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  1. Who do I say Jesus is? That's a bit ambiguous. For a few days not too long ago I toyed with the idea that Lord Jesus Christ was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. Now I'm thinking that that's unlikely. I have heard some say that he is Lord Balaram, God's foremost expansion. I know at least one Hindu who believes this and says he can prove it. Or perhaps he is an expansion of one of God's other energies. I don't know. I consider him a Saviour. But is he THE Saviour? I have no idea. I actually doubt it. One thing is for sure: I follow him in the sense that leads a way of being, less of believing. I am more than willing to "follow him" as though to "follow in his footsteps." I think faith is important too, though. But faith without righteousness is meaningless. There has to be at the least a mental acceptance of the right thing to do. An internal "turning away" from sin or wrong. I think this is ultimately what Jesus represented, and so I have deep respect for him.
  2. 100% Agreed! As someone struggling with mental illness, I can surely feel the sting of much insensitivity. If only people knew the pain that lies underneath.
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