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Everything posted by Greenie

  1. The entertainer (espf-a)...i guess i could agree to that
  2. I wondered about this for weeks and weeks... i still smoke cigarettes, i quit weed instantly but i cant seem to kick the cigarette habit. I feel like God doesnt want me to smoke and i condem myself all the time . I also know theres no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. I get confused about this all the time. I figure when the Holy Spirit tells me its time then that's when I quit. That's how it happened for my other bad habit
  3. So these are somethings ive been battling and i want some good advice. I've been doing a lot of research lately (and probably the wrong kind) i get on YouTube and look up exposed video's...not sexual exposed but stuff like false prophets or ccm artist or Christian hip-hop or Christian rock bands who lead people down the wrong path. I get upset because i gave up secular music (which is good i know) but the artist i thought were good to listen to like lacrae or bizzle or young fly and saved or mercy me...the list goes on and on ..... some of the videos I've seen about them point out things such as satanic occult symbolism and I'm like great now i cant listen to these artists either. Am i wrong for buying in to this stuff or is it eye opening? I feel like its eye opening but same thing goes on for tv shows and televangelists. Ive googled false prophets and just about everyone i like creflo dollar and Joyce Meyer and Andrew Wolmack (dont think i got his last name spelled right) but some say their false too. I like watching those people when i cant get to church or be around Christian people. Im kinda like addicted to watching these videos so i know what to look out for. Theres another website called jesus-is-saviour.com that i find hard to believe but some of it makes sense. Ok on to another problem I'm dealing with.... i cant get off the perfectionist treadmill or stop having the legalistic mindset. I pray every night for God to help me with this. I know i cant force anyone to stop what their doing and i force my beliefs on people. I know people will tell me "you just gotta live and love like Jesus does and they'll want what you have" but i find that hard to do....most days i feel like a Pharisee and i definitely dont want that! I read the NT when i feel down and i pray for the Holy Spirit to give me understanding when i get into scripture but once again i find it hard to discern i want that gift too. I know God is working on me one way or another i just want to know how and how i can work with him. Thank you for your time and help
  4. yea I can see what your saying, I hold on to hope that I will understand his answer but I can't help but to feel like I'm failing
  5. yea, bopeep I pray daily for my anger and I want to step out in faith but I feel like I fail at that too...I just feel like a whiner all the time about every subject in my life and I'm sick of it.
  6. @allthegoodnamesaretaken... or anyone else for that matter I feel like I'm the seed in the shallow soil or the one thats being choked out by the weeds. I really want to find the right way to have my relationship with JESUS, but I fail all the time. I'm constantly mad either at myself or everyone else and I cant seem to let go of my anger. sometime I even feel like the pharisees like I'm just putting on a show...but other people and books I read remind me that its a slow progression and JESUS is working on things within me. I repent daily and seek gods grace and look for the answers to my issues, but I'm a very impatient human and need to learn to rely on GOD and his timing and not my own. It is best said that I am my own worst enemy. sorry if that didn't give you the responds you may have been looking for but its the one I deal with day in and day out
  7. So im curious to know which bible i should read....some say kjv or amplified or nasb or nlt or niv. Are they all they same? Did some lose translation? Currently i flip back and forth between kjv, nkjv, i like the amplified but i use nlt for now...ive also heard that the Wycliffe bible was before the kjv so which is it?
  8. Not to sound like im repeating myself but heres what i struggle with...how am i supposed to love and live with her when all's i want is to talk and live about and for jesus and she is very hesitant towards it. How do i do things with her and not be worldly?
  9. Heres one why is it instant conversion for some but a slow process for other? I want to be the instant kind but its a slow process for me
  10. there things like bruce lee or batman posters, ninja weapons (swords, kendo sticks, nunchuckus , throwing stars and daggers) the magic trading cards is like pokemon but more D&D oriented per say. Ive got video games i could definitely do without and also movies ive accumulated over the years. I want to get some money out of my collection and use that money for good but i also believe in what you all are saying and thats one of the reasons im here. To get good advices from fellow brothers and sisters in christ
  11. So I've been feeling really oppressed and my mom says its whats left in my house from my old life and that i need to purge myself and my house. Now heres my question, is it sinful or wrong to sell some of these items? Like replica weapons or magic the gathering trading cards or posters and whatnot...i would like to use the money to get godly things like new posters or an amplified bible ....any opinions are welcome
  12. So i may not get everything out that i want to so bear with me. I was raised in a Christian house hold and was saved early in life. Then around 14 (im 29 now) i backslide and was there for for a long time (pretty much till a month or so ago) when i was 25 i met (my now wife) and we dated for a year then moved in together and then she got pregnant. I asked her to marry me before we knew we had a baby coming so its not like i married her for that reason. I spent the next 3 years in a loving but sinful marriage. Like i mentioned earlier i rededicated my life back to God july 5 2015, i feel good about this but my wife is not really a believer. One of my new problems is i feel like me coming back to Jesus is affecting our relationship because all's i want to do is read the bible or talk about god or look up stuff like in these forums or read books pertaining to Christianity. I know this takes away from family time or our relationship. Sometimes i feel bad about it and other days not so much. As i talked to people in my church a lot of them said "be still and know that i am the lord" (sorry i dont the book or verse that comes from) i feel like im trying to catch up in my faith. Others would say it takes baby steps, a slow process. (Which i dont really fully understand..but hey if thats what it takes) i know god hasn't given up on me and i haven't given up him but i struggle so much sometimes. Theres a lot more to get off my chest so stick with me. Ok so back to my wife...now i dont ignore her i still care about her and i do really love her but were only 2 years into our marriage and it seems like all the romance is gone. I try to do things with her and not compromise my faith or Christianity but i find that hard to do as well seeing as how she is not a believer so what could i do? One day while sitting my car and reading the bible and praying asking god to show me a verse i needed about my marriage i came across 1cor. chapter 7 verses 12-17. It spoke to me but yet i keep looking for answers. Some will say im trying to hard or forcing her to believe. Its not like im preaching to her or forcing her to church but i also want to be the spiritual head of my house hold. I know i should love her but im even finding that hard to do. It seems like we no longer have common ground and everything i want to do she doesnt and vis versa... (on a side note is it possible to burn yourself out on the gospel by over doing it? ) i feel like im leaving some stuff out cause its been like this for a month now and ive talked to so many different people about this but i just want some fellow Christian believers advice, for i no longer have friends cause there all non believers....am i wrong with all this? What am i doing wrong? If you take time to respond to this or read it i thank you in advance
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