   `Inasmuch as you saw that the stone w

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

Daniel - The Great Image. (Part 1)

THE GREAT IMAGE. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which troubled his spirit. He tested his magicians, astrologers and sorcerers to tell him the dream and its interpretation. If they couldn`t the king said he would have them killed. The king`s counsellors said that no one but the gods could know such a thing. The decree went out to kill all the counsellors, even Daniel and his friends. So Daniel went into the king to ask him for time that he might tell the king the interpretation.   

Marilyn C

Marilyn C in Daniel.

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