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Everything posted by HawkBlue27

  1. Well like I said, I can feel peace when I think about the blood atonement of Christ, or here a sermon about it. I get the sense that my sin was put on Christ and I don't need to worry about that. Like this one preached by an old time preacher: I have made it a goal of mine to be re-reading Romans or Galatians to get a fuller understanding of the gospel and assurance of my salvation. Last night I told Jesus I was placing all my hopes on his blood, and asked him to deliver me from the confusion I have been in. I trust he will.
  2. Funny you should use that terminology, I read in Hebrews 11 today Hebrews 11:13-16 13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. 15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. 16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. These verses were a bit of a help to me today. In believing the promise of God for salvation. It says this type of terminology in places where I read in Galatians and Romans. I affirmed what I had thought though, when I would recite certain scriptures and think about them, and about Christ taking my sin to the cross, I did feel at comfort.
  3. That's pretty much what I had determined to do. This quote I found by Spurgeon pretty much sums up my problem. "The world hangs on nothing; but faith cannot hang upon itself, it must hang on Christ. Sometimes, when my faith is vigorous, I catch myself doing this. There is joy flowing into my heart, and after awhile I begin to find that my joy suddenly departs. I ask the causes, and I find that the joy came because I was thinking of Christ; but when I begin to think about my joy, then my joy fled. You must not think of your faith but of Christ. Faith comes from meditation upon Christ. Turn, then, your eye, not upon faith but upon Jesus. It is not your hold of Christ that saves you; it is his hold of you."
  4. Also I will note one of the books I read (an online version of it) which gave me a clearer understanding of the gospel was 'All of Grace' by Charles Spurgeon, by taking me away from anything I could feel, do, or pray.
  5. I am not sure which one I would say I am in agreement with. On paper, I think Calvinism makes the most sense, personally.
  6. If you don't mind talking about it, what is the gospel and how did you get saved? The death burial and resurrection of Christ to save his people from their sins with his blood. You get saved by turning from sin (repent) and trusting what he did was enough to save you.
  7. I can realize that, it's just that after seeing some of these testimonies and youtube videos, for example, I had been watching a preacher I sometimes listen to, called Paul Washer talk about how one day a man came into the church with 3 weeks to live and was scared to die, and when Washer explained the gospel the man said he "understood" but he did not "feel" it. After spending hour upon hour with the man eventually the guy read John 3:16 and exclaimed he was saved. That's what I am talking about. When I look back at any experience I may have had, I do not remember ecstatically saying I was saved, in fact, looking for a feeling was not even the first thought that even occured to me. But after seeing these testimonies and videos they have really caused a great deal of confusion where now I expected to get some kind of sign after I pray or even read my bible. Right now, I can say I am saved, but then how do I know? When I think on the cross I have comfort, it's just that I don't know where then, the comfort is coming from, or if it's the right feeling.
  8. First of all I am going to start by saying I am NOT asking for someone else to tell me I am saved, I only need advice on what I can do. Or how to handle the situation I am in. Or some bible verse(s) that apply to where I am right now. I have been having some confusion about my salvation. I was raised in a Catholic home but long story short I eventually learned the gospel. Over time I understood I was a sinner and I wanted to be saved. I have even been attending at least a half decent church in my area. And they do teach on repentance. That I turn to Jesus Christ to save me from my sins and cleanse me in his blood. I have trusted him to do this and it was not very long ago. And I want to live for God, but there has been an issue in my way. After seeing some videos on youtube though, some testimonies I have watched seem to me that in order to make someone's salvation 'valid' the moment after they get saved they should feel this sort of 'unexplainable certainty' that they are saved, you 'just know'. Like a kind of feeling or something. I know you cannot live by feelings and that I guess people react differently but this issue has me stumped. When I think about Christ and what he did I feel comfort, but when I see some of the other things people feel, it makes me wonder if the feeling I had was of the right one. I had determined, I will take God at his word that I am saved and just spend time with him by praying and reading the bible. Basically, I have been wanting to do that. I have been telling the Lord, I trust what he did was enough to save me from my sins, and from hell and that I would follow him, all while simultaeously sort of expecting this sort of huge wave of peace to come over me after saying that. And basically I have gotten caught up with this. Not being sure what to do about it. I am so confused about this issue...what should I do? I mean, I don't want to say I am saved if I wasn't, I always figured I could take God at his word but apparently that isn't enough....I am so confused, one minute I am saved and the next moment not so sure...
  9. If I had kids, I don't think I would tell them that santa existed or anything. I mean it takes away for the real reason Christmas is observed...
  10. Adrian Rogers did a sermon about this. He mentioned in 1 John 5:6 he somehow connected this to a hymn that says "let the water and the blood from your wounded side which flowed".......
  11. I think it means both, you change your mind about your sin, and Christ.
  12. You receive the Holy Spirit when you get saved Ephesians 1:13
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