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Everything posted by boldlion

  1. Firstly, your definition is wrong. It is a mistake to use the translator's usage of the term to define the meaning of the word. For instance: H7585 sh'owl or shol; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), including its accessories and inmates :- grave, hell, pit. Notice the words after the ":-" symbols which refer to the KJ translator's usage of the term and not the actual definition itself. Mt 10:28 "And do not fear from those who are killing the body, yet are not able to kill the soul. Yet be fearing Him, rather, Who is able to destroy the soul as well as the body in Gehenna (1067). G1067 geena valley of (the son of) Hinnom; ge-henna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment. Why would God annihilate someone in the place of everlasting punishment ? This would contradict the entire purpose of 'Gehenna'. Matthew 18:8 Now, if your hand or your foot is snaring you, strike it off and cast it from you. Is it ideal for you to be entering into life maimed or lame, or, having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the fire eternal? Notice Matthew 18:8 does not explicitly state eternal life either, but we know from the context of the text that it is referring to 'eternal life'. Likewise, the scriptures don't have to always explicitly state terms like "eternal death", "perishing forever" etc. Revelation 14:11 And the fumes of their torment are ascending for the eons of the eons. And they are having no rest day and night, those worshiping the wild beast and its image, and if anyone is getting the emblem of its name. "Having no rest day and night" certainly doesn't indicate annhilation but a continuous awareness. Conclusion Many, including Christians, choose to either ignore the concept of 'eternal punishment' or explain it away in terms of concepts like 'annihilationism'. However, I believe that this is an excuse used by unbelievers and some Christians to justify themselves by not doing what God wants them to do. The errors above are typical responses by sadly, even many Christians. I believe that these errors typically stem from the belief that God is love and therefore would not put someone into such a horrible position. However, this idea is false and does not reflect the Word of God. Make no mistake, the place for the unrighteous is one of eternal torment. Perhaps I can leave the reader with a final scripture. Matthew 25:46 And these shall be coming away into chastening forever, yet the just into life eternal."
  2. Genesis 6:6 And regretting is Yahweh Elohim that He made humanity on the earth, and grieving to His heart. Genesis 6:7 And saying is Yahweh Elohim, "Wipe will I the humanity, which I have created, off the surface of the ground, from human unto beast, and unto the moving animal, and unto the flyer of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them." God doesn't make mistakes, man does. Is it God's mistake that someone perishes forever ? Yet God is prepared to give you a lifetime to repent. If you don't repent, that is not God's mistake. I know the verses. But you didn't explain how God didn't make a mistake. You cannot regret a thing you are not sorry for. Being regretful and making a mistake are not automatically dependent on one another. For instance, I can regret something that someone else has done, but that doesn't mean that it is my mistake. Perhaps I shouldn't have given this person so much liberty, but because of my kindness and love for that person, I did it in the hope that that person would turn back to me of their own volition. This is like how God is towards mankind. He doesn't turn mankind into robots, He gave each person their own mind to decide as they please. He doesn't force us to do anything ! But sin entered the world through Adam and at some point (hence the flood) it had to be dealt with. What the sciptures above also demonstrate, is that He has a heart and has feelings too.
  3. Genesis 6:6 And regretting is Yahweh Elohim that He made humanity on the earth, and grieving to His heart. Genesis 6:7 And saying is Yahweh Elohim, "Wipe will I the humanity, which I have created, off the surface of the ground, from human unto beast, and unto the moving animal, and unto the flyer of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them." God doesn't make mistakes, man does. Is it God's mistake that someone perishes forever ? Yet God is prepared to give you a lifetime to repent. If you don't repent, that is not God's mistake.
  4. Your life that you now live is temporary. You have two options. Live forever in peace and happiness or perish in eternal torment. (Yes, 'the lake of fire' is real, very real). Friend, God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. You are on this forum for a reason and you are asking this question for a reason. If you get 'born again', then God will give you health, happiness and meaning in your current life. But consider the meaning and happiness that you will have for all eternity !! The promises of God for those that are for Him are too great to miss out. But Jesus Christ is coming back very very soon !! Your time on this earth is running out fast ! We have to be ready for Him.
  5. I think the problem with this New Christianity idea might not be about lies, but it doesn't tell the whole truth. I think Romans 10:9 might be an example of not preaching the whole truth, when speaking of scripture. Romans 10:9 King James Version (KJV) 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved I'm sure we have all heard during a Sermon that we must confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, but how many times have we heard we must believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead? I'm just guessing, but I would say it is 20 - 1, least it seems that way. Side Note: Happy 4th Of July Everybody Candice I know you folks don't celebrate the 4th of July (it's a USA thing), but have a happy 4th of July anyway. In my neck of the woods it is a beautiful sunny day, hope it is there too. Happy 4th to you as well Brother. And yeah I agree, Ro 10:9 is not wrong but it is only a portion of the story. Yes, if only people were more concerned about the tongue in their mouth, than speaking in tongues.... 2 Thessolonians 1: 7 and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8 in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, Maybe Paul should close his mouth then as well ?
  6. 'Gehenna' is a place of eternal torment. Mt 25:46 "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal."
  7. G646 apostasia defection from truth (properly, the state) ("apostasy"). Therefore, it strongly indicates someone who supported the truth, who then defected. This is rampart today, with the opposition to 'speaking in tongues'.
  8. Fair enough question. I have faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and (try to) live a life of obedience to Him. I am filled with His Spirit as evidence of this. You need to receive the Holy Spirit and you will know this when you speak in tongues. Candice, you don't want to get this wrong otherwise you will spend eternity in the wrong place.
  9. ~candice~, How did you know that you were saved ?
  10. Sadly, not just new Christianity but old Christianity brings with it several deceptions. 1. Telling others they are saved when they are not. The new christianity preaches a hybrid salvation message of part truth, part lie. For example, that one is saved by "confessing with their mouth, believing in your heart". One can confess with their mouth and believe in their heart as much as they like, this does not guarantee salvation. All of Paul's letters were written to "saints", that is, they were saved already !! Romans 10:9 is irrelevant for someone wanting to obtain salvation !! "give your heart to the Lord". Where does this statement occur in the bible ? "accepting Jesus as Lord". You can accept Jesus as Lord as much as you like, but be totally unsaved. Saying the "sinner's prayer". Where is this in the bible ? Just believe. No. It's not enough to just believe. You must be born again. 2. The once saved alway saved concept 3. Ignoring the concept that their is a real lake of fire of eternal torment waiting for the unjust. Many like to talk about love. But what about the "love of the truth" ?
  11. I agree. Probably many don't preach it because they believe in the "once saved always saved" lie. A person must realise that their are consequences to their actions. We can, and I have been guilty of this too, accentuate the positives to the complete exclusion of the negatives. For instance, Jesus said, "Repent or perish". However, sadly, many have rejected the Pentecostal experience and are opposed to speaking in tongues. They replace the bible experience with hybrid doctrines that are half-based on truth and half-based on lies. Anyone who has received the Holy Spirit or has been 'born again' (the same) will 'speak in tongues'. So methinkshe, when you speak about eternal damnation, are you right with God ?
  12. You have to be certain that you even have the Holy Spirit. Read the accounts in Acts. What happened to those on Pentecost ? They received a clear sign that they had received. Don't blame me if you end up in the wrong place on judgment day.
  13. Paul did some very bad things, you might read Acts and his letters. I do think that there are different degrees of sin, just as there are different degrees of righteousness.
  14. oak, Acquiring the Holy Spirit is equivalent to being born again. How will one know that they have the Holy Sprit ? They will speak in tongues.
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