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Everything posted by liselotte03

  1. I do not seem to hear a great deal about Bible prophecy at most Baptist churches I have attended (a decent number, across several states). If they do mention the End Times, they seem to kind of skirt around the issue, and not mention as many specifics. This is true of most medium-large churches I have been to. Why is this, in your opinion? Why the general fear about discussing specifics of Bible prophecy in a lot of Protestant churches, both denominational and non-demoninational? Are the pastors afraid of offending people so much? I have to listen to radio programs on the internet and radio to hear some spiritual "meat" on this subject. I have also done some research of my own over the years, since I did not hear a lot in churches on this topic growing up... There are some churches, as some of these posts point out, that DO discuss Bible prophecy, but they are few and far between in this thirsty land. I think we are preparing to see a U.S.-led invasion of Libya that will affect the geo-politics of the region in a MAJOR way.
  2. How long does anyone else think it will be until gas hits $5 per gallon, this summer or sooner? Already it is approaching $4.00 per gallon here. The situation in Libya certainly is not making things any better at the pump.
  3. Yes, and there was a massive fish kill reported today off of the coast of CA, near Redondo Beach area. These cannot be a coincidence. We are seeing things in Revelation that appear to be nearing fulfillment in these Last Days. Most of these massive fish and bird deaths happened at the beginning of the year. Sure has been an interesting couple of months, from Arkansas to California, where the most recent deaths of animals were reported!
  4. Thank you for the post. We all need to be reminded of that now and then. Blessings! ~New member
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