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Everything posted by Dan_79

  1. I dont accept your judgement. I can staye my case perfectly well without people trying to draw attention to me ina negative way like you are asserting. Do you only like to have a discussion where everyone agrees with you? Read and reply to what I write and save the judgments please. Brother.
  2. The specific church I referred to is sitting Idle on its own land (ie the government has no way to interfere or drive anyone off of it for growing food to help the poor). So are there no homeless sheep among you in your world?
  3. If I am part of the homeless yeah. And on a personal level you are fighting one fact against me .... Please think about it... Think of the amount of land that is being used just to keep you alive in food? Is it yours? Also I am not speaking about the foodbanks negatively, if you look I have said the government decisions created the need for the foodbank. The church sits idle on its own land. The government will not allow any grass roots food initiative to compete with its tax doners (supermarkets). I beg you think this through. I have. I like your critical thinking and the fact you challenge me respectfully.
  4. The food that makes it to my mouth is not mine? Good idea. The route of action is difficult and it will only become more difficult. Consider the farmer... A farmer produces more than he can consume for just himself. The government eats much but produces nothing in food. I see where you are coming from. Can you see the waterfall ahead? Government causes shortages (scarcity drives prices up on basics) so we must beg them for more of this dwindling abundance. If they want the land they will call war.
  5. Interesting you should say that as I have never said steal a thing. Not here or anywhere. At least people can go back and read what I said You have replaced the word "use" and spun it to mean "steal" (Perhapa you think the founding fathers "stole" the USA) that would make every american in possesion of stolen property lol...which is simply not true at all. Danger alert.
  6. When you say OCCUPY... WHERE? In your opinion: while I wait for Jesus is it a sin to want to use my fathers land (that he gave to me) to use? Or is it best to apply to a government department who offers a position that says it will help me look?
  7. Ok. What has stopped them for the last 50 years? Homelessness is not a new thing.
  8. Why not Vote with your heart for Jesus and Gods Law?
  9. If they were going to do it now they could of done it a long time ago.
  10. Ok. So the founding fathers of USA were they lawless ?? I'm curious to know which government did they ask permission from, to leave (read escape) a tyrany armed with nothing more than a bible? Your arguement is tired. If you wake up to being unable to even grow your own food due to interference (even after it can be proved to be keeping you alive) then you are already living in a dictatorship.
  11. That sounds like an authoritarian arguement. Needing to get permission from the government to do what God has already outlined in the ordinances to do with food and how to come by it. The Church has land and if they honestly have to ask or run it past the government to get permission to use what is already theirs then I would be fighting an already lost cause. The government does not create anything (it takes and keeps/ steals land and covets it) God created the land, the people on it, the seeds in their pockets.....the metal prongs of the fork and the wooden handles of the spade. Rules and regs deny you of what was created for you to use, to live, its promised as abundance. The founding fathers are turning in their graves...they never asked permission..they left for pastures green and justified in doing so. Common sense has been regulated.
  12. No you are right. The observation I saw I carried to the land owner (which is a spacial term when you consider who made the land and what the bible addresses we should do with it!) This particular Church IMHO is a government Church, using "charity" to deflect that which is caused by government. Who else on earth would give interference to anyone using free land for the sustenance of man? It reminded me of the Diggers from 1649 who wikipedia have to "coat negatively" before explaining their intent.
  13. I honestly don't know. There shouldn't be anything that can stop a good work but I question what exactly "Is" a good work. You ask a good question, much food for thought too. It was a good few years ago now and the foodbank is still there last time I was in town. I had since that observation of the land, acheived more working with the homeless and after seeing all my hard work be of no lasting benefit to some of those I gave it too, has left me a little light on purpose (as of the present). Can I just say there was nothing more disappointing than seeing some of the same homeless people after such a turn around in their lives, only to see they had returned to where you found them much earlier. I am more of a measurer of prevention than a healer, especially after this excercise. Some people just cannot be helped for reasons that continue to evade me. Sorry if defeatist.
  14. I often don't realise the time differences between us. Good night folks!
  15. Genesis 17:7 It says "everlasting" God has set the terms: Ever lasting.
  16. Where Israelite would suffice and give clarity of context it isnt as the generalization gets presidence. Why should a reader need to reconstruct a verse unnessessarily?
  17. I dont want to go off topic which is happening slowly
  18. I am still confused, how does God make a covenant with his people and not keep this promise due to the lack of faith on his childrens part?
  19. But each context is using a generalization. Namely "Jew" which can and does draw from some bottomless pit of synonyms to be offered. They cannot ALL be correct as I mentioned in the OP some are at variance or contradictory. The English language does not get full use in the world of generalizations and which is what has held countless people back I should imagine.
  20. This makes no sense to help the lost understand scripture though hence the OP asks why do people still need to ask? If the "context" is Judahite why not just say so, why leave it to chance that it will not be asked (every time all od the time). If I have to ask it is because it is not clear, not the other way around.
  21. Ok so why does Paul go after the "Jews that say they are Jews" and not to the lost sheep which Jesus instructed?
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