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Everything posted by Jake999

  1. The prophecies about Christ were not declarations about a man of the past but a man of the End Times who can do what no other man has been able to do. The story of Jesus was written in symbolism but most if not all take it literally which changes the meaning and the value of what will be done to turn earth into paradise. If you believe that such a man will exist and heed the advice that was written in the Bible then you should listen to me. I have already fulfilled at least 300 prophecies about Christ which is impossible for anyone other than the real Christ to do. I suggest you look in my wake and listen to what I have to say about the story that was prophesized about me and choose wisely who you want to follow.
  2. I did arrive in this century and fulfilled at least 300 prophecies as required. I did get arrested and the den of vipers tried to get me institutionalized but that did not work because the doctors testified that I was the most sane person they ever analyzed. At that point they either had to put me on trial or dismiss the four felony charges. They tried to get me to make a deal but I rejected 3 months of probation which would have made me a convicted felon and forced them to put me on trial. First I went on trial for violating a restraining order which started the war and the jury found me not guilty. Then I went on trial for threatening to kill a judge, disorderly conduct and carrying a dangerous weapon, minutes prior to trial the State dropped the threats charge. All of the evidence presented was Biblical in nature and I testified that it was all true and that I stood by my actions as legal and justifiable. The jury convicted me but I over ruled them in minutes with a pre trial motion that the jury would not understand the laws that protected my actions. The judge who cried almost constantly through out the trial agreed with me and set aside the jury verdict and set me free as soon as the jury was off the property. Its not every day that a man parks a chariot of fire in front of a tomb and stands in front of a courthouse with a bow and arrows over his shoulder and challenges the US judicial system to a war and wins. I think Ex President Ahmadinejad would be on my side and one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter so I am not worried about being killed by them. I have done many things like that before and since and have bound the hands and feet of the US judicial system to the point where they cannot touch me.
  3. The devil and the anti Christ's have convinced the mainstream that they are good when actually they are bad. They say they are sinners when actually they are criminals who commit crimes against humanity and God all day every day. God wants no money-changers in His temple which is everywhere and yet there is a privately owned bank, corporations and monetary system on every corner of the earth.
  4. The laws of Gods kingdom have not changed and yet no one adheres to that sound minded advice which is why this world is so wicked. You must think outside the box in that mankind's laws are the opposite of Gods laws to understand the way of the lord. Few if any will even discuss no money-changers, profiteers, lines on maps or dividing of Gods holy land as the answer to all of mankind's problems. The Pharisees do not want to change anything and Gods laws change everything.
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