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Everything posted by LUVNCHRIST

  1. Daughter sent me an email about the July calendar for this month. Couldn't post the one she sent so found another one. Isn't it interesting. 5 of each Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Thought it was kinda neat. Only once in every 823 years Wow!
  2. Beginning to think I posted it in wrong area....
  3. That's why they call it "dope." Simpsons quote "Doh..."
  4. Still praying for you sister. Having faith the Lord is going to open doors for you. Blessings.
  5. Awaiting further developements before commenting. Will pray for wisdom though for all parties involved.
  6. LadyC Your prayer may still be answered. I love your positive attitude about nebula's post. It is a good way to look at it. Sometimes the cynic in me pops up like a pop tart... God bless you for seeing the bigger picture.
  7. I have posted many times about how much I get wigged out about spiders and now this.... ugh!!!!!!!!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_mazda_recall and now this is what they are ugh ugh ugh!!!!! http://www.terminix.com/Information/Pest-Identification/Spiders/Yellow_Sac_Spider/
  8. Taxes for churches... Good idea that yeah right... One way for attendance to drop... Lawsuit... though would rather hope they could reconcile with out it...
  9. Glad he is ok and hope he gets placed somewhere that he can get love. But sometimes the cynic in me arises and thinks "so okay people what about the ones where you live." Forgive me Lord. But I can't help believe so many are stepping forward is because the pup made the news.
  10. Jesus is God Jesus is my armor= Armor of God God post Fez. I like how you broke it down simply. Blessings brother.
  11. True Rad. Hopefully her life will touch others even now. Praying.
  12. Lome ladypeartree and nebula has said it all. I can only add that my heart felt prayers are with you and your family during this time. Take refuge in the arms of the One who knows the depth of your despair.
  13. Lord bless you botanist. I feel the same way at times.
  14. Brother Fez thank you. We all need to hear and remember this. Especially those the enemy is trying to persuade to believe differently. Blessings.
  15. Good ones. I hope to see more posts. Blessings.
  16. oh dear back in algebra classes.... please no...
  17. What are you on about? I'm not aware of any continent spoiling protests, and unlike you I actually live here. Wy don't you visit us and start distinguishing between reality and fantasy. You know doggon' well that your own Prime Minister has stated that it is time for these Muslims to assimilate into European culture or be gone. You also know why. When they reach a certain proportion of the population, like they have in France, they begin to intimidate and take over through force. That's what the Prime Minister in Britain is afraid of. Actually, I feel bad for your Continent. You've fallen prey to secular humanism and leftist socialist ideology like the nonsense you're spouting here about poverty causing "Day's of Muslim Rage." The fella's who slammed the airplanes into the World Trade Center on 9/11 weren't poor in any way, shape, or form. They were Radical Muslims like the ones in Egypt who are stirring all the discontent. Peace, dave Cameron has waffled om a little about the importance of creating a new and "inclusive" sense of British identity, but he's not talking about expelling anyone. As to France, I go there quite a lot it's not been taken over and is not under threat of being taken over by crazed Muslims. As to Egypt,are you really trying to tell me that people weren't suffering under Mubarak? Or that his regime wasn't corrupt and oppresive? Do you not think it is not natural or normal to revolt in such circumstances. You have a rather creaky conspiracy theory and are trying to bend world realities to fit it,but they don't. I suggest you give the works of Tim Lahaye and Hal Lindsey a rest and get in touch with reality. Tim Lahaye & Hal Lindsey....
  18. Sister I am still praying for you. I know He has a plan. I pray it will soon be revealed. Continue to delight yourself in the Lord and He will see you through.
  19. Awesome post Cool So easy to fall prey to our own self. We start out pure in our endeavors but the enemy sometimes sneaks in a bang the motives change. I will keep this scripture close to me and remember to always keep alert about my motives. Blessings.
  20. Last night I was talking with the Lord. It was a talk of fun and joy. Suddenly I was just spouting off somethings to the Lord of what He is to me... I felt Him smiling down on me. I believe I could hear Him laughing even. My imagination tends to run like the rapids at times. So I thought I would share some of what the Lord is... He is the MUST in my mustard--- I MUST have Him in my life. He is the HOT in my hot tamales--- His fire burns HOT in my heart. He is the REEL in my fishing reel--- He REELS me in if I stray to far. He is the PEP in my Pepsi--- He gives me PEP when I feel wrung out. These are only a few... they are so many more. Anyone care to share any they can think of... anxious to see...
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