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Everything posted by blessed457

  1. Islam is demonic farther gone wild, the body of Christ must be watchful and prayerful or else Islam like homosexuality will creep into the physical church.
  2. Whatever happens is the will of YHWH-GOD because no matter if it was placed in the desert the devil would still be mad!
  3. Here is what I know about the lake of fire, hell ,Hates... I'm not going to that disco inferno where you will be burning that mother out! Over and over again for ever that's enough to keep me out!
  4. Here is all I need to know about the catching away-Rapture of the Church-body of Christ, I'M GOING!
  5. America has spoken give us Barabbas-Clinton and all the Hell that comes with her, you deserve her!
  6. The Spirit of Barabbas is alive and doing very well the recent decision not to prosecute reprimand scold one of Americas notorious habitual liars ever only solidifies my thoughts we are indeed in the give us Barabbas time of prophecy.
  7. If the anointing is on you then that is visible both physically and spiritually to others as you minister the word. If not you was a went-on your own instead of a sent-appointed by YHWH-God.
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