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  1. You are mistaking the word "theory" as used in common language, and the meaning of "Theory of X" as used in Science. Some things in nature are a fact, like the existence of gravity for instance. The laws of gravity stipulate the exact behavior of gravity as we can observe and measure them. The Theory of Gravity is the entire body of science and information we have regarding gravity to help us understand better the "why". Same thing as evolution. It is a fact, no matter what you say. It is overwhelmingly demonstrated by countless evidences and measurements. The Theory of Evolution is the entire body of science and information we have regarding evolution to help us understand better the "why". Whereas we know for sure that all biological life evolved to species, we are not entirely sure how everything works in the process, what are all the parameters, etc. The Theory of Evolution therefore change over time to get more and more accurate as we get more and more information. But the process itself of evolution is an indisputable fact.
  2. Then how would you account for the 60 something millions years between the most recent fossil found, and the first trace of humans being? To say humans and dinosaurs existed alongside, you first need to find a good solution to that problem
  3. Oh I completely agree with that. Most Christians I know in my life are really great people. A good chunk of my family are practicing Christians (Catholics to be more specific) and I love them to death, they are so great
  4. Actually sex will happen. No matter what. Regardless if it's a more liberal or more conservative place, more religious or more atheistic. Regardless of culture or geography. Once people reach puberty, sex will happen, or is incredibly likely to happen. So either you teach people to do it safely, or you pointlessly try to fight against nature. There's a reason why atheistic families have less teen pregnancies, and why the most religious a place, the more likely for teen pregnancy. Because sex happen, and sadly the kids from religious background often time are not properly taught how to protect themselves.
  5. I have an uncle who's a Jehovah Witness and his religion pretty much sees it this way: either you're a JW, or else you're FOR SURE acting in the name of Satan. That is such an extreme view. And I know this is not shared by many Christians. Many of them (most I know at least) perfectly acknowledge that a non-Christian can be good persons, and being Christians doesn't necessarily makes you a good one. @ MorningGlory: I just realize that you're from Texas, I guess that would explain why there's not a lot of atheist around you (at least not comfortable saying they are). I never been to Texas, although I really want to make a road trip there in the near future (probably driving from Albuquerque all the way to Houston (NASA!)). It's one of the last part of US I haven't seen yet that I want to see. Although I'm not too tolerant of heat, so I might have to do it in fall or spring
  6. You're right on the fact I didn't see a specific declaration of you calling atheists "evil". My bad, I apologize. What you said was that NO atheists have ever done any good, or contributed positively to society (first page, before I realize there was like 75+ pages). Which is not quite the same thing, I give you that. But it is still and incredibly baseless accusation, and a serious one at that. I know at least over a hundred atheists. Like minded people tend to hang out together more. I don't expect you to know nowhere near as many atheists as I do, because you're Christian and you probably hang out with your Christian family, Church members, etc. Also which part of the country you live in will have a huge impact. I currently live in Seattle, a city much less inclined on religiosity than many cities from the South for instance. Plus I moved to the States a few years ago, but where I come from, atheism (or at least agnosticism) is way more common than religion (where they actually are in the minority). And believe me or not, all these atheists that are friends and family are great, decent, warm people. Who gets involved in charities, contribute to society, pay their taxes, start businesses, and are law abiding citizens. So it's quite hurtful to see someone, who apparently don't know any atheists, dragging these human beings in the mud.
  7. FresnoJoe, honestly cut & pastes doesn't interest me much. I'd prefer to know what is YOUR personal opinion on the subject?
  8. Wow that is truly fantastic, and open the door to a LOT of scientific opportunities. It's part of that new movement they call "crowd sourcing", where sometimes the most difficult problems can be solved by throwing it in the public, on the internet, and letting the sea of brains have at it
  9. Yup, I never understood why this idea is so popular in America that evolution and Christianity has to be mutually exclusive. Evolution only explain what happened between the first living cell and the current population of species. It doesn't explain where and how the first cell came up to be, it's out of its domain. Christians can simply say it happened from their god and evolution was simply the way used to create the species. And yet this idea from both non-believers and Christians alike just keep showing up. I guess it comes from the schism between the literalistic Christians and the other Christians?
  10. Also: the more religious a state, the higher the rate of teen pregnancy: http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/17/religions-link-to-teen-pregnancy/ Also: "Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience." http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_dira.htm Like I said earlier, in almost every statistics regarding good social behaviors, atheists and Mormons are at the very top. Hardly the picture of barbaric degenerates
  11. You're one of those who accuse atheists of being bad people. Where are your evidences? I have no reason to believe what you support. Almost all atheists I know are good, honest, caring people. The percentage of atheists in prisons is hugely lower than their percentage in the population. Where are your evidences that atheists are more likely than religious people to be bad citizens and causing suffering to others?
  12. False. Humans are a social creature, therefore we have deep down in our gene a sense of morality. One that simply dictate: Don't do to others what you don't want others do unto you. And do as much as possible to others what you'd want them to do unto you. It's very simple. It comes from our sense of empathy, one of the only animal capable of it. Most humans are this way. Religions simply appropriate themselves this fundamental tenant of humanity's morality, and then pervert it by adding completely arbitrary pseudo-morality (don't work on Sunday! Don't say this or that word! etc). If that wasn't the case, how then would you explain that the overwhelming majority of atheists are good people, law abiding citizens, exemplary mothers and fathers, highly educated people?
  13. Indeed, and this is not just for Sweden. Pretty much across the board, the more secular and atheistic a population is, the lower its crime rate. I won't go as far as saying that religion makes people criminal, but it does put a heavy burden on everyone claiming atheism makes people barbaric and without morality.
  14. I'm an atheist, and don't worry I'm not offended, simply because the premise of the original post is just flat wrong Basically, he says that no atheists have done any good, and proceed by listing a few horrible characters who happened to be atheists. It's like saying that no Christians have never done any good, and then providing the Spanish Conquistadors, the shady Popes, the Witch Hunts, etc as an example. That is so off the mark it can't be taken seriously. The only difference between these two views, tho, is that tyrans like Staline, for instance, didn't kill people in the name of atheism. But to strengthen his political power. His atheism was merely a tool to ensure no other entity (i.e. the Church) would come and claim part of his power. On the other hand, the Inquisition and other atrocities have been executed in the name of Christianity. But then that doesn't mean most Christians throughout History agreed to it, or labelled murderers because someone else committed atrocities in the name of their religions. As for the idea that no atheist ever done any good. Wow. What to reply to such absurdities? Atheists are involved in charities, public services, scientific discoveries (Einstein for instance was effectively atheist), etc. If you crash your car and you're stuck in its flaming carcass, the people who will rush to your help could be Christians, atheists, Muslims, or whatever other religions. Also, atheists are proven good citizens. In almost every single statistics about social issues, atheists and Mormons rates amongst the best (lower teen pregnancies, lower divorce rate, lower criminal & imprisonment rate, lower chances of drugs/alcohol addictions, etc). Whereas Evangelical Christians often rates the worst. Although with all these statistics, it's important to know that the poorest people and the ones without much educations are more likely to be Christians than atheists (compared to the average balance), therefore more likely to boost social issues statistics. There's awesome atheists and terrible atheists. There's awesome Christians and terrible Christians. Most humans are good persons, some are not. Which religion they are (or are not) has no relations.
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