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Albert Finch



This is often the case when God transitions you from one spiritual environment to another. In your current environment, you've experienced everything of God and the life of faith that there is capacity to express. For example, you may have been part of an evangelical church with incomplete scriptural teaching. You have come to a place where the "improve yourself" sermons are not working on your spiritual life. Each week after all the "making you a better person" sermons along with the Church programs and hoopla, you begin to see yourself running on a weekly hampster wheel going nowhere fast. This may be a signal that transition is in the wind.


You come to understand that God wants to expose you to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. However, your current church simply doesn't have a paradigm for that. Something is being quenched inside you.
God transitions you into a new environment where there is a much greater openness to things of the Spirit. You begin to encounter Him in new ways. It can almost feel as if you've been born again – again.


When Elijah was taken to Heaven, his mantle was picked up by Elisha. This initiated a new phase of ministry for the younger prophet.
Some of your old "coats" or "mantles" have expired. They were God's anointing for a specific assignment or purpose in a previous season. But now He wants to remantle you for what lies ahead. Picking up the new requires being willing to release the old.


God brought you into your current season for a reason -- now that season is over. The danger is that you settle and stay too long. You allow a temporary stopover to become a permanent habitation.
In Genesis 11:31 we read, "One day Terah took his son Abram... and moved away from Ur of the Chaldeans. He was headed for the land of Canaan, but they stopped at Haran and settled there. Terah lived for 205 years and died while still in Haran."
Terah was called to Canaan, but instead he settled in Haran and died there. He stopped short of his destiny and finished up in the wrong place.
There are Believers with great callings and dreams from God that get settled and stuck in a place they were only meant to stay for a limited time. They became too comfortable. They struggled with fear of the unknown. Disappointments and hurts from the past kept them from pioneering and taking new risks.
In Deuteronomy 1:6–7, God tells Moses, "...You have stayed at this mountain long enough. It is time to break camp and move on..."
That's a word for some Believers today. You've been here long enough. It's time to move on.


Sometimes God transitions you because something has changed in your environment. A place that was once safe and welcoming has become toxic and destructive. A relationship has become abusive. A boss demeans and mistreats you. A job has become too isolating. A church or ministry has become controlling. To remain there will be damaging or detrimental to your well-being.
Move on. Do whatever you need to do. You must protect yourself and those under your care.


You could be in the middle of a transition, but until now, you haven't realized it. If you discover that you're in between two seasons start to dress for the season you're entering, not the one you're leaving behind.



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An agreeable devotion.

A corollary concept came to mind:


David’s decision not to use Saul’s armor during his encounter with Goliath is a fascinating moment in the biblical narrative. Let’s explore the reasons behind this choice:

  1. Armor Unfamiliarity:

    • When Saul offered his armor to David, it was a generous gesture. However, David was not accustomed to wearing such heavy armor. He wasn’t used to moving in it, and it would have hindered his agility.
    • As mentioned in 1 Samuel 17:38, Saul clothed David with his own garments, including a bronze helmet and a coat of armor. But David found them cumbersome and uncomfortable.
  2. Faith and Trust:

    • David’s refusal to wear Saul’s armor reflects his faith and trust in God. He believed that his victory over Goliath would come from divine intervention rather than human strength or protective gear.
    • David had a deep reliance on God, and he wanted to face Goliath in a way that demonstrated this trust. Using Saul’s armor might have implied dependence on human resources rather than divine assistance.
  3. Unique Approach:

    • David chose a sling and stones as his weapons. This unconventional choice surprised everyone, including Goliath. While Goliath mocked David for his seemingly inadequate tools, David knew that God would empower him.
    • In the end, David’s faith, courage, and reliance on God led to his remarkable victory over the giant.

In summary, David’s decision not to use Saul’s armor was a combination of practical considerations (unfamiliarity) and a deep spiritual conviction (faith in God’s providence). His reliance on God’s strength ultimately proved victorious, demonstrating that sometimes the most unexpected methods lead to the greatest triumphs123.

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Interesting thoughts... as to David perhaps it was what God had prepared him with- the wild animals which came to him in the motivation of hunger... this giant was in his estimation no greater threat and was relying upon the tools that God had him use to rid those threats...

1 Samuel 17:36 (KJV)

[36] Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.

[37] David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.

David saw the armor as intrusive to that which God had used with him before... 

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