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Everything posted by *Deidre*

  1. Since the topic steered into a convo about the death penalty...IMHO, the DP should be banned in the U.S. And anywhere else, really. It is not an act of justice, even for those who are rightfully convicted. Eye for an eye and the world is blind - Gandhi Ok...back to the OT. Just tossing my two cents in.
  2. It's not a gun problem, it's a heart problem. Look at what happened on 9/11. No guns were involved that tragic day. I'm not pro-gun though, I lean more towards the anti-gun group, but I don't think that these cases are examples of a gun problem, as much as examples showing how mankind displays its depravity. So sad.
  3. I think that the Pope may very well feel he is doing what he feels is best, but for a while now, I've felt like he tries to straddle the fence of secularism and following Jesus. Can't do both. One will give way to the other, eventually.
  4. I watched the mass, and it would seem that he did that, preached about Jesus, etc. But, while I try not to judge his personal faith walk, as a leader of the RCC, he seems to be interested in pleasing everyone. When you follow Jesus, the world will not be accepting of you. If he is looking to gain popular acceptance, so he can 'win' people over to Catholicism, he is missing the mark. He seems somewhat like a PR Manager, looking to make the Church look tolerant and popular, which is fine but shouldn't be the main point he is trying to make. I was a Catholic before I left Christianity, and now returning to it, I can see attending mass again, but I feel more that being a Christian is about celebrating the Holy Spirit in your life, and honoring Jesus, not honoring a Church or Church 'teachings,' or a Pope.
  5. lol Kim Davis I'm sooooo tired of hearing and reading about this woman, who became 'famous' for being a hypocrite. She is against homosexual sin, but heterosexual sin gets a pass in her mind's eye. Ugh, I wish the news would stop giving her air time. If this is how she lives her life, not for me to judge, but the fact that she is famous for really doing nothing noteworthy is irritating at this point.
  6. Wondering if it would change the flavor much of the PB.
  7. When we allow Jesus into our hearts and lives...He does that for us. Cleans our lives, if we let Him. <3
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