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Everything posted by SINNERSAVED

  1. I like that advertisement, it says it all forsure, very funny . thanks
  2. you have tried and also attack all scripture and threads I post, and its for what ?, I have clearly stated that, and I am still correct in context if we want to nickel dime, this, and now I have to explain, for reasons, to keep this from derailment, by the same that does it to me all the time, my statement on to be absent of the body , is to be present with the lord, so if you want to say I am twisting anything, lets take a good look at it , for I said it , as I did , and it is still valid, now if I said to be absent of the body , would not be with the lord, then maybe we can raise the dead on this subject to figure out how I twisted, and manipulated this verse, if you want to say that you are correcting me for the verse in scripture, I am calling that false, and its not even needed for it goes to show, why,you do this, and what your motives are ? period, we see that I have started many topics ,and if I am wrong I will admit it, but to say that the evil spirits and deceiving people is not allowed then why do you derail this thread and muddy the waters like on the others, is it for personal gain? what you just showed in scripture has nothing to do with anything out of context, so you have brought up something to derail, just because, and that's not nice, and not honest,? I am not here for popularity, ? as some, but to bring the simple, untwisted,!! word of God, and it gets derailed, ? when it is twisted to say what I am not saying ,and then I have to explain my self for something I did not do ? , and so if we want to be about scripture and not teach false doctrines and have evil spirits and out side evil reside here, then we must stay in the bible and keep it about God, and not the self, for this is where it goes off track, lets just keep it about God, we want to know about God and His love for the Sinful people, and why He had to die on the cross, for many will hear His word, and then there will be others that , will be judged for what they do for it is not God s glory , it is the self , and we worship a just and Holy God, and every word and thought , and motive will be accounted for, and so , if I teach anything, it is with compassion, and for the edifying of the people, and nothing else, to encourage and build up , not to tear down , and attack, and so this has got to stop, lashing out at me or trying to trip one, at every corner takes people away from learning and understanding the love for God, for if we are showing hate and contempt, then we are doing no one any good, and Gods people are not about what the world is , but what the kingdom, of God is, we are to be kind and understanding, and not dishonest, and full of pride, for the pride goes before a fall, this is what the bible says, and not to be joined the dark and the light for it does not mix, and so its getting old to have to explain my self for there is disagreement, for I teach the truth , and the truth is not easy to take,? thank you to all that has seen this and why they do this, blessings and peace
  3. just a question, if we are not sure who wrote the book of Hebrews, and we are not sure who wrote any other books, in the new testament, how do we know it right to follow it, ? if we are not sure it is just a question, ? did the apostles that walk with Jesus write the books, or some, one else , years after, ? these are question, I have to ask, for I want to know ? thank you
  4. I think we will never get the complete or full story of the biography of Jesus and the lost years, and I think there is such a hidden agenda to keep people from the truth that the devil has covered all the bread crumbs and so we need to stay the course and believe that God is God and the bible is holy and God breath, I have come to that conclusion, and that the evil forces are doing everything to keep the spirit of God the truth from all people, and so the holy spirit is our seal and our guide, in this evil and wicked world that's my opinion, blessings to all
  5. I am not prejudice you have just judge me for telling you facts, I was a catholic,. and you cannot mix truth with evil ? many are fast to say what God does not like, and I see that we are not praying and seeking God first, and opening our eyes to the truth and the spirit , and so ,now you turn it on, me, because you did not want any truth , and so I will leave it at that, do not make it personal, and judge me, I am showing you truth ,
  6. do you know what you believe in, and why you believe, it would be what the bible tells us, and our lifestyle, not a religion of works, you cvan never be nice enough or good enough, and follow all the things they tell you to do to get to heaven, and if you do not divide the truth from the lie, then you are not seeing what God has given to us, and we are to obey him, and His words , not mans do you think that I am not following Jesus ? do you see my faults, by what I write, . if so , please tell me what it is , that you see fault in, and I will respectfully accept it , and respond with a reasonable answer, and with respect back to you , so I am asking, what do you think is wrong with me, and do you think I be able to get to heaven with what you see of me ? this is said in love, and understanding, for we are to correct each other and to instruct each other, to be in accordance to the word , and if I am out of line, I want to know, , and you are free to your opinion, thank you bopeep
  7. you have just side step , from the start and did not answer my question, this is why , there is no understanding of the difference, you have just chose to over look what I just said, ? and it has a lot to do with man made rituals, from the entering of the church
  8. I gave you my answer are you not reading what I wrote ?
  9. who is my friend, and when i post a topic its not ment to be derailed, and who would be responsible for that ? you are angry and now ,making it that I don't run this place, I never, said anything like that, so why are you angry, I am trying to stay on topic, and you refuse to do what you said by staying on topic ?
  10. that's correct , blessings to you , exactly,, thank you
  11. have you spoken to JWs or Mormons lately, see what they tell you , on what they call them selves the Jws say they follow Jesus , like us, and the Mormons, say they follow jesus also , I have had both come, to my house, and I have talked to both, and now they don't want to come, to my house, for I am ready with my bible, and they cannot have you lead the conversation, thank you so are you saying that the catholics follow the same Jesus , christians do ? that is not correct,, if they are following the formulated operation of the church that be false, for as they walk into the church , they get holy water and start from there, ? do you grab holy water as a Christian walking into a church, of Christians ?
  12. okay lets stay on topic, and let me answer you, oranges are oranges ? , oranges are not bananas ? so just like you say don't you know that the Mormon religion is a cult, ? your words to me, . I say I was a catholic, and it was a cult, for its religious rituals and beliefs and what it does, and serves to others to follow , in the traditions of men, and so that would separate the two, ? I also told you I have family as catholics, and they worship a different jesus , and to be born again, is to not be following anything other then the bible it self , and a personal relationship with God,, my family is catholic, and I have many friends the same, and this is why I am a Christian, for the ways of the following is taught and what they believe, this is the truth , and if you want to go by feelings over truth then that would be something you need to deal with , but , you cannot come at me, as you , did, and be angry, ? this is learning and teaching of truth , and many cannot handle the truth , ? thank you
  13. the books that are brought up in this topic, has much value, as needed , and great reads, but has nothing to do with , evil and repenting, for, this is about judging, here , and that's not okay ,and that would need to be repented of, ? why cant we even have one topic with out it becoming a mess everytime, people want to disagree, is this how Jesus would want us to settle this,? no we need to be open minded , and not be judging and having others follow the same, this is not what we call, correct ? thank you
  14. well apparently we are not staying with the topic for it was all explained prior to this and there is no reason, to make up things that are dishonest , if we refuse to look at the start of this thread with the cautions, and what I did say for this is to try to make it personal , and that's not nice, ? we should be responsible with the word of God, instead of jumping to conclusions, and not even understanding what the books and others have already said about the books, you might want to read what others that want to learn and understand truth is saying , have a nice day ,
  15. are you replying to me of having to repent, for the books I brought up ? just asking
  16. if we do not post any topic there will be no conversation, and so why are you making it personal, you just got angry, ?
  17. I was looking at my bible and put it side by side, and where my KJV says gentile the catholic bible said heathen , that is odd, why would it say that, ? any one know why that is used instead of Gentile, ? the new world translation of the Jw says heathen also , why not Gentile ?
  18. this has nothing to do with bashing any one, so before you say its about something that its not , its a fair topic and it really does happen, and so why would you want to get angry again? I was raised a catholic until I became a Christian and so this is a topic of understanding and that's all, we don't need to go off topic thank you
  19. agree 199% ,but it seems t hard for some to understand this simple problem ? shalom brother
  20. you may say it is a mystery , according to the bible, as paul states, but we are to understand that this mystery will come after the tribulation of those days, from what we get as a time, line, now, ,it also says that it will come as a thief to those not watching , and not ready , and this places , the parable, of the ten virgins, right here , the five wise and the five foolish, it is for us to take notes, and to have our lamps filled with oil, and be watching , and be ready , thank you
  21. okay , I can except that I am asking this question from a American citizen society , and not from other countries, or cultures, and so you are right on that, but let me, also explain, something, I have been around the world and met, many people and cultures , and visited , a lot , and most for the Christian view is taken in as a catholic based church , for the non denomination churches are more of a missionary style type church or gathering around the world , so yes , I can except that, but my question is based to the American culture , and how we see things, I was raised as a catholic and then became a Christian, and so I know the differences and I have lived , it, I also have friends and people I know that are catholics, love God, but they are not in tuned with a personal relationship and do not live in the ways of Jesus , they live as the world is and are, not aware they are in any wrong, and so they carry on as good and nice people, but never understanding the personal relationship , with God, and never wanting to change from what they know, and so I totally understand this, I posted this to figure out in America why we think they are the same and there is a divide, and so it is fair to say this from experience and from my surroundings and of my understanding to day , that I follow thank you and blessings to you , and the topics last I remember are for learning and teaching of the word , not about personal dealings that have nothing to do with the topic, thank you for your time,
  22. What people fail to understand , is that this movement, of war, against the jews, was not by them alone, it was calculated, figured out, and planned, many years ahead of time, it also took support, and partnerships, together to maintained and to carry out a devastation so bad and corrupt, it was not just one, man ,? with a demon possessed mind, or brain washed, it was a group of thugs, and power, a elite group , with money , and supply,to accomplish this, ? for how it was carried, out, and then we have even more, that people have not looked, at, but there is a lot behind the curtain of the wizard of oz, if you know what I mean , thank you
  23. that's the correct one, I apologize for not spelling it correctly, but you have a correct link and meaning of what it was about , than you
  24. do you not think that we americans, are not following the path of eliminating God and Christianity at all cost, so I would not worry about what was in the past and what they did , for there is much more that people don't even understand about the ones pulling the strings and the agendas that was done, and are still not in view of the wars, and so we have our own war, here at home, we go to fight a war that was not ours to fight, but went because we were told , and then now they want to take your guns and dumb down America, have any one looked at our little world lately , ? thank you
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