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Everything posted by marvalusxoxo

  1. tinky ... lol the problem lies at the beginning of your first statement when you say: " the recent series on the history channel". my question to you now would be. Why would you even pay attention to any comment a worldly channel has to say about divine truth or the word of God... remember is worldly wisdom and they can not discern divine truth nor understand it because it is foolishness to them. The word of God is without error and is the only truth. May honor and power and might be Yours forever and ever heavenly Father... amen.
  2. Why would someone use this messageboard for a dating site duh! if someone is asking about virtual relationship what does that sound LOL.
  3. I personally do not see this specific site for dating but rather to come and read and discuss God's word. There are exclusive dating sites to do such thing. I would be cautious; I for sure agree with all that the people had said. welcome!
  4. Again... how perfect and marvelous are the works of God and how amazingly without error are His precepts. His word is the only truth and yes indeed He does answer prayer yet the answer is according to His will not according to mine and my own wishes and desires. Many fail to see that He is God and He says that He is who He is and also He knows what is best for us. We sadly may failed to see the answer to prayers because we are expecting Him to answer according to what we desire not according to His will. Thank you Lord for being who You are; our God of it all! may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  5. I surely can relate. I have been called uptight that because I don't let my spiritual values down so I can join others in doing what they considered right. What is there to do then? pray and stay firm in our faith and ask our Father to hold on to us tight and to keep us in His truth until the end. It is wonderful that someone feels the same as I do in regards to all the lawlessness in this world.
  6. wow! are we missing the Lord's word in regards to homosexuality? does He say any where.... if you abstain you will be saved? sadly as it may sound; it does not say it anywhere. Our Savior is so clear and we are so vague trying to accommodate His word to our life style as suppose to adhere to His word to better our life style. I am guilty of that myself. There is only one way to heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ. Someone on this post said that if someone would abstain that good for them that they deserve their salvation... my dear people nobody and I say nobody deserves to be saved. We who are saved are so exclusively because of an amazing grace and mercy. Praise and honor and power be Yours Father forever and ever amen.
  7. if we suggest of even think that any part of God's word is fiction then our faith and hope is nonexistent. God's word is the ultimate and only truth. Praise be to Him our Savior Jesus Christ.
  8. Being born in Christ must include the repentance of our sins just as the only way to pay for our sins included a sacrifice that only a perfect One could do... Jesus Christ. we must die to our sins, although we still have a sinful nature. we can not claim to be Christians in name yet continue to live as the nonbelievers do.... for then where is the renovation of our hearts and the sanctification of our souls which is only done by the work of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. Praise be to our Lord Jesus for what He did for sinners like all of us.
  9. My dear friend....first of all allow me to say that God the creator and sustainer of it all does not allow any of this to happen. we live in a falling world and man kind chose to do his /her own will. This world is covered by sin which came from the fall of Adam and Eve and since then man kind has been covered by sin and will continue to do so until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He then will make a new heaven and a new earth. You ask why do I believe? well, to say that I and I as in the big pronoun to say ME.... would be to be a bit presumptuos but rather I believe because my Lord found grace and grant me mercy that I may come to the saving knowledge faith of Christ. What He has done for me? many would expect here in this answer to hear: wealth or posessions yet He saved my soul, filled my heart with gladness, my heart with peace and contentment not based on how well things around me go or getting all I want but rather how I respond to those circumstances in His midst. He has giving me a chance to live a life for Him in service and not the other way around....your question says: what has He done for YOU...see that implies selfishness and self worshiping ... me, myself and I . I rather live for Him ...what can I do for His kingdom and His people; how can He use me today, how can I tell others about His goodness and mercy on sinners like all of us. My friend, we all have doubts yet allow me to say this: going to church and having a parent or a family that goes to church does not save you only Jesus Christ does...asking HIm to forgive you of your sins and to save your soul for eternal damnation and to help you change your life and to come into your heart. Believe me He will do what He says He wil do and because He is who He says He is. How do I know? He changed my life from sin living and agony and sadness and pain and loneliness and emptyness and purposelessness and aimlessness to a life of peace in hardship, joy in difficulties, hope in despair, humbleness, service to His kingdom, and the best...I will spend the rest of eternity with Him. Praise be to His name always....amen
  10. I noticed in your post you use constantly " you"...that you are trying not to sin...it is very evident that you are taking upon yourself NOT to sin and to be pleasing to God in your own strength. That is why you or any of us no matter how much we try, pray, read the bible or go to church or serve our Master, we will never on our own strength be able to sucumb our sinful nature. If you are trying on your own so then you are saying I don't need you Father I can do it on my own. You in your post have said it repeatedly success in stopping sin has been to no avail and will continue to be such until you totally and completely surrender yourself and your will and all about you to the ONLY one who can keep own foot from stumbling: our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. He was the One who died on the cross for your sins and mine. Also, remember He loves you and He is telling you let me hold your yoke for you for mine is light and yours is not. So my dear friend...do relinquish trying and run to the feet of Jesus on your knees and leave it all there. Praise and honor and glory and power be to Him forever and ever amen.
  11. My dear Durant what an amazing testimony you have that can serve us as an encouragement in our walk with God. Praise our Lord for He surely has worked in your heart and in your life. I pray He will continue to use you and guide you in all you do.
  12. hmm...well what could be the reason why Christian marriages end up in divorce? Is it lack of holiness or adhering to God's truth and commitment to His teachings...is it maybe our lack of being transformed by the renewing of our minds and instead we just mingle with the world and its ways and lusts? If we are doing all the nonbelievers are doing so then why do we complain and question why are we ending up like them. The Lord says: Do not be conformed to the this world but be transformed...are we really being transformed or are we so much compromising our faith for the sake of our desires and lusts.
  13. well... i believe totally and completely in the bible as truth plain and simple. If the lord says do not do it then let's not do it. Is it easy not to do the things that we should not do? absolutly it isn't. We must totally and completely rely on the Holy Spirit to gives us strength to do the will of God.
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