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Sören Hoffmann

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About Sören Hoffmann

  • Birthday April 14

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    Südtirol (Italy)
  • Interests
    Composing orchestral music, acting in theatre, reading (mostly bible commentary, church history, old church fathers, etc.), studying old greek and Hebrew

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  1. What is heaven? Another question would be: "What is heaven compared to earth?" In our life on this planet we are bound to the natural laws or in other terms: We are limited within time space and matter and so is our logic. Sitting on clouds and playing the harp is not exactly the description of heaven given in the bible, but I get your objection. Eternity seems to be the definition of a really long time and that appears to include a bunch of boredom. What am I supposed to do with that much time? This track of thought contains a major error. As already indicated: time is in fact a ristriction that does not exist in heaven. When the bible talks about "eternity" (or what's translated with eternity from the greek), it means the liberation from natural laws and restrictions such as time space and matter. We'll be spirit just like angels (that does not mean that we will be angels) and we'll also be in the presence of God, which is only possible when we are without terrestrial limitations. Somebody who's entering Heaven will receive a new body (a non terrestrial form). There are a lot of pictures given in the bible describing what heaven looks like. But trying to describe what heaven looks like with our limited minds is more than difficult. Just imagine to be without the existence of time space and matter, imagine to live without restrictions. The possibilities are unlimited, the beauty of live is indescribable and you may realise, anything else but boring. How do I know that I'll go there? Nobody is perfect. But more important: Nobody can make himself perfect. Heaven is a place of perfection and humans are not without failure. Does this mean nobody can go to heaven because everybody is a sinner? The answer is: "yes, nobody can", because we can't make our own way into heaven. At this point God is offering us forgiveness, the chance to become pure and perfect as human used to be in the garden of Eden. He want's to take our sin so that we have a chance to be in his presence. Imagine you're a hole and you can't get out with your own strengh. God is reaching down to you offering his hand to pull you out. You can choose to take his hand knowing that you'll get out or you can debate the existence of a God and rejecting his offer. Salvation is a matter of faith. If you agree and confess to God that you're a sinner, that's your first step. You're realising that you're stuck in a hole and that you can't get out by yourself. English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes. Best regards Sören
  2. Can an alcoholic be a christian? Well I'd say everyone, including that preacher you were talking about is at least a liar. Now I as a christian realise that lying is wrong, ask God for forgiveness and God is forgiving me. An alcoholic can be a christian. Christians are not automatically free from any addictions. A majority of Christian men is addicted to porn. Will they all go to he'll? I guess your question is more about someone who used to be a christian. Is he still saved even when he turned away from God? Can we loose our salvation? There are different opinions about that. I encourage you to seek the reasons why he turned away from God and start working from there.
  3. Wow that are a lot of questions. Well first of all you should ask yourself why you are asking a christian such questions. I'm just saying, because most Atheists already answered them believeng their answer is the only existing possibility. So they ask those questions without a serious intention. If you're searching for truth and if you are open to admit that even an Atheist may be wrong about God, I'll be happy to answer your questions as good as I can. Do you think evolution is true? If not why not? Well that's a big topic. First, christians or other religious guys are not the only ones doubting the evolution theory. While it is common to be taught in schools, there is a inconsistency in the universaties. Arguments from Richard Dawkins like "all smart people who are working in the scientific community agree about the evolution theory" resulted in some uprising professors of biology, geology, physiks and other fields connected to the evolution theory, who do not support it and it is not because of their faith. I just want to make the point that the whole debate about the evolution theory is not a debate between Christians and Professors, but a debate within the scientific community. I'll still give you my personal doubts about the evolution theory.If you are talking about the evolution theory I guess you mean the complete history from the Big Bang til today. So let's start at the beginning. I just realized that people who are trying to explain the Beginning of the universe and it's further development can't explain the key turning points of their own theory. Let's start with the Bib Bang itself. 14 billion years ago the whole universe was condensed in a sphere a thousand times smaller than a pinhead, which was spinning and became hotter until it exploded. And that's how the universe came into existence. That's how a professor of physics explained it to me. When we are talking about the universe, we are talking about time space and matter. And when we are trying to explain how time space and matter came into existence there is a major error in the previous explanation. A sphere a thousand times smaller than a pinhead (space), including the whole universe (matter) which is spinning (time) and heating up, already exists in the rules of time space and matter. Therefore is hasn't explained anything. Another key element of the evolution theory is that at one point in time dead matter became somehow alive. "Somehow" is the only explanation I've got so far and it's not a really satisfying one. There is also a major debate going on about how morality came into existence. You may want to check out a few Debates with William Lane Craig. He also wrote a book called "Reasonable Faith". There's a website with the same name as well. He is debating a lot about the existence of God and other topics that may interest you. Last comes the theory about macro evolution. It's one kind of animal evolving to a different kind of animal. While micro evolution is proven to exist, macro evolution isn't. Also micro evolution is not proving macro evolution. At this point scientists are relying on the fossil record and with it the C14 method. The C14 method is doubted and rarely proven to work. And why on earth would a serious scientist trust in a method that doesn't seem to work as it should. Here's an article on the C14 method. http://www.icr.org/article/doesnt-carbon-dating-prove-earth-old/ Without C14 we still have the stone layers, where the fossils are found, right? Well, the age of these layers were randomly defined and I give you another hint here. There are petrified trees found going vertical through various layers. You don't want to tell me that the bottom of the tree is 200 Million years older than the top of the tree, do you? Well I can be sceptic aboud God and there are reasons for that. But I can be sceptic about the evolution theory as well (not because I'm a christian). Before I'll answer your following questions I'll give you a brief overview about what christians actually believe. Every human being is a sinner. I'm sinful and do bad things that I should not do, and so are you. Well, God created me with a free will, so that I can choose to believe in him or not. I can choose to kill the most righteous human alive or I can choose not to hurt myself and others. Unfortunately everybody is tempted to choose what he thinks is best for him, even if that means damaging someone else. It doesn't matter if you're a killer or a just a liar, you need forgiveness. And that is exactly what God is offering you. Now it's your turn to say: "yes I'll take the forgiveness and be without sin and at the same time turn away from sin" or I can say: "no, I don't want God's forgiveness" Well, it's that easy to go to heaven. Should a killer who truthfully repents be allowed into heaven? Should a kindhearted atheist or person of another faith be allowed into heaven? Guess what. Everybody is allowed into heaven, because God is offering everybody the same: FORGIVENESS ... The question is: Do you accept it? There is a theological debate going on wether you can accept God's forgiveness after you died, or not. Well and one of the points in that debate is: "What about those people who never heard about God?"... The bible is not exactly clear about that but it doesn't have to be clear because God says he's just and fair and offering everyone forgiveness. How that exactly works is indeed debatable. If a person you care about is ill (and I hope that never happens) would you just pray for them or would you take them to a doctor? If you say you'd do both, then which do you think would have more effect? When I pray, I pray that God's will be done and not mine. My heart and my desires can be wicked, but If there is a God who knows everything, he probably also knows what's best for me and others. I'd take a sick person to the doctor, but if God decides that this person shall die I don't think there's anything the doctor could do about it. Would you be happy in heaven, if somebody you loved was in hell? Would I personaly cry or feel happy when I'm in heaven and someone I loved was in hell? I honestly don't know, because I haven't been in that situation yet. God himself is crying about everyone who's turning away from him. Salvation is so simple as I've already mentioned, but still not everybody realises that. God is accepting your desicion. He is not forcing you to accept forgiveness. Who's prayers does god answer? And if it's ultimately his will what happens anyway, then why bother praying? Well, I certanly want to know what God's will is. He has a plan for my life. The alternative is following what I think is best for me. I tried that figuring out that it hurts me and others more than just trusting in God. He's been guiding me miraculously and sor far I've only benefited. So yes, praying is less about my will but God's will. It is not ultimately what happens in my life. God knows what happens in my life. But I still decide if I want to follow God or not. If god spoke to you and told you to kill somebody, would you do it? Well if God spoke to me about killing someone I would immediately know that it's not God speaking to me. There's also a difference between the old and the new testament. In the old testament God did give such commands. You have to read the context carefully. God loves his people and he is even calling Israel his Bride in the old testament. Now here a picture for you. If a really bad guy would hold a gun to the head of a person you really love, and you have a gun in your hand pointing at the bad guy, would you kill the bad guy in order to save the person you love. Well God did pull the trigger in the old testament a few times to save his "Bride". Now in the new testament he promised to never give such commands again. Is god always watching you? How about when you're on the toilet? Well I don't think God is sexually attracted by watching me sitting on the toilett. But yeah, He is! If Christianity was proven wrong, what would you're reaction be? It has to be proven wrong before I can answer this question. Why has so much of the bible been proven wrong, like the flat Earth theory? Even if the church at some point believed that the earth is flat, this nowhere to be found in the bible. You got to come up with something else. Also please check where this theory came from. You'll be suprised. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth Is the bible literally true, or just morally. Both! One does not exclude the other. I can teach you morality by giving you a parable and I can teach you about morality with a true story. Now your question probably contains the miracles written in the bible, like God parting the red Sea or Jesus turing water into wine etc. If God is almighty and not restricted to time space and matter why should he not be able to do such things. Who decides what is to be taken literally? Well, the bible does! The bible makes it quite clear about that. It is not at all my intention to offend anyone, and I apologise if I did. I simply wondered what your answers would be. Thanks again and have a nice day No offence taken. Again if you are really interested in the topic you should look up William Lane Craig, visit his homepage http://www.reasonablefaith.org/ and maybe get hands on his book "Reasonable Faith". English is not my native Language, so I'm sorry for spelling mistakes or bad grammar. If you want more material, feel free to contact me. I'm not the smartest kid on the planet but I may be able to give you a couple more links to check out. Have a nice day!
  4. Dear Malcolm, In your research you've probably realized that you're not the only one who's wondering if God actually answers our prayers. Often this question comes up with the question: "Why is there evil, suffering or pain? Why do I have to suffer? Why does this person suffer? God gave me a free will, so I'm able to choose to live as far away from God as I want. To give you an extreme example: I could choose to kill the most godly human alive. My sin does not hurt me alone, but it can also hurt others or even God. Therefore nobody is protected from pain or suffering by living a godly life. Satan is specifically interested to tempt those who are close to God. His aim is always to convince you that God is unjust and that God has no power over this world. Also those, who stand somewhere in between trusting in God and doubting him, are an easy target for Satan. Therefore the bible actually says to not trust your heart, but trust God. This maybe tuff in your situation. In James 1 Verses 2-3 we read: Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces standfastness. Doubting the existence of God is a trial every Christian faces, often in the combination with unanswered prayers. Look forward that this trial may result in true faith and trust in God. There is no faith without doubt. What I mean is that your doubt is part of a process, part of you growing as a Christian and trusting God. Back to prayers. While praying you should pay attention on who's will you are asking to happen. Is is your own heart's desires that you seek, which can be cruel, coruppted and evil. I already mentioned that you should never trust your heart. That's the first step to sin. A prayers first purpose should be regognizing God's will. Because His will alone is good and just. We as Christians should more concentrade on praying that God's will may be done. I personally often wondered if there is a plan and purpose for me, for my life. I often doubted God's guidence and I often felt abandoned. I was praying to God that he may give my life a purpose while the purpose already existed. I was blind and not trusting God. If you give your life in God's hands and just stop following your own plans, you give Him the chance of interacting with your life. God first directed me to a wonderful woman who convinced me to search for a ministry in northern Italy. I never thought about moving to Italy before. I contacted one Church in Italy just to see what's gonna happen and they immediately replied that they're looking for someone who could help with their christian radio channel. (I didn't even know that they're running a radio channel when I contacted them) Sound engineering has been part of me for a long time and I never thought I could serve God with this talent. God did things that I haven't even prayed for, just by me trusting him. I've been struggeling five years with my life until everything rapidly changed. My prayers are about thanking God for what He's done in my life and searching for His will. That does not mean that we should not ask God for help, healing, etc. But I should always keep in mind that I should search for his will and not mine. Now to your Cousin Rachel: Revelations 21, 4: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Is that not what you'd wish to every person that is close to you. Malcolm, you can use this situation to grow closer to God. He has a purpose for your life. Pray that his will only be done and trust in God alone. He will guide you and you will experience His influence in your life. Something that helped me a lot is reading reports from missionaries and other people who really decided to follow God and search for His will in their life. God is not answering all prayers, but those who trust in Him and surrender their life to Him will be blessed. Also read the Bible, because you'll find a lot of stunning promises that God has for us (like the one I just quoted from revelations). Search for God's blessings and you'll find them. Best regards, your brother in Christ
  5. Just take a look at the Hebrew text. Hebrew: עָ רוּם רָ אָ ה רָ עָ ה וְ יִ סָּ תֵ ר וְ נִ סְ תָּ ר וּפְ תָ יִ ים עָ בְ רו וְ נֶעֱנָשׁו ( orum rae roe u·isthr u·nsthr u·phthiim obru u·nonshu ) source is the WLC. It is talking about a smart Man who recognizes evil but conceals it. (He does not warn others from what he knows). And others are falling in their misfortune. (or the Hebrew actually says: "Others are passing the evil and are fined.") So others pay because you did not warn them about the evil that you've recognized.
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