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Everything posted by Tigger56

  1. This story was given to us by the Lord Jesus in a message about truth, enjoy... I tell you a story about the power of truth that is pure and undefiled. In the early years of my church the truth about my life, my death and my resurrection was proclaimed unto many and many hearts believed and truth was accepted. There were also those who refused the testimony of my witnesses and persecuted those good people who believed and the unbelievers called truth a lie. There were many who would not believe truth even though many had seen the works that my Father did through me and many had heard the words of truth that flowed from my lips. My apostles were beaten and were greatly persecuted and the religious leaders tried to provoke them to renounce truth and accept a lie and to no longer preach truth. My servant John was a man of truth and he was a man who would not corrupt truth and he would not compromise truth. John was a disciple and was witness of my words and miracles so he knew that I was the Son of God. He was also a witness of my death and resurrection so there was no doubt that I was the Messiah prophesied in the words handed down. He knew and there was no doubt. Peace and assurance come when truth is sure and there is no room for doubt. There is a legend that John was boiled in oil and that he was not hurt and this legend is true. Those who hated truth tried to take his life many times and could not so they sent him to exile upon the island of Patmos. Would doubt come into your mind if you were placed in a vat of boiling oil or if you were placed upon a fire? Righteousness and truth must join as one and purity and power shall come and true peace shall come. John was held captive and was beaten every day for seven days. After each beating he was brought before the religious leaders and asked if he would proclaim that I was not the Son of God and that my resurrection was a lie. He was told that if he would renounce my name and say that he had lied then he would be set free, but if he did not then he would be killed by being placed in boiling oil. On the seventh day he was once more beaten and brought before the leaders and again he refused to call truth a lie and would not deny my name or my resurrection. Many came to witness the death of John and as he stood before the large vat of oil he proclaimed my name and he spoke about my life and my resurrection and he called on those present to accept me as their Messiah. They stripped off his robe and tied his hands and with a rope they lifted John and lowered him into the vat of oil. He sat in the oil as one would sit in a wash tub and he proclaimed my name and said, ‘Do you now believe?’ The religious leaders left in fear and the people who stayed believed in the power of the testimony of a man called John. They lifted him from the oil and there was no mark upon his skin from the oil and the wounds from the seven beatings had all been removed. He put on his robe and walked unto the river and that day John baptized 300 men and women.
  2. Your statement shows a kind and tender heart. So many in our country never look beyond our borders to see the plight of others. We all have a circle of light or love that mostly encompasses family and some friends. As a Christian we must ever be widening that circle so that love for others can grow.
  3. Proverbs 2:1-6, “My son, pay attention to what I say. Remember my commands. (2) Listen to wisdom, and do your best to understand. (3) Ask for good judgment. Cry out for understanding. (4) Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. (5) If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God. (6) The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.” The logic and reasoning of mankind is often flawed for men and women will seek the power of independent thought not understanding that most thoughts are dependent upon knowledge and understanding. Our thoughts are independent from the thoughts of others, for they are unique to us as a person, but all thoughts have a source and thoughts are influenced by outside factors and the power of thought is found in the source. Facts do not matter and facts do not make a difference to those filled with pride, those who know that how they believe is how everyone should believe, for so many embrace the idea that reality and truth do not exist independently from the mind, so if they can not understand something it must not be truth. Beware of “independent thinkers” who do not recognize that they are actually faithful followers of beliefs not rooted in facts or truth. When I need to “clear my mind” of all the rhetoric of those telling me how to think and how to believe I seek the Lord in prayer. In prayer I go unto the true source of all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom and before the Lord I seek to draw from a deeper well than the wells of man’s wisdom, for I desire my deepest thoughts to be of the Lord, for my deepest thoughts must never be influenced by the wisdom of man for only in the Lord is there pureness of heart and mind.
  4. Thanks for sharing. Sounds similar to the flu or common cold.
  5. Agree to disagree for the Lord gave us laws and commandments and when we repent he is merciful to forgive but doesn't want us to continue sinning, as Paul said "so grace may abound".
  6. I, myself, am prepared for these murder hornets. I went to the store and purchased a bunch of toilet paper.
  7. It does occur to me that just about everything could be stated to be an opinion. If I stated that Jesus is love, that is my opinion, it would be up to everyone else to decide personally if it was truth. If I stated that God is good, that is my opinion, it would be up to everyone else to decide personally if it was truth, the list could go on .....
  8. I didn't see it on the news but I did see that Wendy's had stated that they were running out of beef. Aren't they the ones that use to do the old commercial, "Where's the beef?".
  9. Don't agree but see it got moved. I always consider mercy as being one of the most uplifting and encouraging things in this world! But Dusty if I said the sky was blue or the grass was green or if I said the sky was green and the grass was blue you would disagree with me no matter how I said it. But I am going to say one thing to see if I can get my one and only agreement from you..... here it is, "God is good".
  10. I agree that mercy is undeserved forgiveness. But if you wrong someone and you ask forgiveness even though you don't deserve it and they forgive you do you think they expect change and that you won't do it again? Don't you expect that of yourself? Is it any less to expect it in our relationship with God?
  11. Actually, I know of no one that even has the virus or are even aware they have ever had it. Our church has been meeting again since the middle of April. No one is sick. I don't go up and hug strangers, but I do hug members of our church though I don't seek out the hugs I don't run from them. But in my family, we are huggers and no one has gotten sick at all.
  12. I understand and I do appreciate your heart of love that I sense within you.
  13. Actually when I post in the Absolutely Positive I have never considered it a thread for very few ever reply and very few even view the posts. If I feel something is really important for discussion I will on a rare occasion post it elsewhere for others to see that may not typically go to a particular forum. But glad you are concerned. That nice.
  14. 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love: true love has no room for fear, because where fear is, there is pain; and he who is not free from fear is not complete in love.” We are told that it is love that drives the fear within so many hearts today, but there is no fear in love. Jesus would touch the sick and the diseased for he did not walk in fear, he understood the power of mercy and love, yet, in our world today men and women are afraid to touch and hug their own children and grandchildren. If we are to show mercy unto the stranger and compassion unto the lepers of our time how can this be done in fear? I do not fear death and I for sure do not fear a handshake or a hug. I do not force my touch or hugs upon others but I will not turn down a handshake or a hug from anyone that needs this from me. My family loves, and we show love through human touch and affection and in this I rejoice. I am a minister of the Lord and I believe in the power of love and mercy and I believe in laying hands upon the sick to anoint them. I have anointed many sick people in my life and I have never caught the sickness that I sought to be healed. I do get sick on occasion, but with every part of my being I do not think that I will ever get sick from anointing the sick and showing mercy and kindness unto those afflicted. The power of human touch and the power of a warm hug is lost in fear and is impossible in “social distancing” which are two words that I have come to despise.
  15. I also pray for those who don't accept reality. I also pray for those who are sick. I also pray for those who are susceptible to sickness. I pray for those scared to live their lives. I pray for mercy upon all of the above and for mercy upon the governments of this Earth. I pray for power unto those willing to stand against darkness. I pray for unity of light for I see great unity in darkness and little unity in light . As I stated in my previous post prayer and praise is great power. I am glad you are praying for I have found a great truth in prayer. Prayer doesn't change God to our will, it changes us to his.
  16. Mercy is not tolerance, mercy is forgiveness with the hope of change. Mercy is not acceptance of sin nor permission to sin or live as one chooses. There are great laws of love given by the Lord to obey and follow, it is the guidance upon the straight and narrow path. However, when one fails there is abundance of mercy found to pick us up and guide us ever upon the way of light. When we show mercy unto another it is not acceptance of wrong behavior but is forgiveness with the hope of lasting change. Mercy can supersede law but does not abolish law. It can supersede a wrong but doesn't not accept or tolerant a wrong.
  17. Leah thank you for your comments. The virus is real but I don't believe it is as deadly or as rampant as many have led you to believe. I see the greater danger in the loss of freedoms and the loss of economic success. I read that the United Nations is now claiming that the next pandemic is actually going to be starvation due to the overkill of many of the governments in total lock downs. This could be far worse than the virus.
  18. There is a battle currently being fought in our nation, and it is a battle that many do not see, and in their acceptance of tyranny they are blind to the dangers that are upon us, but for those who clearly see the enemy and the danger that the enemy brings against our nation we must rise up in praise and stand fast in prayer for there is great power in light that unites and in light that will stand fast and not waver.
  19. I saw the protests on Facebook. I cheered for them!
  20. I always appreciate prayers if from a good heart and spirit. Sorry if you feel what I am doing is grievous as I do not believe speaking truth accepted or not, believed or not is grievous. As far as lines drawn, I have read many posts and there are many topics where there is not complete agreement. I believe a Christian should stand up for what is right even in the political arena. I see lies being embraced and I see unwarranted fear and I see freedoms being given away as too many do all that they are bidden to do. This I see and this I state.
  21. Believing a lie when the lie is all that is heard is unfortunate, but clinging to a lie by rejecting truth later revealed is stupidity. I'm not calling you stupid but am saying that continuing to believe lies is an act of stupidity. We all have blinders I would say to various issues but many lies are being told by the main stream media along with many so called experts. I would say turn off the main sources of news and go searching for yourself, you will see that the corona virus has been largely exaggerated and I see the motive of removing freedoms and the establishment of socialism. I have seen the experiment of socialism for this country for the past few weeks and I am definitely against it.
  22. You might find the prayer of George Washington a good read and well as some of the other Founding Fathers. I know at least one was more a deist than a Christian, but there is no doubt that God did bless and has blessed our nation though we have definitely lost our way. But the right for life and the right of freedom are God given.
  23. Noticed you didn't answer the question, not if you support slavery, but if freedom is the right of every man created in the image of God, then when I say God given freedoms, It would be an accurate statement. You are the one that questioned it. But I do understand you leaving.
  24. I know you aren't mad at me. Just a total blocked view point between us. You see it your way, I see it mine. I see it around me as well. I call them the masked and the unmasked. There are great divisions being formed in this country. Even in the states, the blue states are leaning toward the acceptance of everything they are told and the red states are saying enough is enough! On this Christian forum I appear to be greatly outnumbered, but that is also okay. Being outnumbered is fine, kind of use to it. But I think of Noah and remember that majority doesn't mean it is right. I know you won't agree with my next statement either. I see some that stand for light, some that are deceived and fearful but are good people, and then I see those who delight in evil. The fearful but good people are the middle ground between light and dark. When realization comes I feel most will come to the side standing for the light. Whether you believe what I say or not there is a greater divide coming to this nation between light and darkness, right and wrong. There is already a gap and it will grow wider. By the way saw no comment about another post I made today. What is your answer to this? What is the end game? When all of this "shut down and stay in your home " stuff started it was to flatten the curve so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed. But then the shut downs continued and the reasoning changed from flatten the curve to we are saving lives. It sounds like a noble cause, however, how do we really do that? When all the shut downs end, then what? Everyone must go back out into the real world where disease and death exist. The Lord has not come back to finally defeat death, so death still exists and is part of life. So everyone goes back out into the world, there will still be deaths from cancer, heart disease, flu, corona virus, car accidents, etc... as the list goes on. The ones most susceptible will be the ones that stayed safely in their homes. Those who stayed out and lived their lives and developed more of a herd immunity will be less susceptible. But either way, there will be an increase in cases and more death. Then what, do we all go back into our homes again and shut everything back up? Do we stop all business, all human interaction? What about when cold weather comes again and the virus picks back up? What then? Do we then plan of closing everything down again? With the reasoning "its all to save lives" there is no end game unless it is the end game of darkness to see the governments of this earth to collapse, to see freedoms gone and that is a very real end game.
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