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jasoncran last won the day on November 11 2012

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  1. Probably given the early 70s a shot .I remember it being as such . It's required for service .they had me irc get health records for that .if not found you got it .
  2. I can't remember if I got the shot .my mom would know .
  3. Where did I say I got the vaccine which is used for small pox in the army ? My dad had it the early 50s irc he was 4 and got shingles at my age in the early 2000s. I'm not anti vax .kinda can't even trump no old army issues rule on vax was removed and orders to get them had to be obeyed .cm anthrax boosters which I had ,until it was stopped were mandatory . To enlist ,mmr,small pox if deploying, flu ,scarlet fever ,hep a,hep b,and polio ,tetanus and gamma globulin and others I can't recall .tb test ,boosters as necessary . I received the varicella shot which is to cause a scar in 2004 . It never did .they wanted to retry me and never got to it . My records said yes but I didn't react . I'm not going to go get a covid booster shot but I also don't judge my wife who has until last time as she felt it unnecessary .I see it as a flue shot and I have gotten several times of influenza despite that shot .the first being the Spanish flu back in 93. My asthma may change that but that's me .
  4. Fdr was dead in 1945,vaccine came out in 55. He didn't likely have it but another disease
  5. Ever heard of shingles ? That's usually an occurrence from the child hood chicken pox shot .there is a shingle shot for that age group at risk . Yes you can. Chicken pox more then once .I did and my youngest sister three times . Virus are harder to immunize against ,whereas bacteria aren't as they don't mutate as fast . The early dead bacteria polio shot isn't used any more. They stopped that in the 80s.
  6. Lol. Reminds me of he that shall not be named
  7. I usually didn't see a read of 666 on an electric meter ,but irc I did have one hold have 666 on both water and electric.
  8. No ,I see it like the flu shot . I have had covid twice .the second time was worse as it did trigger asthma .the first It didn't .the hospital staff said that they are fully vaccinated and some had three times . My asthma is going through a more severe phase when it does act up I have to get a treatment to end the severity of it . It was less common than before .
  9. Amno domni. In the year of the lord . Meaning that the Lord came and is dealing with all nations and not just isreal and the surrounding nations . Greece was around when isreal was ,phonecia or was around the time as well and was only a colony of the that culture .rome defeated Carthage .Barcelona Spain ,and antebles France and much of north Africa was part of the Carthage conquest . Yet until God saw fit he let them do that until isreal was exiled and returned and used nations .granted tyre and sidon were consumed by Macedonia ,my point here is gentile nations were left to be until after the cross and God began dealing will all nations . And by nations I mean offering all access to him . Why do we major in the minors and minor in the majors ? Our calendar is based upon non Jewish things .where as oh jewry uses a different calendar . Should we then avoid the more accurate system ? Israel uses both as Jews have a secular one and religious one . I can post the date from chabad? Should we then adjust worship times like they do and days start at sunset and not midnight ? Rest on Saturdays , technically Friday at sunset over Jerusalem? Jewish tradition is that week is a creation week and God made and rested on that .
  10. My point was more of a joke that consumption of water being recorded by me at times have occurred numerously as 666 on routes . Evil water . That said im not hung up on the bc and ac .
  11. There is a house address sequence that avoids 666 here .but we do have a demonic 13th floor on a condo instead of a penthouse ,lol
  12. Lol. What about when a customer uses 666 thousand gallons of water from a utility grid ? I use to have photos of those reads .I had two or three reads on one route one time .
  13. I know my area,there no veteran ,va outreach that close .the closest is in ft.pierce and they do minimal things,we have bused vets long before obama,before Bush .vets helping vets ,many local ,national chapters working together . No insurance would pay for PTSD, outside of tricare. Unless they changed or have included the level needed to cover heavy mental health issues.my county has a mental health association, I forget to mention them ,they can help but with vets I'm unsure how they work. I know who to ask but as far as suicide prevention, its vets in.my group doing it not them ,local hotline ,calls by word of mouth. We had more but it fell through .
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