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Everything posted by GloriousChild

  1. I have a question. In the old testament, God asked the Israelites to do certain things to remind them of important concepts for example the Lords Supper. Is it very different to create a monument to remember what Christ did for us? It is not like it is an idol. If the commandment to not make any graven images were taken in the way you are suggesting we would not have nativity scenes at Christmas or Christmas pageants or even photographs of our families. I think God means to not make statues to worship. I don't believe there is anything wrong with that woman's dream or her art. The bible says to test the spirits. this is how you know if a persons vision or dream is from God. Does it match up with what the Bible says? what possible purpose could the devil have for asking a woman to create a sculpture of the crucifixion?
  2. GloriousChild

    Wow, This is a topic that greatly interest me. My husband believes that there is no support for a pre tribulation rapture. He says people only want to believe that because they cannot fathom a God that would allow his children to endure such trials. I think both Steven and Bearthecross make wonderful points and I will have to study the scriptures to really make an educated stand on this issue. I only pray that if I am alive and on Earth when the tribulation gets here my faith will not waiver.
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