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Everything posted by aslanlight

  1. Yes, I gave a hypothetical example of a child when I posted this but I'll give a real one: Sarah is a young addict in our little town (uk) and she's homeless and pregnant. There arn't any flats or houses to spare because the council are trying to sell off all the council places and private flats are mostly rented out to working people, are too expensive or the ones who would take her are full. The rehabs are expensive, have incredibly long waiting lists and are very difficult to get into. I just can't see what's going to happen to her and the baby. Because she's a heroin addict she'll probably lose it and it'll end up in care and I've seen the things being in care does to kids. The best sinario would be for Sarah to get clean and housed but if this doesn't happen and the child ended up with a gay/lesbian couple with warm hearts that'd be a good result in this case. And there must be many cases like it.
  2. Yes, I gave a hypothetical example of a child when I posted this but I'll give a real one: Sarah is a young addict in our little town (uk) and she's homeless and pregnant. There arn't any flats or houses to spare because the council are trying to sell off all the council places and private flats are mostly rented out to working people, are too expensive or the ones who would take her are full. The rehabs are expensive, have incredibly long waiting lists and are very difficult to get into. I just can't see what's going to happen to her and the baby. Because she's a heroin addict she'll probably lose it and it'll end up in care and I've seen the things being in care does to kids. The best sinario would be for Sarah to get clean and housed but if this doesn't happen and the child ended up with a gay/lesbian couple with warm hearts that'd be a good result in this case. And there must be many cases like it.
  3. (edited per request of poster.....aslanlight's post stays, as it can stand alone) I was raised in an athiest family (my Dad adopted me but my mum's my real one) and am now a Christian. We can't underestimate God's ablility to speak directly to people like me in whatever situation we're in. We must also give credit to the people who are adopted that they have their own minds. I know so many people who can't stand Christianity because they were brought up in it and their parents strong views have tainted the whole idea of God for them perhaps permanently.
  4. He was also human so needed to pray for strength as you or I do. He said God was his Father.
  5. Are you saying that they shouldn't adopt the child to save her from the streets?
  6. I'm currently writing an assignment for my theology diploma and one of the concerns is homelessness. I led a house group to get a thick description or a wider perspective then my own. A member read out a poem about a little homeless girl who survived by eating out of rubbish bins and huddling by a viaduct to keep warm. I asked one of the guys if he thinks a gay/lesbian couple ought to be able to adopt her to get her off the streets and he said an emphatic no. I answered that if enough Christian couples were adopting homeless children then he may have a valid point but obviously they arn't! He isn't the only Christian I know with this opinion, how widespread is it? I'm wondering why I sometimes find the views of Christians so shocking when I am one! I'm also finding that the more I study theology the more I have to keep my mough when speaking with Christians because many are so highly strung that they fly off on a tangent if I suggest anything that they don't agree with.
  7. The first day after we got our first kitten I got up early and legged it downstairs to see my cat. We'd put her in a box in the toilet for some unknown reason. Anyway she was giving herself a bath, you guessed it or have you, in the toilet...yes someone, probably my little brother left the toilet seat up!
  8. 'If the universe is infinite, it could not be caused because it would need an infinite number of conditions to cause an infinite universe, and an infinite number of conditions can never be met.' If you are pressuming that God created an infinite universe why are you assuming that he could not create an infinite number of conditions? In other words why can't the universe be natural and supernatural? This would explain evolution and creation as being the same thing.
  9. Why Faith vs. Science? I'm perfectly happy with both.
  10. I am wondering if you have asked the elders of the church to pray for healing? I know it's not the same but I used to be on anti-depressants and find life much better without them because God is healing my mind. I am not suicidal like I used to be. I don't think that God meant us to be on medication for the mind as he is the great physician. I know you must be careful but please will you seek healing if you don't already. I pray that God will completely heal you of your neurological condition so you can be free of meds. Lord bring healing by the power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus amazing name, Amen (so be it) By the way you're not sinning by taking it, if you have to thats ok, God understands.
  11. You say you have control over it but it is more likely that it has control over you. Can you comfortably go a week or two weeks without a drink and smoke without missing it? I am an alcoholic/addict who is recovering and now I am attempting to give up smoking. I feel that even smoking effects my closeness with God and my ability to hear him even though I do get filled with the Holy Spirit. Any sin at all means that the Holy Spirit can't work as effectively as He could if we are totally clean. I don't want to be luke warm anymore!!
  12. Yes Paul says that drunkeness is a sin. You open yourself up to the enemy and though you may be able to stand, walk ect you are not in full control of your mind.
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