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  1. Thanks Joe! I always thought there are many heavens according to the Bible and now it's confirmed!
  2. The reason why "heavens" is plural is because our universe is not the only one, there are 7 heavens, one on top of the other! Such is the majesty of God's creation. We live in the last heaven, decorated with stars. I don't know exactly if the number 7 is mentioned in the bible, but I'm sure it also supports the idea of multiple heavens.
  3. Excellent link shiloh. Oh by the way, every time I see your signature it really makes me want to buy a leather jacket haha I should think about getting one soon. I think more research on this topic needs to be done by creationists and believers but there are some really dedicated individuals already who are at it which is fantastic to see. Our superiority over other creatures could not be understated, we have language, meta cognition, civilization etc. If you pair that with the philosophy of science which tells us that if we could map our brains entirely for example, it could still never explain where subjectivity comes from, different humans have different subjective experiences for reasons which could never possibly be explained, so this type of consciousness had to come from without. Additionally, we can look at the limitation of human beings, the fact that we can't create a single living organism from dead material, like a fly for example. A simple living, breathing fly can never be created from chemicals or dead matter by anybody on earth, even if all scientists joined forces, they could not create a single living functioning animal. This is indeed a sign of God's existence for those who ponder. Having said all that, science by definition, does not take into account miracles or any Divine being, they are literally joining the dots without trying to use anything that they can't observe and let's face it, we can't expect anybody who refuses to believe in God to accept our explanation. We believe in God and we believe in scripture that is from the ultimate Authority- God Himself. We don't have to get down in the dirt and play their game of ignoring God, if we play that game, it would not make us any better than them. We don't believe in scripture *because of* creationism, that's ridiculous. We believe in religion because it explains what our purpose of life is, it makes perfect sense where we come from, why we are here and what comes after our death. The truthful prophecies made by scripture, the life of the prophets, all of this and much more validate scripture. Let's never lose focus on the wider and more important issue when we engage with evolutionists.
  4. Nice post Tristen, enjoyable read. I didn't even know about the treatment Micheal Reiss and Richard Sternberg. There will come a time when the arrogant will be confronted with that which they were continually denigrating.
  5. I found the following Godel quote interesting: "I like Islam, it is a consistent idea of religion and open-minded." Kurt Gödel as quoted by Hao Wang in "A Logical Journey: From Gödel to Philosophy", Hao Wang. The MIT Press. 1996. Seems like Godel was not so smart afterall, IMHO. lol! Being a Muslim, I know what you mean haha perhaps he was looking at it from a scientific viewpoint or something? Rather than the obvious thing we have in mind. I'm opening a thread on the relationship between the genesis and evolution, I would love it if you posted there since I like many of your posts Nobody-2441. You seem to be understanding the relationship between religion and science much the same way I do, from your intepretation of Noah's ark to a lot of other things.
  6. 100% true. Well explained. Science still cannot create life from nothing or even create life out of fully functioning lifeless organs. There needs to be a soul and only God is in charge of that.
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