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Everything posted by Shilohsfoal

  1. Shilohsfoal


    http://biblehub.com/kjv/daniel/12-1.htm So as you know,at the time of dan 11:40,it will be a time of trouble such as never was and at that time the saints will be delivered,everyone found written. This coresponds to the first resurrection in revelation of those who did not worship the beast or recieve his mark. Egypt will be unihabitable for forty years because of the radiation.After forty years the Egyptians who lived and their children shall start returning but it will always remain a base country and will never be strong. So when Gog invades Israel 1000 years after the king of the north had obliterated Egypt,it will still be a weak country because God said he will not allow Egypt to ever raise itself over anyone again.
  2. Yes I read it.I gave you the link remember? It can be seen,with the naked eye which doesn't happen very often.Every million years or so? But like I said.This isn't why I believe Christ will come in the next few years. Maybe after Trumps Peace plan becomes an agreement with Israel and jerusalem has a new occupant then maybe you will understand why I believe Christ will come in a few years.
  3. Shilohsfoal


    http://biblehub.com/revelation/22-18.htm Egypt will be to weak to,mess with anyone.It will always be weak. After the king of the north nukes Egypt in daniel 11:40,no one will be able to live there for forty years.It will be so contaminated no foot can even pass through it http://biblehub.com/ezekiel/29-11.htm
  4. Shilohsfoal


    A very good answer and thats when the devastation of Egypt takes place but the lasting effects of that nuclear war is written in another book and the reason Egypt does not invade Israel when Gog does 1000 years after Dan 11:40. I'll give you a hint.It's written in Ezekiel before chapter 38-39.
  5. Shilohsfoal


    Lol. Ok.That's funny. There is one verse in the bible that explains perfectly why Egypt can not partake in Gogs invasion of Israel. Can you show us that one verse?
  6. Shilohsfoal


    You believe the Muslim country of Egypt is not Israel's enemy? Why has Egypt taken part in every major war to destroy Israel and you say it's not an enemy? You do understand Egypt is a Muslim country don't you?
  7. Shilohsfoal


    http://biblehub.com/revelation/20-8.htm This is the only mention of Gog in revelation.That is all. now let's try to get back on topic Why does Egypt not take part in Gogs invasion of Israel? There is one verse found in the bible that explains why.
  8. Shilohsfoal


    Gog is not associated with Armageddon Israel in revelation. The kings to the east of Armageddon are but Gog is not mentioned. http://biblehub.com/kjv/revelation/16-13.htm Participants in Armageddon,include the Dragon,beast,false prophet and kings of the east.There is no Gog mentioned associated with Armageddon. The only time Gog is identified in revelation is http://biblehub.com/revelation/20-8.htm Which according to revelations takes place 1000 years after the participants of Armageddon are cast into a lake of fire.
  9. Shilohsfoal


    Again,one very simple verse without any commentary explains why Israel's enemy Egypt does not invade Israel when Gog does. One verse that Rick obviously doesn't know.
  10. Not that I believe Christ will appear then because of this event,i believe Christ will soon come because of prophecies I've been paying attention too.But I found it very interesting a new star should appear in the sky around the same time. Reminds me of the star of Bethlehem. https://www.almanac.com/blog/astronomy/astronomy/new-star-night-sky-2022
  11. Shilohsfoal


    Egypt has and will be an enemy of of the Israeli government and has taken part in every major conflict against the Israeli regime. Now here is a question for the board to ponder. Why is Egypt not identified with Gog in Ezekiel or revelations? For those of you who believe the reference to Gog in revelations is the same as ezekiel and takes place at the end of the millinium,the answer is quite simple .Its common sense. But for those of you who believe Ezekiel 38-39 is pre millinium, you have a problem explaining with scripture why such an enemy of Israel does not come against Israel. The answer to why Egypt does not come against Israel during the time of Gogs invasion is biblical and is so simple it can be explained with one simple verse.
  12. Yet another reference to The countries bound in the eurprates is http://biblehub.com/revelation/16-12.htm Only four verses after this verse these kings arrive in israel to destroy it.For those of you who have read of the great drought in revelations,i would like to let you know the three year drought in revelations would be a sign to the muslims who believe the hadith.It is the time they are called to jihad against Israel and it's occupying forces. This is a reference to the drought that causes the Euphrates to dry up. http://biblehub.com/revelation/11-6.htm And yet again just before the kings arrive in,israel in revelation 16:16 Jesus says he is coming in 16:15 http://biblehub.com/revelation/16-15.htm Same as in zech,when the people of the prince have taken Jerusalem ,that is when Jesus comes with the saints. All these correspond.
  13. I've got a good feeling Jesus will return around 2022 when,the new star shows up.Sometime between,it's appearance and a couple years afterwards.Somewhere thereabouts. All the players are already in place.
  14. http://biblehub.com/zechariah/14-2.htm This is another verse concerning the people of the prince raping the Israeli women. Keeping this in context,you will notice our Lord and saints show up at jerusalem,the same time this is going on and coresponds to Mathew 8:11-12 when the occupants of Israel are cast out .
  15. http://biblehub.com/revelation/21-2.htm It's not my words you reject.There new Jerusalem coming out of heaven after the millinium.After Gog has been destroyed. There is really nothing else for us to discuss.
  16. http://biblehub.com/revelation/20-8.htm According to the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him to show his servants the things which shall come to pass ,Gog invades Israel 1000 years after Armageddon. It is at Armageddon that the prince of Persia and others unite against a common foe.
  17. Do you believe God will not keep his word because of a prayer you make? If God said there is an appointed time for the end ,do you believe him,or not? A simple yes or no will do. Do you believe God?
  18. Using ricks own words. The word rapture is not even in the bible.Worse for Rick ,new jerusalem,isn't even,here during the millinium.It doesn't come till after the earth has been cleansed with fire.After Gog is destroyed. Rick didn't seem,to know this.
  19. I've memorized almost all of the new testament. You said it was in the bible so I asked you where because I knew there was no such verse. I received the type of answer I was expecting.
  20. Well there is also the bible.What does ezekiel,say happens after Gog is destroyed and the bodies are buried?What did he write about next?
  21. The prince"leader"in this verse is a man,who calls himself the supreme leader Ali Khomeini of Iran.He is an Islamic imam who claims to be the spokesman of Mahdi on earth.He claims to ascend into heaven,once a year to converse with the Mahdi and recieve instuction. He is also mentioned in daniel 11:22. http://biblehub.com/daniel/11-22.htm He is referd to as the prince of the covenant because of the nuclear agreement made between him and world leaders. It is written that trump will destroy him and his overwhelming army he has at the time of the end after his army has taken Jerusalem . Trump will destroy him and his army with the abomination that causes desolation. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.breakingisraelnews.com/98132/iran-trying-bring-islamic-end-days-syria/amp/#ampshare=https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/98132/iran-trying-bring-islamic-end-days-syria/ After the people of the prince has taken Jerusalem and killing Israelis ,trump goes off on many middle eastern countries and northern Africa. http://biblehub.com/daniel/11-44.htm Islam is going to have a bad day .Things just not going to turn,out the way they thought.
  22. Where does the bible say the raptured saints dwell in New Jerusalem? Can you give is the verse that contains this information so we can examine it?
  23. So you believe the book of revelations does not contain gogs invasion of Israel at all.What reason,would God have left such information out of the book of revelation? Or could it be that he actually did put that infomation in the book of revelation but the scholars you are being led by simplest can't believe God? Ps,the first time God destroyed the earth it was by water. The bible teaches next time it will be by fire.How does it say gog is destryed in,Ezekiel? http://biblehub.com/ezekiel/39-6.htm Why would they need to burry the bones in ezekiel if God destroys Gog with fire? Well same thing happens in revelation but you say they won't have to burry any bones??? http://biblehub.com/revelation/20-9.htm Sure looks the same to me
  24. Ok.Revelations shows the time.It states that Gog shall,invade Israel 1000 years after The beast and false prophet are cast into a lake of fire "Armeggeddon". Since you say Ezekiel,says it is at a different time, what verse or verses in Ezekiel are you looking at that shows it at a different time?
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