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Everything posted by jasoncran

  1. so if china says has a falling out and it has been told to us via spying they plan to launch a space platform that will be used to kill millions of americans. just sit back and wait? i dont expect isreal to do that nor would i the us. iraq was done on bad intel. isreal's blitzkrieg (the six day war was hardly a defensive posture) they attacked first and stunned the enemy.
  2. thanks i didnt see you as such a person who was anti-military.
  3. so the national guards functions is to kill and destroy the citizens it protects? hmm i will keep that mind when i perform my duties and most render assistance to those i need. we also do track nasa and assist with rescue of citizens(coast guard)
  4. his own staffer, told the world that story a while ago. bush asked the us congress to go to war. unless you are one of those that really thinks the president should wait till congress convenes when we are attacked such as pearl harbor. if we knew early enough that could have been halted then like fdr the next day he went to congress to make his case. so the president must have some lattitude when intellgence says oh crap we have hours to act and need to act! http://dailycaller.com/2011/12/26/fmr-staffer-ron-paul-planned-no-vote-for-afghanistan-invasion-staff-threatened-mutiny/
  5. the only way one get tricare for life is to be disabled to the point you cant work. that isnt right for us. yes we do need to get out europe,but its laughable here is the iraq surge disproved rummys idea of light and agile. so we will once again learn the hard way. glad i can retire soon. It is laughable that US involve itself in the war in Iraq in the first place. ron paul had to be coerced by his staff as they threatened to resign and also inform his constitutents if he voted no on the war in afghanistan that said, can your man paul also not guarentee suich an attack or threat would occur? we cant so we would have use the same dumb philosophy again in war. paul i dont think would know what to do. i dont think has the courage to allow the congress to decide.i can see no on iraq but afghanistan??
  6. hmm i need to study more on the promise of isreals return. i have a different view and want to verify. query, why did Jesus then tell the apostles that it wasnt for them to know the times or seasons of the return of isreal when asked about this?
  7. cut the military and its the troops not the gear that get hit. case in point panetta has said we will reduce the retirmement rates a payout and also increase tricare payments. tricare is also used to give medical treatment to the disable vets. so cut away then. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/07/world/panetta-weighs-military-cuts-once-thought-out-of-bounds.html?pagewanted=all the only way one get tricare for life is to be disabled to the point you cant work. that isnt right for us. yes we do need to get out europe,but its laughable here is the iraq surge disproved rummys idea of light and agile. so we will once again learn the hard way. glad i can retire soon.
  8. but im not a ron paul supporter so take note of the sarcasm. reality wont allow us to do those things paul wants.securing the border with what? if its a state national guard issue then its federally funded in parts. if its the army calling the guard to fall in under the states command then its the same. either way it will cost
  9. good withdrawal us from the un and nato and the wto as well. that way if opec goes to *edit* we can act unilaterally.the un has asked to get into some conflicts we didnt need to and lybia is one of those.
  10. I asked two questions you answered neither. because i dont believe in the fallacies of kjvo. its not needed as we dont speak old english everyday. we speak modern english. for the record i use the kjv.
  11. Dost thy english teacher teachest thy holy english that cometh from god?
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