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Everything posted by Wildstar

  1. No, that's not biblical. You can't get saved then unsaved then saved again, then unsaved then saved again, then unsaved then saved again, then unsaved then saved again. Thats very true. So what do you mean? How do you get unsaved?
  2. I assume you are a Calvinist, which I am not, so we will probably not come to an understanding here, but nevertheless, I will address your assertions. In the early Church the term "Catholic" was applied which means universal, that is Christianity is a universal, world-wide religion, and the first one ever such. Christ died so that "whosoever believes in Him" has eternal life. The death was for all humanity should we choose to accept it. God does desire all to be saved, in fact it says the phrase almost verbatim. I believe that when someone repents and turns to God, it glorifies Him. If everyone repents and turns to God, how much more would that glorify Him? That is my logic, and perhaps I miss a key element, but I'm not pretending to be infallible. He desires universal salvation Yes. I can confirm I have also learned Catholic means universal. Not referring to the RCC 1 Timothy 2:4 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 John 2:2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
  3. Ok, let double back and remember, we are talking about Hebrew. In Hebrew, the name of God is four Hebrew letters. AKA the Tetragrammaton. The four Hebrew letters are Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh (as sounded out in our lettering system). When moving the Hebrew letters to our alphabet, it is typically written as YHVH or YHWH. The actual Tetragrammaton would be the four Hebrew letters. There is no Hebrew letter which is called 'I' when transliterated to the Roman alphabet. There is no sound like a long I as in 'like' in Hebrew. So, IHVH is not possible. Now for Jesus. The His name in Hebrew is Yeshua. There is no 'J' sound in Hebrew. Since the NT was writen in Greek, Yeshua had to be transliterated into Greek, but Greek had no Y sound. The closest was an Iota. Greek has no SH sound. The closest is sigma, 's'. And male names all had to end with an S. So, from Hebrew alefbet to the Greek alphabet, we went from Yeshua, to Ieasous. Later the letter J was introducted, with a Y sound. And then the letter J changed sounds, so we end up with Jesus. Which is fine, but not the Sons Hebrew/original name. My point was, that if you use the same rule that you apply to J that you do to W then you can't have YHWH Yes, you can. In Hebrew there is no J and no J sound. But, in Hebrew, there is a sound which is similar to the sound of a W. The vav, with niqqud, has several differing sounds. The vav is either a consonant or a vowel. Some view the V sound as coming about a bit later, and the W sound as an earlier sound. Moses and others transferred to Proto-Sinatic and Phoenician Paleo-Hebrew many Egyptian word phonetics and new word forms were created. Scholars are at debate if Paleo-Hebrew word forms are derived from Egyptian or Phonicean. The modern "J" sounding is nearly the same as the Egyptian soft "G" and the cobra stood for both articulations. It is only reasonable then to see that the Paleo-Hebrew "G" and the "I" also carried the same characteristics. Moses used the Egyptian "Je" as in "Jelly" giving the letter "I" the "Jod" or "G - J" when he renamed Paleo-Hebrew Oshea to Jehoshea. The Babel Babylonian Aramaic corruptions are Jehoshua, Joshua, and Yeshua. Moses never called Oshea any of these names. How could he, when these Aramiac names would not be invented for another 1,400 years?
  4. Not so much that it was forgotten but that no one can pronounce his name since thats simply the nature of language.
  5. That's a really interesting post. However, in my opinion it is not all that important how one pronounces it, because His name was not pronounced by the ancient Hebrews. And even today I am very uncomfortable saying the name, even if it is mispronounced. The Tetragram, however would be the most accurate depiction, however, even the name is usually rendered "I am what I am" which is wholly mysterious and incomprehensible. I think as far as the names of God go, our Lord Jesus is the best depiction we have, because He, afterall, is the image of the invisible God. Interestingly, and this is something I learned recently. The tetragram is often used in describing God the Father, but in actuality the name describes the Holy Trinity. Also, Jesus's name can also be called "Joshua". Honestly I don't think it matters either. Someone could have replaced Jesus with Steve steverson and we would all know who steverson was since we arent even pronouncing his name right in the first place. I dont think its possible to pronounce something right without hearing it anyways. Especially nouns for cities, names etc. But it still bothers me.
  6. Ok, let double back and remember, we are talking about Hebrew. In Hebrew, the name of God is four Hebrew letters. AKA the Tetragrammaton. The four Hebrew letters are Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh (as sounded out in our lettering system). When moving the Hebrew letters to our alphabet, it is typically written as YHVH or YHWH. The actual Tetragrammaton would be the four Hebrew letters. There is no Hebrew letter which is called 'I' when transliterated to the Roman alphabet. There is no sound like a long I as in 'like' in Hebrew. So, IHVH is not possible. Now for Jesus. The His name in Hebrew is Yeshua. There is no 'J' sound in Hebrew. Since the NT was writen in Greek, Yeshua had to be transliterated into Greek, but Greek had no Y sound. The closest was an Iota. Greek has no SH sound. The closest is sigma, 's'. And male names all had to end with an S. So, from Hebrew alefbet to the Greek alphabet, we went from Yeshua, to Ieasous. Later the letter J was introducted, with a Y sound. And then the letter J changed sounds, so we end up with Jesus. Which is fine, but not the Sons Hebrew/original name. My point was, that if you use the same rule that you apply to J that you do to W then you can't have YHWH
  7. Read the letters to the churches in Revelations. Chapters 1-3. They warn those who are saved and have the Spirit (the Spirit is speaking to his own) to persevere and endure the hardships and then they will be rewarded with the crown of life. They haven't received it yet, but after that they will. He warns people in those books to repent or he will take away their lamp (their holy spirit) . If you read the scriptures in like Ephesians 1:13-14 it says "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory." It says that having the holy spirit is a guarantee of your inheritance. But nowhere does it say you will be saved if you lose His deposit.
  8. In the dead sea scrolls there is a interpolation, the scripting is Aramic Babyolonian rabbincal writing and did not come into practice until after the Babylonian captivity. The interpolation is four letters is written in the ancient Paleo Semitic alphabet (sometimes called ancient Hebrew) But what are these four letters? Are they the tetragrammaton of YHWH or YHVH? No. The third letter is not a "waw or a vav". this is not the Paleo-Hebrew letter for the W or the V. Another point is that there is no "W" letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Here again, the Yahwist cannot have the name Yahweh with out the "W" sound with the "W" alphabet character which also, like the letter "J" was invented to symbolize the sound. Admitting, the "W" sound was also included in the use of the "V" but what are the rules of grammar to know when the "V" had the "V" sound and the "W" sound? The concision Yahwist never seem to want to discuss this. They want to focus in on the letter "J" so they can attack the name of Jesus. Should they use the same argument against the "Y" and the "W" they use against the "J" they could not even pronounce Yahweh and the letters would not be YHWH but IHVH. Jesus is simply Jesus. There are some people who give him other names though. The tetragrammaton is IHSH. This would be "IEHSHU." When we add the final "s" to add masculinity the name would be "IEHSHUS." Since the rule of grammar is that an "I" followed by a vowel has the "J" sound we arrive correctly at "JEHSHUS." which any person with intelligence can see its pronounced as "JESUS." So in conclusion Gods name is IHVH and the Sons name is Jesus. What do you think?
  9. You have wolves in sheeps clothing to worry about. But there are ambassadors of God around which is anyone who has the indwelling of the holy spirit. Also in the NT it seemed like the religious people were the ones who disbelieved the most. Just my 2c.
  10. Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians warning them of their faith being twisted and using words like "have you experienced so much in vain" and in general telling them they would be cursed for believing like they were believing. They were saved and their faiths, although still believing in Jesus, were twisted and it displeased God. Don't you know Aarons sons offered strange fire to God and were consumed? You can believe in God, but you have to believe in God in his way. This is why I believe in Jesus according to the OT sacrificial laws. It's actually why I believe all sin was taken at his baptism. Then all sin was crucified at his cross. OSAS is very hard to believe in. Because you turn a blind eye to many scriptures, which are very numerous.
  11. I simply dont go to church because my beliefs are different. Its like you can believe what you believe, but me and you have completely different views about Jesus. So I reject them and I expect them to reject me. Now on the other hand I dont mind gathering with like minded people who believe in God. I am against gathering with people of a different faith. Not that they don't believe in Jesus, but Catholics, Mormons and JWs believe in Jesus too but its obvious they believe in a different version. I haven't been to church since I was 'born again' on my 21st birthday. I have spiritually improved a great deal since then.
  12. I think the Mormons have an answer for this one - they don't teach that there was a first cause of all things, but rather that the universe has always been - hence Elohim is just one in a succession of humans that have achieved godhood. The whole basis of the Mormon testimony is feeling based, not logic based or philosphical - they appeal to the burning in the bosom as their final authority on what is true and what is not. off topic I always considered the burning heart thing to be because I did something bad so this post made me sorta laugh The feeling of goodness I get is when I do good and my heart gets that water flow thing. never understood why people latch onto the warm heart thing. The bible says the holy spirit is a FOUNTAIN haha
  13. NO. Jesus has not returned. He is not on this earth, save the holy spirit.
  14. For your first time it's better just to get through it and to see the overall picture. It's good to ask questions. They all get answered in time though. I know for my self I had endless questions because people told me how to believe. I took my time and looked into everything. I have went through many different denominations and faiths looking at everything they presented. The smart ones can be the most deceiving and you can see loop holes in some of what they say. They may base their whole reasoning on a flawed foundation, which will throw you off. So anyways. I read the bible for hours every day for a few years. I think I was really scared because I believed in God 100%, yet I knew in my heart I wasn't saved. I had nothing similar that those in the NT had. I never had the Spirit testify for one. Am I supposed to blindly believe I got the holy spirit for believing in some random way? I consider that to be taking the risk of strange fire. Just like Aarons sons who believed in God their own way, they were consumed by God instead of going by the way he laid out. You dont have to go at it alone though and although I disagree with what most poeple have to say at this time, you can learn little things here and there. Be very critical. Extremely critical. You only have one soul and you cant afford to make the mistake of getting this wrong. Its better to tremble, believe, and hope that god will open your eyes and heart. Ill send you a pm to what I like to read, it might help you out.
  15. This is SO wrong in so many ways. prove it The church needs money to function. The preacher needs at least a good living wage. There are ministries to support. Do you think the church can exist if all of its members only give their money to the poor? You completely missed my post. Most preachers are out for money though, which makes this argument moot. Some preachers are even atheists. And the point being is the verses people use for instance for 10% are misused and twisted. No, I didn't miss your point. How can you say that "most" preachers are out for money? This is absurd. Yes, I agree that some are, and maybe even most on tv are. I have been to several churches in my lifetime and have found that most do not even talk about money hardly at all if any. Even though the Bible talks more about money than about anything, including salvation. How is it absurd? Just do a google search. Or look at the vatican. People use God to make money. I dont go to church anymore. I find it soulless and contrary to my faith anyways. So to each their own. Also Goldeneagle provided some scripture as a counter argument to your tithing thing.
  16. Repent and believe in Jesus to receive the forgiveness of sins. Repent means to have a change of heart. To believe means to believe Jesus took up the worlds sin at his baptism, crucified all sin at his crucifixion and thereby condemned sin in the flesh rending it powerless towards the believer. God has cleansed you. Read 1 John. It talks about belief in Christ, how this belief has made you sinless, what constitutes as true faith in Jesus (water, blood, spirit) etc. I also sent you a PM!
  17. This is SO wrong in so many ways. prove it The church needs money to function. The preacher needs at least a good living wage. There are ministries to support. Do you think the church can exist if all of its members only give their money to the poor? You completely missed my post. Most preachers are out for money though, which makes this argument moot. Some preachers are even atheists. And the point being is the verses people use for instance for 10% are misused and twisted.
  18. How can it defile you? It's unhealthy, yes. But then eating pretty much anything not made from scratch is sin since everything has pesticides / preservatives in it which also hurt the body. If smoking is a sin then so is eating pizza, and eating ice cream.
  19. 1 John 5:18, "We know that whoever is born of God doesn't sin, but he who was born of God keeps himself, and the evil one doesn't touch him." sinless perfection by belief in the lord jesus. Amen There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don't walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. For what the law couldn't do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh; that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4 John says in 1 John 3:6 that those who do sin don't know Christ. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Romans 3:21-26
  20. To be fair the verses used to support tithing were aimed at Israel and the priests who did not work for money but for God and relied on these tithes from the other tribes. The verse now is used to support a building, sort of like a club membership, and the owner usually spends it on vehicles and the like. It's evil, scripture twisting and has nothing to do with the will of God. If you want to use your money for good then give directly to the poor, the homeless, feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty. Other then that a cheerful giver is looked fondly on by God. I know whatever I give to the poor I get back. Like throwing something out in the ocean it will come back to me in some way. I have had experiences with this and it's definently a reality. What you give out of the goodness of your heart you will receive. But "by what measure you use it will be measured back to you" so consider that.
  21. Where have you read in the bible that smoking is a sin?
  22. As far as spreading the gospel I have argued with my own family.
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