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Everything posted by yaright

  1. I'm wondering why you brought this to the 'charismatics' Your answer is hidden in the parable language of those who prayed for Lazarus, taking the matter to Jesus; not believing in His power, not understanding the process of sin that leads to death. So they 'bound' Lazarus, believing he was dead, though they took this to Jesus. Then, God permitting this to take place, Jesus called for Lazarus and Lazarus showed himself. Then Jesus looked at those who prayed unbelieving, and said, "You loose him!" God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. It is true they bound him on earth; But when Jesus came and revealed to those who sought Jesus to save Lazarus; That He brought Lazarus from the dead to life and in this witness which comes before a people who see a man as a sinner and dead in his sin, pray; But for what purpose? If the person speaks of Christ's work, who will you blame like those who blamed Jesus? Why is it a scary thing to know the power of sin which we all have repented of; And the even greater power of Salvation? Who then was bound and who by faith were loosed? These things are in the hands of those who pray. We don't have to be charismatic to know these things. It is far more significant to trust Jesus, Who has set a path of learning before us to consider, and to ask Him the meaning of these things which are given on two planes. One you can see, and is the image of things which we cannot see.
  2. I have experienced our Lords presence in many ways, including visions that teach. I do not feel a need to gain attention because of them; But I do give witness so that those who struggle in their faith might come to know that there is such a thing as the personal relationship. Early in my walk of faith I have experienced a certain emptiness, much like a 'place' lacking tangibles that otherwise would lend to what we look for as a substance to our faith. Even though it might seem like Jesus asked for the impossible; What are we willing to give for that personal relationship? I am not making reference to money. I'm making reference to who we are and why we are that way in God's sight. It is the giving of a person's life for this treasure which is known only because there are those who have given testimony. What are you looking for as you walk through life? I enjoy giving witness along side a friend in Christ, knowing each of our gifts reveal the personal blessings of faith. Even in the beginnings of our faith, our lives become a witness that we struggle with things that at one time made little or no difference to us in our sin.
  3. I've read and heard many end times stories that depict the ways of the world as being evil. I carefully considered these things and waited on the Holy Spirit to teach me what this means. It was given to me to understand on a personal plain. It was so short and to the point that the understanding startled me into doing as the Lord has commanded us when He said, "Follow Me." You heard the calling of the Word of God, and you believed. You realized as you spoke the words of repentance; Your clothes were nothing more than filthy rages, despicable, deserving His wrath. When you came to Him, asking for His mercy, He forgave you, and counted you in the census of His people; Even as one of His own. Then you turned, looked and pointed outwardly into the world and said, See what evil there is in the world!
  4. If a person hurries through and examines parable language as if it pertains only to the person and time it was given as Jesus walked and taught the first disciples; Then His teaching does not apply to us, and there is no purpose in it. That is the work of literal translation. Every step Jesus took, every word He spoke, every place He walked is the fulfillment of Law and words of the Prophets; Which pertain to each of us who became His disciples by faith. The one thing we trust most about ourselves, we consider to be our greatest strength. It is our greatest strength, the one thing we trusted most abut ourselves Satan has deceived in us, and we could not know it until it is revealed to us. When Jesus said, "All will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written; 'I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered,' But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee." Immediately Peter denied the Word of God by saying, "Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will not deny You!" The next few words are important to consider. And so said all the disciples. (Matthew 26;31-35) Jesus spoke the Word of God, and yet all the disciples denied the word of God. I wanted to know why, but it would be some time later before it was revealed. To this day, those who say it was Peter's pride, and that we ought not to be prideful like Peter...,are teaching the very same thing Peter did. To say Peter was wrong is to deny the word of God. Peter said exactly as Jesus said they all would do. But these things became necessary to teach us how this happens; So Jesus set a trap for Peter. Not to condemn him, but by Truth set Peter free. At the same time the words of denial were coming out of Peter's mouth, a rooster crowed, and at that same moment Peter looked into the face of Jesus, and immediately realize what had taken place, and wept bitterly. But Peter did not yet understand what it was that caused him to deny the Word of God. It wouldn't be until after Jesus was risen from death that he would come to understand how this took place. The only way this can be known is a certain type of death needs to take place within each of us. In John 21;15-19 Jesus does not use the term 'pride' to show Peter. It was the one thing Peter trusted most about himself, his love for Jesus. Peter did not want Jesus to die, and in this one thing Jesus said was going to happen, by his love for Jesus Peter could not accept it. As Peter was being restored to Christ, It wasn't until the third time Jesus said, "Do you love Me." that Peter understood he had denied the word of God by his love for Jesus. At that moment of understanding Peter said, "Lord, YOU KNOW ALL THINGS. You know I love You." It was Peter's love for Jesus that did not permit understanding. The very same love we displayed when we loved Jesus so much that we were sure what Peter did was wrong, and that we would not be made to stumble as all this disciples were made to stumble because of Jesus. Jesus said we clothed ourselves and went where ever we wished, the evidence was shown in Peter and all the first disciples. Then Jesus said when we are old, we will raise up our hands and another will clothe us and take us where we do not wish to go. It is not until we are able to hear Jesus and do not reason these things on our own, that we come to understand (as Peter came to understand), that the things that seem right to us lead us in the wrong direct. To wait on the Lord is a powerful thing to consider.
  5. That's a pretty strong witness concerning natures of creatures. There are many examples of natures of animals used in the bible to teach us a little bit about who we are and why we are that way in God's sight. I know every person who has done good, is a sinner who has hurt someone else; But we sure hate it when someone personally hurts us. You likely would not have seen this agressive nature in Solo unless Feather suffered before you personally suffered Solo's aggression. These natures can be found in all creatures of God, including people. Those natures are not limited to any one particular creature "according to each kind" What you did for both Solo and Feather became necessary. And when we sinned against another person a form of judgement and separation became necessary. God has woven these things into the fabric of life. Some ask, "Why do the innocent have to suffer" Well, as near as I can see, there is One Person who suffered all of our sins to show us who we are and why we are that way in God's sight; And became for us the very hope of our Salvation, even from ourselves. I'm glad for you, that you choose to care for God's creatures, and make a way for those who have been injured, and did not kill those who do harm; As Jesus made a way for each of us when we had chosen sin, which became the cause for a law that Jesus would fulfill by His own compassion for each of us; even to give His life for another. Life in this world is not without suffering, not without agression. It is good to carefully consider these things.
  6. I have come to understand "The Last Supper" is the 'last meal' eaten in the land Jesus leads His followers from, to cross over into the Land of Promise. Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this world (of sin). I saw that the 'Last Meal' eaten in Egypt was eaten in the evening supper of the Passover lamb, and Israel was led out of Egypt into a seeming desolate place where Our Father began to teach them His ways. In the beginning, these things were more evident to me in the flesh. But when I went through this time of being taught by a tutor (the law), I began to see these things as the very image of His work in each of us concerning the Last Supper which consisted of the Passover Lamb. The fulfillment of these things became a personal understanding of His work in my life. What an awesome thing to consider! The personal relationship. Thank you for sharing.
  7. I saw some curious thing in the language you are looking for, so I opened my Holman bible dictionary and found something, but I'm not sure if this is what you might be looking for. "A field southeast of town has been identified as the place where the shepherds had the vision of the angels. Place name used by Micah 5;2 to designate birthplace of new David who would come from Bethlehem, that of Jesse, David's father (1 Samuel 17;12)." David was known as a fierce fighter for his flock of sheep. I know Jesus took the stand for His flock. I know by experience that from the flock, a lamb was sacrificed for the passover. Is there a correlation between what you are looking for and the flocks from which the lamb of sacrifice came? Your question is relevant to a powerful understanding. I wish I could help more.
  8. There are many who, in the beginnings of understanding, walk according to the Law which is of the lesser light that rules over darkness. The law of calendar moons ruled in the life of a person in such a way as a tutor would teach a child, preparing that person for the day he or she will use those teachings in their lives. For those who are given to understand law given to the direction law points; The law is our tutor, leading us to Christ, Who is the finisher of His Father's work. By faith we walk in the path Jesus teaches, and in this path, even though we cannot see it happening, Jesus causes the law to be fulfilled in us. It is a process that removes us from the darkness we had walked in our sin. The Law identifies these things in each of us. But rather than Jesus condemning us, by grace He commands that we follow Him. In the beginning of our walk with Him, Jesus said, "Follow Me" This first part pertains to the flesh (baptism by water). But the last time Jesus said, "Follow Me" came with the greater knowledge of the Spirit in the Baptism of the Spirit. We are shown in the New Testament that in our beginnings of faith, we walk with Jesus by a means that seems right to us, it is natural for us to think that way. These things that seem right to us are governed by the laws of the moon which rule over darkness. But Jesus does not rule according to the things that seem right to us, and this becomes evident as you see these things take place between Jesus and His first disciples (we are the most recent of His disciples as you walk with Him by faith). "If you say you can see, you remain in your sin" This Jesus said to those who seek by the lesser light that rules over darkness. What Jesus is saying; If you think you do not need Him to teach the spiritual matters which cannot be seen; You are blind, though you say you can see well enough on your own. When Saul realized he was made blind because he sought the law to harm and exclude God's people, only then did he come to know the necessity of being taught by the Spirit of Grace. It was then his name was changed to Paul. These things I am sharing, I have suffered to understand because I lived according to the ways of sin (my Egypt) before I was led to a difficult and seemingly desolate place where I was under the tutoring of law. And when I saw the necessity of the direction law was leading, that is when I knew there was no other way than to repent and be forgiven; To follow in the teaching of our Lord and Savior.
  9. I'm sure you are aware of the curiosity of a child; Never ending until sleep over-takes them. There is a reason we know Him as Father. To define this, Jesus used the most endearing application which even children can distinguish between one father or another. The child points to him when asked, "Where is your father?" But the child knows him on a much more personal plain, and calls him, his or her Dad. This is the language Jesus used when He said, "Abba Father." There is only One. The curiosity is a nature in a person that seeks to understand every little thing on and in the land of his or her father. Look at those stones! The trees! The awesome flower! When you wake up, what do you see? As you walk through the day what do you see and what have you done? Do you you share with Him the things that are important to you? What are you curious about? Have you seen what He has done. Ha! Nobody else's dad can do that! I hope you never grow tired of sharing with Him the things that are important to you, and consider the things He has given you. Even asking Him as the curiosity of a child seeks the knowledge of his or her Father because you belong to Him.
  10. You have made an enlightening statement when you spoke of people who are like fish of the sea. As far as the term "hypocrite" is concerned; the term itself is a teaching tool or a weapon, depending on how it is used. If a disciple of Jesus uses this in the bible as a teaching tool, than it should be permitted as a teaching tool. But if it is used as a weapon against a fellow believer; than it is being used incorrectly. Even knowing this, there is no one perfect witness except that of Christ. For this reason I examine the things I give witness to. I have an expression that helps me. "As you speak, don't you also learn?" This same process is noted of the first disciples as they followed Jesus. Jesus did not condemn them in their error. Jesus permitted these things so that they could learn that the things which seem right to a man often times stand in his way. But one thing Jesus did not do is throw them back in the sea because they were bad. When a person hears the word of God and believes, repents and by faith follows Jesus, that person will not be removed from His hand. The teaching of the fish that is thrown back is about a man (or woman) who by nature does not and will not give witness of the things Jesus has done in his or her life. In other words, they did not die away from a way of life to live in Christ. These are those who hear the word of God and do not believe.
  11. What a powerful insight you have given in the presence of His glory. Can you imagine how much joy comes over a man when he desires the child given by promise from our Lord. And then can you imagine the joy of our Lord that a child of God is born! Thank you for giving this witness
  12. You receive the Holy Spirit when you receive Christ. What they are trying to do is known as being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Remember that the gifts of the Spirit are given at His will (1 Corinthians 12:11), not at the will of man. Not everyone who is baptized in the Spirit will speak in tongues. Be weary of those who claim this. We can read in 1 Corinthians 12:30 and 14:5 that all do not speak in tongues. Paul wished that everyone spoke in tongues. Why woudl Paul state that if all did? 1 Corinthians 12:30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 1 Corinthians 14:5 I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification. Now this is biblical. From personal experience I wondered what faith meant in the beginning of my walk. I heard many speak of great joy in the Spirit, but I did not experience this in the beginning of faith. Today I do not consider that as a false work in me. I'm shown that in the beginning of faith a person still trust more in the carnal mind, but as a rule that does not last a long time. Being baptized by water was the beginning of uncertain things. Jesus used the words O' you of little faith. That was not an insult which was given (only) to His disciples. It was a way of teaching a man that the things he trusts most about himself fears to walk with Jesus in spiritual matters because it is very new and unknown up to that point of His teaching. These things are known among those who have been baptized by fire (by the Spirit). It is my understanding that there is the baptism by water and then the baptism by fire. Water according to the flesh and fire according to the Spirit. You are by faith one of His disciples. That is an awesome place to be even if in the beginning you do not understand O' you of little faith. Jesus said those words only to those who follow Him. By faith trust Him and you will grow like the seed of the mustard seed plant.
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