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  1. It is interesting! Might be a bit secular for some in the modern adaptation, but well worth watching.
  2. Ok I will take the plunge, I am AC, and I feel that some things have gotten better, some have not. In the context of this country we have a bi-racial president, in terms of our individual behavior we still have a long way to go. Could it be that God will be judging this country, and all of us? Why does it have to be about race or race riots. Maybe it will be something else that hits us. I know that we, including me, need to be more prayful, and put aside all the other nonsense. I don't want to go on and on, but do you understand what I am saying here? Nuf said? I hope so. God bless you.
  3. be very careful about taking what people "prophecy" over you for fact, for gospel...... normally, the Lord will let you know first, and another might confirm it.... some try to pass them selves off as being a prophet and all they are really doing is practicing a form of witchcraft, they become very controlling and if a person does not listen to them, or follow what they say shuld be done, they get upset even to the point of even trying to pass a curse to some one such as saying " May God Have Mercy on Your Soul" or " If your not going to listen to me, I'll just have to shake the dust from my feet" and other things, even calling a person Godless, or follower of satan or some other thing trying to get the person to bend to their will...... and they have nothing really to do with being a prophet of God.... I have seen one man, go up and try to be a prophet of God, but here is the first thing to look at...... ARE THEY WALKING IN THE SPIRIT??????? another question to ask is WHAT FRUIT ARE THEY PRODUCING? this man was living in sin with a woman that followed him like a sick puppy, she also was playing the "good Christian" going to church every time it was open, but then would show up at one families house asking to borrow money to load up her cell phone, or for money to get a preg test, cause she thinks she is preg (this happened about every other month).... while bedding down with this lady, he was trying to tell another lady ( a true woman of God) that God told him that she was suppose to marry him..... she started laughing at him..... one day he called me over, and said, Mike, do you know that God is calling you? I said Absolutely, and I know what He is calling me to do, and I am in preparation for this call, then I looked at him in the eye, and asked him, is God calling you? his chin hit his chest and he didnt say a word.... I told him, God is calling every one of us, are you listening to what He is calling you to do? he said no, I then asked are you doing what God has told you to do? he said no, I asked what are you going to do about it? he shrugged... I looked at him, tried to get him to look at me and told him that God wants him to prepare himself, to sanctify himself, to get ready, God has already done His part, now it is time for you to do your part. I asked him if he needed help getting ready, he said no, I asked if he knew what he was suppose to do? he said yes, i then asked if he was going to do it? he shrugged..... turned and walked away..... he would do this to anyone that would listen to him and accept him for being a "prophet" when some one confronted him, he would turn and run, and would not even approach them again..... some times people will try and tell a person one thing, such as what she told you, and then when she thinks it is not going the way they "prophecied" they will recant the verbage and try to tell you something else...... not much different then some one saying they never did this, that or other.... and then later when their lie has been found out, they start doing some side stepping trying to say that is not what they said..... we had a president do that not too long ago, and then try to get the focus off of his impeachment and onto other things, even from the subject of the question to trying to twist the question around to where he is wanting a specific definition of a single word in order to have the question say what he wants it to..... some people will use this to bring themselves into the center of attention, if they are not the center of attention, they start nasty things towards others..... a form of witchcraft.... Just be very careful when some one is telling you, that you should be doing this, that, or other, if it does not line up with the calling you are receiving, then trash it, watch the fruit of their efforts..... I have seen one pastors wife, she even came out and said now that i have gotten rid of all the trouble makers, this church will be really good now...... the trouble makers, called her on issues that did not line up with the Bible..... not issues on pre, mid or post trib, or issues like this, it was things that if the kids were coming in and you were the childrens teacher, she would step in and take over and if the kids started dwendling after she took over, she would tag you as the one as being a trouble maker.... she went around for well over a year, claiming to be carrying a child that was a miricel of God that she was barren and that this child was a holy child........ that was 6 years ago, and the last i heard, she is still pregnant and there hs been no kid born.... hmmm just be careful mike I agree with Mike. I can only say that I am not perfect, nor well versed in scripture or anything, but a lot of drama can get played out it church. In other words, we are human and we bring our "stuff" with us to church as well. I guess the best bet is if you think that someone is the person for you, or that it is prophetic, then pray and ask God to reveal to you in no uncertain terms, that the guy is who he has for you. I would also trust my gut and not share anymore information with anyone. I guess with some prophetic revelation it is better to keep it to yourself, until you feel God gives you permission to speak on it. God bless you, and I hope you are able to get the answers you need.
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