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Everything posted by algots

  1. Kwik, Unity over Truth, right? Einheit über die Wahrheit
  2. We are not to cater the message to what people want to hear. The message stands alone. It, alone, has the power to save. Not us. We, simply proclaim it. If the hearers don't like it, that is on them, not us. Everywhere the Apostle Paul went, there was either a revival, or a riot. We don't, and are NOT expected to work together as one. My hand does not work as my foot. My fingers are not as my ears. We each have specific qualities that another does not have. God uses each one of us as He sees fit, not as WE see fit. God doesn't accomplish His will because of us. God accomplishes His will in spite of us.
  3. I have found out in my experiences that the most judgemental people are the ones who say we are not to judge. We are to judge. We are just not allowed to make the determination that someone's soul is beyond God's redemption. When we witness, we "judge" that the person needs to hear the Gospel. When we are to love our enemies, we "judge" that someone is our enemy. Many people love to "judge", on this site included, but God help you if they think you're "judging" them. Usually, those who wear the banner of tolerance and unity are the very ones who are the most intolerant and spread the most disunity. Yet, they're always placing the blame on everyone, anyone, else. Scripture claims that we are to make judgements of all sorts, but out judgements need to go beyond mere appearance into actual character. Whereas, appearance may be a determining factor of character, it may be the results of something else, altogether. That is why outward appearance is to be the least of our judgements. Most of the time, the people who claim one is judging, are upset, because you are telling then that they are wrong. Personally, I have NEVER seen anyone on here telling anyone else that they are beyond God's saving grace, though I have seen many fling around the word judgement and judgemental as if the words had no meaning. Einheit über die Wahrheit
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