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  1. Hello, I need help. feel I'm under demonic attack. I have the most horrific nightmares, I read scripture daily, listen to Christian Radio, I attend Church regularly and evangelise when appropriate. I have led someone to Christ, I am a dedicated christian living an upstanding life in Christ. For a very long time I've had intermittent demonic attack and oppression. In 1989 (Before I was a Christian) I became involved with occult things after becoming friends with a woman that had interests in that area. She introduced me to paranormal things. she got me involved with spiritism, she claimed she could summon spirits and will people to do things, she even told me she had an intrinsic connection to me. I never had a physical relationship with her and the friendship we had was not that well formed, she was my hairdresser and not that much more. I eventually stopped being friends with her. I resumed a normal life although it was very difficult to get rid of this person as she said she had made a "soul tie" or something to me. I encountered many strange things after knowing this woman, she proved to me she could do things. Coming from a scientifically grounded upbringing this very difficult to believe and trying to rationalise the irrational was in itself an issue. I thought I was going insane until she told me it was her "pushing thoughts", she told me word for word what I had been "hearing or thinking" like songs and sentences, thoughts that felt forced and intrusive. I came to Christ twelve years ago. I have given my testimony to two Church congregations detailing my experiences with this woman and occult things and how Christ saved me. Every so often I have times when I suffer these intrusive thoughts, disturbing visions and sometimes voices which are always to do with this woman. I have horrific nightmarrs and feelings of dread and foreboding. My Church don't run or include any deliverance service, it's simply a case of ignore the demonic attacks and throw yourself in to the bible, this is the best thing to do but it doesn't always work. depressing feelings and horrific images which are very vivid are not easy to forget and I can't control my dreams like I can bring my thoughts to the obedience of Christ. I know what these attacks are and where they're from, I can't however stop it from happening. I have tried to get deliverance via Ellel Ministries, this had a temporary effect. I pray, I have had prayer from friends and I've even been on a healing retreat. I know this is a battle and I fight it every day, somedays however are much, much harder than others. I really need full deliverance with this, it's getting increasingly difficult to deal with.
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