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Anonymous Aristotle

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Everything posted by Anonymous Aristotle

  1. Very. Pray for the unborn in Oregon. Now and in the future. There's a Federal law as I recall that prohibits, or maybe prohibited if it has been repealed, I don't know, Federal tax payer monies paying for abortions? How can a state legislative body hope to bass a bill into law that allows state taxpayers to do that very thing?
  2. And that brand of ethics wanted to be president once upon a time.
  3. Did you miss it? They already have and in this thread! Infanticide approved in a Christian forum. In------------------a Christian forum.
  4. They vote people into parliament, yes? May Lee Rhiannon be ditched next election. Foolish man.
  5. The biggest ongoing error in all this, the mistake all states are complicit in, is allowing the church to self-police its deviant priests. They should be forced to reveal the names of offenders. And if not the priests who will hide behind the seal of the confessional to keep the filthy perverts secrets for generations, the congregations should have the courage to go to the police, turn in the offender, and then the state should prosecute to the fullest! The church has hidden these deviant filthy perverts for generations. They've moved them to other unsuspecting parishes when the complaints came in that "father" so and so rapes kids. And that just gives that filthy pervert a fresh start on new unsuspecting victims. It is indefensible. And there is nothing ever "holy" about an institution that hides pedophiles in its ranks. And thinks so little of the most innocent members of its church that the so called fathers that are suppose to protect the flock unleash deviant wolves on the most innocent lambs. To feast to their fill. And then move on to a new pasture when found out, so as to feast again and again. The Roman Perverted Church! May every pedophile ever in the vestments burn in the hottest part of Hell! And until that day, may man's justice find them out and if God will it, send them to Hell on earth! PRISON! With the new label about their collar: "CHOMO!" And may they be sentenced to general population for the rest of what is allowed to be their lives.
  6. The Washington Post July 3 Lord this would be so long overdue. Please make it so. And let Ruth Ginsburg be next, and soon Lord. Amen.
  7. May I just say as one who reported that violation, that it is not an example of love for someone to imply a new member here is a demon. Nor is calling someone's words evil. Mature people can disagree about any topic. Immature people accuse and escalate their offender profile because they aren't able to do otherwise. Your reaction doesn't matter. Nor does mine. It is what is in print, publicly, and offered as a slight against a member here in the name of forum dedicated to the spirit of Christ that matters. And someone first calling someone's words evil, and then implying they're a demon, is against the rules. As we know. Making excuses for that offender doesn't send a message to the offender that they're out of line.
  8. They are warped by Satan. He's been given a foothold in this world and he's slowly putting his whole self into its destruction. Recruiting the one's dead in their sins, and even misleading the very elect. All as prophesied. No one in their right mind approves Assad's evil doings against innocent people and especially precious babies. Thank God for Donald Trump acting against Assad's evil. Had BH Obama been in office when this gas attack happened, he'd have made a flowery speech and nothing else.
  9. It is heartbreaking to see how far some here go in order to personally attack someone they disagree with.Implying they are so called "christian", implying they are demons, all to make a point of what? Holiness?
  10. Often times there's a liberal atmosphere in their public schools that teaches the bible is myth. Then there are programs that enter in with homosexual recruiting and advocacy groups like GLSEN. Members teach the assembly of children gathered that homosexuality is natural. As is feelings of transgender. Then schools make policy during graduation ceremony that graduation speeches cannot include references to God. Or thanks to God. That then makes the faith seem wrong because a school makes a rule against it. While that same school will have homosexual sex curriculum available in human development courses. The devil got a foothold in during the legalized abortion era. He's been working to get his whole self through the door ever since. And he's succeeding because the schools today would rather promote ungodly beliefs and claim godly one's are a violation of the separation clause in the Constitution.
  11. What I believe the death-left never -Trumper's fail to understand is that people voted for Donald Trump. Warts and all because he was a superior choice to Hillary Clinton. Now the whining cry baby sore loser platform will perform for four years. A segment of society that crows for tolerance of all manner of immorality , tolerance even of illegals, an open border, and cover reporting that refuses in its own ranks to use the terms, Terrorist Muslim, Terrorist Islam, Jihad, extremist Muslim. While crowing a different tune called intolerance for lawful free election of a Republican to the White house. And a Republican majority to both houses of Congress. I think their intention is to make American Conservatives mad. Which is an option of course. Instead, to defeat their purpose why not be amused? These are people aligned for the purpose of demonstrating gross immaturity and clueless intellect. It's reality TV comedy channel. Then when the chuckles subsist pray for our country. Because laughing in the face of dedicated evil stops evil from thinking it has an effect. Knowing dedicated evil can only be defeated by prayer is a spiritual warfare Christians are good at. And we have to keep a sense of humor so as to not let ourselves rise to the level of the enemy in combat. If we become as mad as the Leftist offenders dedicated to the fall of America, we lose. Because we let them get to our emotions and that means we think they're a real threat. They're not. God's got this!
  12. Maybe the god they do worship is the same as that of the Muslims. Allah is a pagan moon god.
  13. Do you notice the trend? People like this woman Ms.Navarro condemn president Trump and his speaking habits when he's upset, and yet they demonstrate the same failings as they condemn in him. And this is a woman railing in front of a network logo wherein the network apologized for knowingly lying, disseminating, fake news about Trump. A credible news agency doesn't knowingly promote false news. A mature individual does not spread false news. And defend false reporting against our president. And here's another thing. What if it was true that Mika did have a face lift? And was healing badly when at Mar-a-Lago ? What then? And Joe Scarborough? It's been years, but Joe had a temper tantrum back in 2008 live on the air. Not a first not the last. He even went off on the woman that he is now engaged to.
  14. That is true. I'd smile for all the good things I could do for people if I did win.
  15. Assad is demonic. And people condemned president Trump for the strike on the base that was used for these gas attacks. Lord have mercy on the people of Syria.
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