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Thankful 1

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Everything posted by Thankful 1

  1. Thankful 1

    What is Grace?

    Detroit has not been much entertainment the last few years. Well they still have the Red Wings.
  2. Thankful 1

    What is Grace?

    Detroit has not been much entertainment the last few years. Well they still have the Red Wings.
  3. Thankful 1

    What is Grace?

    Grace is spiritual strength to over come Satan/sin.
  4. The Holy Spirit told me the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus.
  5. I'm listening. That is nice. But you will need to wait. First we need to see if I will be allowed to become a junior member. Most of what I share is very controversial so until I am allowed to start my own threads, I will be very limited. I truly do not know why Jesus wanted me to share on this forum. From the little I know of the forum, it represents the so much that I believe to be wrong. But again that could be just a misconception on my part, need to wait and see.
  6. This is not a big issue with me, as it does not make any difference one way or another. I could die tomorrow or to day and then I am up with God. My belief that the people we will go through the bad times, is because what Jesus has told me. He said a time was coming soon when man would suffer more than he has ever suffered. I was to give a word and leave. Out of that Word a community would grow. He wanted a place of safety for his people. Now the does not tell us that he was talking about the end time with me. So it does leave the door open to those who want to believe they will be lifted up before the tribulation. I will say that other visions and words, have led me to believe I will be alive and live through some of the tribulations. But I am just waiting and watching. I personally don
  7. I would still like to know . . . Why do I need to ask Jesus about a word that was given to you for you? And why are you telling us this word that was given to you? One needs to ask Jesus everything that is said about God. The written Word needs to be explained. Only Jesus can explain the written word with any true accuracy. The Word Jesus has for me to give is just that? He gave me a word to give, and I do as I am told. I do not ask Jesus why? As a guess about why, it very well could be for all those who believe they will be taken up before the bad times come. Canon Law is Church Law, and who is to say what Christian Church is the true Church. I believe the true Church are those who have heard the Word of the Lord, and live the Word. I don
  8. The Bible gives us all the information we need about the end-times. The canon is closed for a reason. The book of Revelation tells us exactly what will happen. No offense, but I suspect the "word" you received was not from Jesus. I did not ask you to believe me, and I personally don
  9. The Bible gives us all the information we need about the end-times. The canon is closed for a reason. The book of Revelation tells us exactly what will happen. No offense, but I suspect the "word" you received was not from Jesus. I did not ask you to believe me, and I personally don
  10. I will add something to this thread. Something it would be wise to ask Jesus about. Over thirty years ago Jesus told me a time was coming soon when man would suffer more than he has ever suffered. I was to give a word and leave. Out of that word a community would grow. He wanted a place of safety for his people.
  11. I am wondering how the sins of omission are taken into account in this definition? Does the law somewhere command us to go good, or is this merely a response to the first commandment? (1 John 5:17)
  12. When a person seeks, they do not yet have an understanding. Do you think they understand 1 Cor 13:11-12? "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." We are all in a process of growing in Him, being unified in the end. As for the church, take mans doctrine out of it and you would see more unity. This is why Christ works with an individual and not a denomination. WE are the church, individuals into a collective where our guidance should first and foremost come from the Holy Spirit Who does not divide. Yes, denominations have divided, even though there are many here who will disagree with that statement. Yet still, it is not the responsibility of the church to unify anyone, it is His Spirit in us that creates unification. It is our responsibility to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 10:34-36)
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