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John 8:7

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Everything posted by John 8:7

  1. What do you mean "will not"? He's already put the country in greater debt in a few months than Bush did in 8 years! Acually, Obama has spent no where near 6 trillion in these past few months.
  2. As a liberal christian that used to be a conservative christian, I understand why many of you think this. I understand where all this paranioa and fear is coming from. But, we are not in the "end days" as you all put it. I gurantee you, our great-grandchildren will learn about how Obama was an adaquate president, no better or worse than those that came before or after. Obama will spend no more money than Bush, and no one was complaining when Bush spent 6 trillion during his term. The world has been in a constant state of abhorrance, hatred, war, violence, genocide... etc, since the dawn of civilization. The only difference is, we have 24 hour cable news networks, like FOX or MSNBC, that emmit FEAR into the public. As a liberal, I cannot STAND, MSNBC because they are passionate about subjects, and ommit information that hurts their ideals. FOX does exactly the same thing, just for conservatives. "Fair and Balanced," "The place the for politics," these are not true. Today, for example, Sarah Palin will resign in three weeks. On MSNBC, they talked about how Sarah Palin did not serve her full term and was unfaithful to the people that voted for her. On FOX, they talked about how she was speaking from the heart, and it would not affect her run for 2012. Same exact story, one presented in a biased way against her , one biased for her. They are simply trying to shove their political beliefs into you. These networks try to make up your mind about everything. If you agree with everything that FOX or MSNBC says, check yourself. I challenge you, just for one month, only get your news from local cable networks. Local networks are not nearly as biased as 24hour ones. After that month, you will have little, if any paranoia towards Obama. (The reason the "end days" aren't here, is because of the UNIVERSE. It is 13.7 billion light years across. Don't your think we have some purpose exploring this? Don't you think that it will take thousands of years to adaquatley do this?) With love, The only liberal in Kansas.
  3. Yes, it is very important for America to have the seperation of church and state. If we do not, then we eliminate FAITH. When our government is a theocrasy, it tells us which religion is right. Not only that, but what denomination should our government be? Methodists, Baptists, Lutheran... etc. Anyone who was not already a member of which ever denomination we choose, would be unhappy. Plus, what if our government decides to be Jewish, Islamic, or Budists? America may have been founded on Judo-Christian values, but America is a place of freedom of religion. God gave us FREE WILL, the right to choose our religion, the right to find the correct one. If public schools force kids to pray before class, I would be upset. If that had happened to me, I would intentionally not pray, because I was being forced to. God will be on the side of our govenrment no matter what, I am certain of this. Even if an athiest president were to lead us, (And there is a lot of evidence that some presidents in the past were secretly athiests), God would be on our side. Church and State should NEVER be unseperated. When you do that, you end up with a place like Iran.
  4. I saw this movie. It was kind of funny, but it was a lot of hit and miss. As a comedy it deserves a 1 out of 4 stars. The movie attempts to bring up philosophical concepts of God, like why does God allow evil? However, it fails miserably, to the point where I was not even offended. The only point in the movie that did a half-decent job of discussing the topic of God, was when both lead actors where in a sacred chamber. Jack Black is on the side of people believing in God, and Michael is on the side of Athiesm. Neither side made any good points. There is no reason that any Christian could be offended by this. It's comedy, God invented comedy, if someone wants to make fun of God or Christianity, I don't care. Some of my favorite comedians are athiests. No one has ever lost their faith because of a joke about God. This movie is just trying to get a rise out of Christians, in the hopes that we will do something that makes Christians look like ignorant hot-heads. So, don't go see this movie. Not because it will attempt to convince you that God does not exists, (If your are convinced, it is highly questionable if you had faith in the first place), but because it is simply not a funny movie. Remember, Christ was always cool-headed and smart in his actions. We should do the same, don't give them any reason to make fun of Christianity.
  5. This is something I have always struggled with. If heaven is perfect, a utopia, how can that be if it is made up of billions of people? Billions of different political, personal views that sometimes contradict each other. There a racists in Heaven, since many Christians were racists back before the civil rights movement. I could not phathom living with racists for all eternity. How would black people get along with white-supremesists, and vice-versa? So in order for Heaven to be perfect, in order for everyone to live in harmony, our mindset would have to be changed. Everyone thinking the same thing, the same way. Basically, brainwashing, which ironically would make heaven a dystopia. Or maybe we all have our own seperate heaven, where everything that WE consider perfect exists. So, maybe Heaven is perfect, and how it works, humans cannot comprehend, or it isn't prefect, it's just a place that is much better than Earth. So if it is the latter, maybe evil thoughts can exist in Heaven, or maybe God simply made Satan a prideful being, which led to his corruption. We will probably never know in this life, and when we do know, it will be to late to have any relavance.
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