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Non-Conformist Theology
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  1. Jesus came and sacrificed Himself that we may have life and have it abundantly.
  2. I believe that no man’s faith is conditioned by anyone but himself. That Jesus came to turn us back to God and teach us to love and forgive.
  3. I love all religionists, all people as God created them all. All are loved by Him. All are human and just as the sun and rain shine and rain upon the good and the wicked I believe we are to love all humanity unconditionally as the children and family of God. God loves us all so I feel you are all my brothers and sisters and feel at one with you all because you are all created by God like I was. I am not the judge, God is. I see you all as beautiful creations of God. Love your beautiful pictures with Words from the Holy Bible.
  4. I’m not a Muslim but I believe strongly in justice. The age in which Aisha married Muhammad was 19. There were no birth certificates at that time and often hadiths or stories were recorded 200-300 years afterwards. People wanting to demonise Muhammad will always try to find something to defame Him as they did with Christ and shamefully crucified Him. People with evil intent will always find a way to persecute and torment the Prophets of God. The Quran confirms Jesus and the Gospels and Torah and teaches a pure and godly life. Both the Bible and Quran only reject what the priests have said not the scriptures. So the interpretation by the Pharisees was wrong and Thry crucified the One they were awaiting. With Muhammad the Quran accepts the Torah Nd Gospels and Mary but rejects the interpretation of the clergy. The clergy as in Jesus time did not lead people to the truth but away from Christ. Had the people followed them no one would have followed Jesus but some pure hearted souls saw the Divine Light in Christ and followed Him. So do the pure souls follow the Divine Light not every interpretation that comes along for the minds of men are prone to err.
  5. God created all humanity. He loves all of us unconditionally. Muslims are human beings and because what a few have done have become demonised unjustly. All Muslims believe in Jesus and must accept Jesus to be Muslims. Muhammad was the greatest Christian preacher as His Message brought belief of Jesus to 1.7 billion people that Christian clergy could not reach. The Quran says that Muhammad was a Prophet. And there is more about Jesus and Mary in the Quran than the Gospels. The virgin birth is fully accepted. Sadly today we see prejudice against people that God created and there were also Hindus and Buddhists and Jews that God created and Jesus wants us to love all our human brothers and sisters. It is inconceivable that Jesus would teach us to hate Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists and see them as anything other than fellow humans created in the image of God. Christian supremacy is not a teaching which Jesus espoused but he taught to love all and be kind to all which many Christians are renowned for. But to love all religionists and mix with them and even pray at their churches is a show of love. I go to synagogues, churches, mosques, temples and pagodas and all worship the Divine Reality. Jesus taught Universal love for all humankind.
  6. Hi everyone! Just as one of the attributes of God is Love, another of His attributes is Justice. Different circumstances require a different response as humanity must learn not only to love but also to be just and fair. God is also known as the Generous, the All Forgiving, the Almighty, the Provider, the Helper, the Protector and many, many other attributes. So at some time or other Jesus manifests these attributes as the situation requires so as to educate and train the souls of men. Someone must have made a list by now of all of God’s known attributes mentioned in the Bible. The wisdom of God decrees that different attributes are needed so whereas mercy may be shown to the sinner, justice may be what is best for the tyrant. God both chastises and rewards as He is just but His Mercy exceeds His wrath and justice so we always have hope of His forgiveness if we truly are repentant and try to change.
  7. The Spirit Of Jesus runs through all my veins and is the beat of my heart. I am unworthy to even mention His glorious Name.
  8. Thanks for many of these insightful answers. I hope my question didn’t upset anyone as I wish to be friends and get along with everyone. I hope that you all accept me one day as a friend. But I must earn it first.
  9. Some good replies worth thinking about. I think God had acted to eliminate the threat to the Israelites for good. They just would have reared new generations to attack them. As someone put here Hitler was an infant and he committed complete carnage against the Jews.
  10. Do any of you know the Old Testament really well? How do you deal with the accusation that God committed genocide against the Amalekites by ordering the extermination Of every man, woman and infant? The author of the Book is stated in commentaries as ‘unknown’ and that it was recorded about 200 or more years after the event. Also, weren’t the Amalekites continually attacking the Israelites over a 500 year period? The question of course is why women and infants were mentioned or is the recording not divinely revealed revelation and the mistake of a historian as to the details?
  11. Of course Jesus is my Lord and Saviour but I’m not a member of any Christian organisation as I side with Jesus and the Bible not any denomination. That way I can accept the truth as I understand it.
  12. I am just a humble servant of the Lord here to ask if any kind Christian can advise me.
  13. I need to consult with Christians if they can assist me as they have a lot of knowledge. I don’t belong to any Christian organisation but I would hopefully sacrifice my life for Jesus if required to do so.
  14. Hi everyone. I’m new here and I thank you for having me. Sometimes I get some really hard questions asked of me because I defend and uphold the Bible. I’ve bought commentaries and looked online but sometimes people are the best resource so I came here. I’m not a Christian but I believe in Jesus that He was of God and the Bible is the Word of God so is it still alright if I ask a question as it will help me defend the Bible better? So im courteously asking if it’s alright first as I don’t want to upset or offend anyone.
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