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About Slepsog4

  • Birthday 12/07/1961

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    Tulsa, OK

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  1. It is possible that Jesus knew 4 languages: 1. Hebrew for the Temple service 2. Aramaic for common Jewish vernacular 3. Latin for the Roman occupation 4. Greek for business commerce
  2. The Hebrew name for God consists of 4 consonants -- YHWH. This is called the tetragrammaton or tetragram for short. Once the Jews went into Babylonian captivity it appears that they lost the precise pronunciation and a superstition developed about not taking His name in vain. Some scholars developed a system of vowel points to be added to the consonants of the Hebrew text to assist readers. There are at least six different sets of points associated with YHWH. Part of this came from an effort to get readers to skip the word and substitute an expression like -- ha shem (the name) or adonay (Lord). When the makes of the Latin text came across some of this they blended the consonants of one word with a completely different word and created a hybrid term -- Iehovah. This came across directly into English and in 1630 the letter "j" became part of the alphabet and the term Jehovah came into existence. I don't know that it does any real violence to His name, but Yahweh is highly likely the correct pronunciation.
  3. As a nation, they hold no special place. They were judged in AD 70 as foretold by Jesus and the Apostles. They no longer have favored nation status with God, why should they with us. As members of the human race they should be treated as everyone else, dignity, respect, souls for whom Jesus died, in need of the gospel plan of salvation.
  4. Resources: http://www.apologeticspress.org/ http://www.answersingenesis.org/ http://www.drdino.com/ http://www.icr.org/
  5. Noah's Flood was Global. Point: If all the dry land were in one place and essentially all the water was in one place; then a flood to cover all the earth would be a flood to cover all the Earth. 7 Reasons it was a Global flood: 1. Gen. 6:13 -- ALL flesh 2. Gen. 6:15 -- SIZE of the Ark itself 3. Gen. 7:20 -- HEIGHT of the water 4. Gen. 6 - 9 -- PLAIN language 5. Gen. 9:12f -- RAINBOW is universal 6. Gen. 9:15 -- PROMISE of no more floods... like that one 7. Gen. 9:19 -- ALL mankind from the 3 sons EXTRA: 1. marine fossils and sedimentary rock are found at the interior of continents 2. the are universal flood legends that include the details of 8 people, a boat, animals, punishment, and a mountain 3. ancient Chinese pictographs contain the story.
  6. Evolution as a Theory is false. Evolution when one is speaking of variation within species in legit. But the notion that a man can over time arise from an amoeba is false. God created things after their kind. Evolution is not a good theory if it even qualifies as a theory at all. It is more of an hypothesis. It cannot be observed or tested.
  7. Nowhere does scripture suggest that Jesus was baptized by John based merely on "custom". It was intentional in order to fulfill all righteousness.... to obey every law and prophet of the old covenant era. John was such a prophet. It was in preparation for the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of His Kingdom.
  8. It is never un-Christian not to want to marry someone. It can be for a myriad of reasons. But this seems to indicate a serious character flaw. Scripture says that the man who will not work should not eat.
  9. Scripture -- God's Word -- teaches that those who live by the sword... die by the sword. It also teaches that the government does not bear the sword in vain.
  10. If I put a fence around my yard and locks on my doors and motion sensor lights up that is to protect life and property. Does such preparation justify a criminal targeting my house for retaliation because I am making it harder for him? Is he likely to come to my house or use if you have no security measures? Lessening our strength is just plain ole STUPID.
  11. The woman who was murdered is not in a position to forgive him. The thief on the cross was still executed even though Jesus promised that he would be in paradise. The passage from Matthew 18 is about a BROTHER (ie, fellow disciple) who sins against you personally. Not sure it even comes close to fitting this scenario.
  12. God's diversity is a beautiful thing. He made them male and female. He made them red, brown, yellow, black, and white. He made them with a variety of eye and hair color as well. That is diversity. Sexual immorality is sin. God is very narrow when it comes to morality.
  13. It is not orientation. It is abominable behavior. She is not fit to do or say anything representing Christ or His church. She must repent or she will perish eternally.
  14. The guy is a thief and a murderer and should have been executed within an hour of the end of the trial.
  15. In 1 Corinthians 14 we have a situation where prophecies were being judged. It would be inappropriate for a wife to be questioning here husband under such conditions. The objective of prophecy was for edification, but if a wife had a particular issue she is to safe for a more private context so as not to be out of order with regard to her submissive role. Let us not forget that 1 Timothy 2:8-15 forbids women to be in teaching positions or authority positions above men in the church.
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