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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by kwikphilly

  1. It's funny George,I read all the opinions posted here (even my own)and I just chuckled....I really can't speak for anyone else but as for myself I believe at times I may read into something too much and over complicate a very simple matter!After looking at your question a third time I realize the key word(which for some reason I must have over looked)is"WILLINGLY"......My very simple answer to your very simple question is,no....."WILLINGLY" tells us that the person who is living a life of sin knows that they are in direct opposition to Gods Will and have deliberately made that decision knowing the consequence......The wages of sin is still death! God blessings and favor to you all,Kwik
  2. Ive often been asked this question,asa......especially because so many are puzzled when in the Lords prayer we pray,"lead me not into temptation" and as you referred to God "allowing" Satan to tempt Job.Imagine this ...you are praying for a great job and God has presented you with 2 new job opportunities: Job#1-offers everything your hearts desired but(and you have no way of knowing this)theres alot of stuff that goes on there that you can easily be tempted to fall into...Job#2-much less appealing but still a very good job,a little less than you dreamed of(and you have no way of knowing this)but there is so many blessings waiting for you there in every other area of your life,spiritually,emotionally etc...and so we pray that God not lead us into temptation which would be Job#1!God does not ever tempt us and God will lead us away from the path that leads to temptation if we ask and listen to those sometimes "little,soft"promptings of His Holy Spirit and yes,He will allow us to be tempted and will always help us to resist if we ask His help.He allowed Jobs trials because He trusted Job and knew Jobs faithfulness would not falter and as always worked good for those that love Him....Job was bountifully blessed for all His troubles.We serve a loving Father that does(and allows)everything for our good and ultimately to give Him the Glory!!!!!!....I hope this helped answer your question....and God bless you,Kwik
  3. Amen George,Amen!.....We, as the body have a responsibility to not tolerate these things from those who may have been annointed and then have ended up "quenching the spirit"........No,the answer is...they can no longer be allowed to claim they are spirit filled and empowered to lead a flock of Gods precious children.......each member is responsible an accountable
  4. Dear George,You have posed a most interesting question but are we to judge those that claim they are spirit filled by thier actions, at what time? As we are all a process of repentance are we speaking of the Pastor behind the pulpit for 35yrs who claims to be spirit filled and is drinking and committing adultery behind closed doors or the drug addict who has just come to the Lordc ,was miraculously delivered from the bondage of drug addiction as they puff away on a cigarette?I sometimes see things that may look one way to me(knowing a tree by its fruit)but I always have to wonder because I have no way of really knowing a persons heart......maybe their rate of growth is different than mine.....I can't answer this question simply because I do not see what God sees and I have learned well not to trust my unreliable heart or my unreliable mind.....because a person has not yet accessed or received that power that may or may not have been given does not necessarily mean that it is not there.....just a thought .....................God bless y'all.Kwik
  5. Sounds as though Brother Paul wanted to get a little rise going!lol....My Brother, to answer your question ,"no,it wouldnt bother me in the least if it were fictional" but as Jesus referred to Jonahs story as a real occurance...there you have it!And personally speaking I am one of those that take every Word of the God inspired Word as True and Accurate....The story of Jonah does not sound like some "fish story" to me(pun intended).........God Bless You,Kwik
  6. Maybe it would be helpful to go back to Exodus 4:10 where Moses first expresses his feelings of inadequecy to the Lord,describing how he is slow of speech and doubts that anyone would listen to him because of this speech impediment(lol-as if God did not already know)but the beautiful thing we see here is Moses purity of heart as he says these things to our loving Father (wow,talk about relationship).......Replace the word "uncircumsized"with imperfect or faltering and it would make more sense.Remember,he is referring to his lips........Hope this simplified things?Kwik
  7. I'd like to share an interesting "read" on the ELECT.......http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/misunderstandings.html...............Entitled"The Misunderstandings of the Doctrine of Election by Wayne Gruden.........God Bless You all and Have a joyful Sunday!,,,Kwik
  8. Brothers And Sisters the BEST part is.............By His grace and mercy I can continue to be a living testimony and Give Him glory for what is already done but for me yet to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Halleluliah! Let's tell it!, Kwik
  9. It is a priviledge an an honor to testify that I was a wretched sinner and have become a new creature in Christ Jesus,I owe my Savior much more.....it's our responsibility to tell everyone we possibly can,I am never ashamed of the things I have done because I am proud to boast "Jesus"......where would we be if it were not for Him loving us sooooo much?..........Kwik
  10. Not sure OneLight,So I covered both(lol).........but one thing is for sure,isn't His Word the most beautiful thing you ever read?!!!!!!Halleluliah Kwik
  11. Hello everyone,Is the question here meant as pre or post trib or literally "Date,day,hour"?I do believe exactly what is written that as far as the exact day and hour"no one knows,not even the angels ,of heaven,but My Father only".This was never important to me(personally) to dive deeply into because the whole point Our Lord Jesus wants to make VERY clear to us is"Therefore BE READY,for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."I do agree with many of you in believing that when the Son returned to heaven He immediatley knew All things (including the day and hour)as God the Son(Trinity).......and if I'm wrong then I willl find out when I no longer see dimly(lol)...And I used to think the rapture would spare us from tribulation but as I have realized,Jesus warns His church (the elect)that DURING the great tribulation, those days will be shortened for our sakes(the elect) and to not to be deceived by the false prophets signs and wonders(again speaking to the elect)and finally He says,"Therefore if they say to YOU(US)Look,He's in the desert ect......Warning His Church not to believe it. "THANK YOU JESUS" Now,here comes the rapture(matt24:-31) Immediatley AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened,& the moon will not give its light:the stars will fall from heaven,& the powers of heaven will be shaken.Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven,& then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,& they will see theSon of Man coming on the clouds of heavenwith power & great glory.And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet,& they will GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT from the four winds,from one end of heaven to the other, Then ,of course in verse 36-40,He explains again in more detail and how quickly it will happen (like the flood)....Wow,just think,even if we All got All the details wrong ",THANK YOU JESUS" for saving us! God Bless all,Kwik
  12. Oh Hello sweet guest,I sure do hope and pray that you are still here......today is my very first day and your questions touched my heart so deeply,they are not easy questions to answer but they are the ones we pray that the Lord will answer you through us,You see,the reason"s" I believe are many, but when jesus enters into your heart and you feel His love as real as you can feel the rain hitting your face or the warm sun beating down on your head or better yet,the feeling that rushes through your entire body as you jump in the cool waters in a swimming pool on a hot summer day.....It is a personal relationship between you and Him and when He introduces Himself to you it is something unlike anything you will ever experience.......overwheming,indescribable love,you KNOW you are loved......I KNOW He took my place on that cross,just for me...He gave His very own life that none of us should perish but have everlasting life! Then you ask "what has He done for me?"I would need many ,many pages to tell you but besides dying for me?I have to say,"What hasn't He done for me?I lived a sinners life,drugs,fornication,lies,occult.....name it,I've done it.....I should have been dead many times but he spared my life time and time again,delivered me from addiction(instantaneously removed the taste from my mouth),made me a new person(changing my lusts and desires),I am a cancer patient in remission(the doctors told me there was no cure for my cancer and they could only treat it)BOY WERE THEY SHOCKED WHEN THE TUMOR DISAPPEARED!My Jesus has performed miracle after miracle in my life,and I only mentioned a few .Dear Sweet Child,He forgave me my sins and remembers them no more,and what is amazing is that He helped me forgive myself,I look back at who I once was and all I can say is"Thank you Jesus,"Although it is many years ago I can never forget what the Lord has brought me out of!It's not about going to church or going to Bible Study or Knowing about God it is KNOWING HIM,,,,And all you have to do ,,,,is ask.....He waits for you with open arms ,it's okay to have doubts,it's okay to question,He knows your heart and loves you just as you are God bless you,Kwik
  13. I am new here and already I can see this is a beautiful place for believers what can I say ,except Glory to God.........He loves us in PERFECT love and whatever I am called to do or go through (He never leaves or forsakes us)and therefore the outcome ALWAYS is the same........for my good and to give Him the Glory!!!!! Blessings to all,Kwik
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