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  1. Would she be open to being delivered? Many things that we class as mental health issues are nothing more than demonic spirits plaguing a person with thoughts and desires that are not their own. Jesus was and still is our deliverer who we are to learn from as fellow heirs walking in the authority He gave us to set the captives free. I'll pray for sure for your friend and I definitely will pray for God to reveal His will for her to be delivered by a fellow believer to her. Satan is a liar and a great deceiver.
  2. I can vouch for the truth of this. It may not be the exact same circumstances but in my own life I've experienced God's freeing Power from mental illness despite being told by medical professionals that the answer was in medication. The world can only attempt to treat and cure and stabilise us and the troubles inside ourselves with the worlds mean - medication, breathing techniques, minfulness, etc. But we serve a God who is not conformed to this world. Of course God created doctors and medicine for us to use for our physical ailments. But when I read the Gospels I see that every case of insanity or what we would call mental illness etc, was demon possession or demon oppression, and Jesus and the disciples dealt with it by addressing the root cause - demon powers. I therefore truly believe that the majority of mental illness in the world today is a result of either demonic possession or demonic oppression (as children of God we cannot be possessed, but we can be demonically oppressed from the outside). I have found freedom from deep depression through filling my mind with the word of God, proclaiming His word, and verbally binding the enemy in Jesus' name. Not only that, but 10 years ago I experienced a trauma in my life, and from that day forward I was plagued by a spirit of fear which manifest in certain situations. I was told by the professionals that this is normal when you experience trauma, and that while I could try to manage it with breathing techniques and the likes, I would just have to learn to live with it. But do you know what? Four long years later I surrendered my life to Jesus and soon after He delivered me from that spirit of fear in one MOMENT! This was an immediate deliverance for me, and of course not everything will happen immediately. We must learn to use the authority God has given us through Jesus Christ to combat the spirit of fear and anxiety which are NOT from God but from Satan, and to use His very word to renew our minds and conform them to God's truth, and refuse to allow the devil to make us feel like there is no way out of our present circumstances. We must fight the fight of faith in all areas of our lives, depression and anxiety included. I want to encourage anyone here experiencing what the world calls mental illness that you do indeed have a sound mind in Christ and it's devil who wants you to believe otherwise and we must combat that liar with the Word of God and apply His word to our lives and we will see freedom, praise the Lord.
  3. Thank you all for your replies. I guess the main issue I have is no so much the cutting contact, because I do believe that can be biblical in the right circumstances. But the issue of not welcoming the believer back into fellowship again once they've repented of the sin they were cut off for. I fell into sin for a season, for which I am thoroughly ashamed and will never condone. But the fact I have repented and am still cut off from my born-again sister (including her husband and kids who I adore, and have been there for all their lives until 7 months ago) and 2 other very important people in my life, has kept me in a place where it feels impossible to move forward and have faith I'm truly forgiven by God. It's only been recently I started picking up my bible again, because I've been feeling so much condemnation inside. To have already repented and be trying to continue my walk while remaining this tainted person who is not allowed to see or speak to them because of my past. It's so difficult and has been affecting me more than I think they know.
  4. The context is cutting all contact with a fellow Believer who fell into sin for a season. After having repented, that Believer is still cut out because the Believer/s who cut them off believe they are not fully right with God in other areas.
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