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SweetRain last won the day on September 25 2011

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About SweetRain

  • Birthday 06/07/1990

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    In love with my first love, My holy savior. Blessed with a wonderful future with family and friends. And now hoping to be a missionary one day with a special someone. :)

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  1. We are not married yet but we have noticed that our spending could be a problem once we are married. So we have been trying to get use to trust each other with our money so it won't be too awkward to fork over money. Though we would like good advice on budgeting. We both have separate homes and our own set of bills. Though lately we are both hit hard financially and struggle to have enough to stretch out our paychecks long enough until the next pay period. I think a bigger issue is the recent need of supplying others needs in our families aswell. I don't mind giving money to family if they are in need, bust its really crippling my bfs ability to save. This month we both had to be late on bills because of it and both of our houses are nearly out of food. :-( we are both constantly open about the spending so I know any advice I get he'll be willing to try. I just want to find a way for us to manage our money, especially knowing that we r in a possition to have to give money every time we get paid.
  2. Paster John Beveres book "relentless" would really encourage you right now. A lot of people in my church, including myself had that attack experience all at once. Its the spirit of infermity. God is with you, he doesn't create trauma to kill us, its satans job. If satan can keep you from confidentally live and speak Gods word over yourself then he will seem to reign more over ur life than God. I remember itgot so bad for me that I was afraid to step outside, but remember that God did not give use a spirit of fear but a clear and sound mind. God wants to give you not just peace, but peace that surpasses all understanding. That means when the devil tries to kill u at all angles, you have joy in your heart because you know that this season will pass and God is in control. Speak life over your situation and dedicate it all to God. The devil is forced to leave when the holy spirit is in charge. "Greater is he that is within [you] than he is in the world" ! Praying for you!
  3. I grew up self concious about my own version of weight and body image. So I. Always avoided looking at weight and just learn to accept my size. On the otherhand, its terribly hard to know how to motivate someone you love to accept themselves and change their size because of their health risks. I feel evil when I cough him not to eat too much because I get flashbacks of how people hatefully tried to control me to think I wasn't a "normal" looking woman. We both love each other so there isn't a awkward. Hesitancy of telling the truth and opening up about things. But this area is very senitive so it have been a topic I avoid to say. I love what he looks like now cuz looks isn't everything btwn us and I'm use to complimenting his looks, but he's telling me that he's on the verge of diabetes or other risks so I feel like I'm complementing him straight into sickness.... any advice on this??? n
  4. I wonder if I scan myself, I could get a twin???? Then my sister and I could duplicate ourselves and then ther would be four of us!!!! Hehe I'm excited for the future now. ^.^
  5. This year is my first official attempt to cook for christmas... *scared* lol! My parents are going to be gone for the holidays so I'm going to try to cook for my siblings. Any easy recipe ideas you could give to a newbie at this?? Thanks! ^.^
  6. There are womens groups at my church its just taking me forever to go... its wierd because I can't really pin point whats making me so sluggish. I know most of it is because I don't have friends I could spend my days off work with but I dont see why it would bother me that bad.
  7. I agree on the points made here, especially of both making sure to have self control as well as good alone time. I kind of went through a phase where I had to be socially isolated so my alone time outside of church was more of a focus I needed to devote to God. But in the reverse, when i was surrounded with friends and family who took up most of my attention, going to church was important so that I wouldnt lose the importance of setting aside time for God amongst my busy schedule. My concern within the past few months actually ran deeper than just my lack of wanting to go to church. Its like my life went numb and I didnt realize how bad it got until it was drawn to my attention. I had gone through a brief bad start when i moved out on my own which kind of crippled my confidence. I didn't know anyone out here when i moved so I relied on God alot on company and sanity when things got rough. but sometimes when I notice that I can't really change my situation, I lost the urge to take care of myself or do much of anything. Like for example, my biggest struggle I have is affording stuff like food. it would be murder everytime i had to go grocery shopping because I wouldnt have enough to last for a few days, not alone a week. Then on top of that, my appartment has bad bug problem so i would have to spend on making sure i don't get too much of them. I felt embarassed whenever I thought about wanting friends because i feared that htey would come over one day and see my appartment and think bad of me. I work alot and come home super tired so I already dont have a desire to fix something to eat for myself so sometimes I don't eat at all, my appartment is never clean because all i want to do is sleep. And then I wonder why I'm always tired at work. I have a church that I go to but I haven't connected to any group because I'm too tired to go and I don't really have the drive to as I use too. So for months I would work and sleep. The only time I really ate was on my break at work and probably did small shopping on my off day. The only reason why I found out how far I was getting in neglecting myself was because my bf warned me about it when he realized how thin I was compared to a pic of me several weeks before all this. This past week is the best improvement I have made in a long time. Though its awkward trying to force myself to do everything, I do take better care of myself. My biggest struggle I have right now is getting involved in my church, or anything beyond just sitting at home. Theres alot of ways for me to not be such a loner but everytime its time for church i just dont go. I had this problem before because I would just get tired of going to church or events by myself, and normally I could just force myself to get over it and move on. but its a miracle to motivate myself to go unless I can go but not have to talk to anyone while im there.
  8. I don't have much time right now (library computer) i'll post more later, but in brief: I was wondering if its normal to have periods when your not really motivated to go to church anymore. not saying I lost my faith in God or anything. Actually its kinda the opposite. I just find myself kind of just not fully myself when I go. I spend more time talking to God than really listening to what is being said at church. Or I feel more interested in staying home and just waiting for him to talk to me than really going. Its kinda like i'm wanting specific stuff to talk to God and so I really just daydream in church. So I kinda skip...
  9. I pray that God will protect those in Nigeria and all around the world who face tragedies such as this.
  10. This was my favorite worship song growing up.
  11. Ditto! I've been somewhat better, somewhat backfiring. I don't fear dying anymore since its not in my control, though I think about it sometimes. When my friend past away who loved God alot it was the first time I didn't actually fear death. It didn't seem like something learking behind me at any moment. And if I did feel that way I wasn't scared because I knew that if I died Jesus was going to be the one who takes me home. At the funeral when I saw her for the last time was the strangest because I felt completely happy. She finally got to see the face of God, the one who loved me and only could be around in a limited point. I had to admit, I was a little excited to finally have my funeral day. God has been helping me to not let fear eat me and fester on me. Because thats pretty much what it came to. And now that I'm more excited about seeing my savior, satan seems to put other obstacles of fear in my way. Because of the possible depth of what God is calling me, it could say either way on how much satan tries to tear me down. I'm holding onto God so that each time a new fear pops up, God will give me a new level of strength to not be afraid...
  12. Hey I'm not a kid!! I am a certified adult, with a capital "A". I know when I was younger I would play my favorite games at certain levels of urgency: If the game was ugly and difficult I would only watch my siblings play and waste the whole day away; if the scenery in the game was beautiful and the characters where cute then I would waste a whole day. Now if the characters in the game were designed attractive, had beautiful scenery and I got irritated everytime a enemy character hurt my favorite character.... I would play that game all week, barely sleep or eat until I made sure my enemies didn''t mess with my precious character! The sad part though is that I usually played video games because of the pretty colours and the cute storyline. So I never really finished levels.. Atleast until something made me mad lol. And therefore the cycle of gaming never ends. Lol, though I got over playing games really quick when it started to interfer with my new coveted hobby. (saving money lol) I love looking at games but it better be free or I can care less. lol, I don't really watch tv much because I know I could be doing something else with my life... though computer is a complex situation... some days I dont care and be on for two minutes, other days I'm on all the time. Though recently I've been on during scheduled occations aka job searching.. so really its more about improving myself rather than watching a pretty tv screen.
  13. First off I want to say in response to your long researched post...... HI ISAIAH!!! *WAVING* ^.^ I think that is why the wii and "connect" is a better choice for games. Your whole body gets tired, therefore the urge to stop playing the game is higher. Except when I'm playing against my rival on the dance revolution game..... I refuse to lose!!!! Lol
  14. My dream one day is to aid the chinese churches over there. I pray that God will give us strength to not give up. In all things, through Christ, it is possible to overcome. I know that God will rise up and bring his message to his hungry people. And I can't wait until a revival and a great break through accures over there.
  15. You see, we all die physically, One thing I have noticed, more then one person in the Bible were raised from the dead. They all died again! Not one of them, at least to my knowledge is alive and kicking on earth to this day. So why worry about our physical death. The when and how we die is not as important as how we lived, and if we have chosen Jesus or not. So if we have chosen Christ, then our physical death is only the beginning of a new and eternal life with Christ. This then makes it clear why the word says This means we get to be with the Lord with 100% of our being. So does this mean that we should seek to die? To become self destructive, to become depressed and not to try to live? No! Lets look at what Paul says. For we can be fruitful in our life, as he says to live is Christ! We are to live for Christ and yet look forward to heaven. As C.S. Lewis put it Now there is hope when you are in Christ. How ever if you reject him, you have chosen the spiritual second death, known as hell. You chose this while on earth. Now to address the question of God killing or ordering the killing of people in the old testament. If its only the physical death, which we all face anyway then I do not see an issue. You see since we all die and go to the judgment seat of God, then as I stated before, its not as important how/when we die but how we lived. If we lived an evil life on earth, and God takes us off to prevent us from causing more harm, is that not up to him? If God killed a child molester who had molested several children and kept doing it unrepentantly, would anyone call God evil, or cruel, for taking a danger off the earth to the final judgment? You see when ever God did order or cause the death of people in the Bible, there was a good reason. He took them to the Judgment, where he judged them by there life on earth. So in a nutshell its this. If you don't know Christ, he wants to give you life, and life eternal. He made the way so you can join him! If you know Christ, then do not forget to think about heavenly things, to life for Christ not for yourself. I know to many people who professing Christ, seem to forget this. They only focus on selfish things and do not live for Christ but for themselves. They miss the whole point! And for those who are struggling remember we have Hope! You Post is really good! Even though it took me forever to finally finish reading it all (I blame you though for writing a novel). Other than that, keep up the good work and watch out for the monkey's.... THERE EVERWHERE... O.O LOL *hides Hey not my fault that I can talk the hind leg off a donkey as my grandma always said I could... and yes monkeys are everywhere.. they're coming to get you. Hide Isaiah Hide!!!! its the monkey apocalypse!!! Wait...... I hear that they only see you when you make sudden movements....! Oh no! It spotted me!!!! *runs in fear* O.o
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