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Everything posted by Eman_3

  1. It does. The laws of physics has been proven to be universal and work in the same way everywhere. That was the genius of Newton. We have all heard of his story about watching an apple fall. But what he deduced was that the laws (of gravity) that made the apple fall also applied to what kept the Moon in it's orbit. Gravity had already been discovered and later measured by Galileo in 1604. Up until then it was accepted that there were laws of physics for the Earth, and distinct and different laws for the space outside of Earth. Newton shattered that concept, others proved him correct. Those same laws and predictions allowed NASA to safely pilot people to the moon and also predict how matter interacts near a black hole. The one and only difference between how gravity works on Earth and near a black hole is that the gravity around a black hole is a LOT stronger.
  2. Appeal to ridicule is a logical fallacy. Yes it is, but a valid honest question. Do you know the history and origins of the Bible? Where did this collection of stories come from? Who collated those stories and where, when, and why did they do it? I suspect I have put in more time and research and know a lot more about the real history of the Bible.
  3. Someone has an idea, and the next step is to prove it to others. Ideas will not be accepted until sufficient proof is offered. Additionally the one with the idea must lay out their train of though and the experiments required to offer proof. If you have the chops and will to invest the effort, you can prove to yourself any scientific theory. Einstein had a good idea about special relativity, but it was not initially greeted with enthusiasm by the scientific community. Not until Eddington (a Quaker) put it to the test by observation of a solar eclipse. This stuff affects our daily lives. If we did not account for this difference in gravity (and time) the GPS would drift quickly and the military would be blinded and unable to launch precision weapons. Airliners would not know where they are, and when the GPS in your car tells you to turn right in 100 feet, it would be off by six miles. Six miles per day is the GPS drift if not adjusted.
  4. So you assume that one day everyone woke up and "poof" there was a Gideon Bible besides every bed? Have you ever wondered how the Bible came to be, and investigated it's history?
  5. No, a lot of theories have been tested and the results confirmed such theories. Do you disagree that gravity diminishes over distance and the gravity is lower in your head than feet?
  6. More like stretched out continuously with great force. Gravity diminishes over distance. Even on Earth, the force of gravity is less on your head than feet. Amplify that difference near a black hole where gravity is unimaginable and it can literally stretch anything apart. The term used is "Spaghettification".
  7. I agree. But I know that anything consumed by a black hole is reduced to individual molecules.
  8. And I wish to reciprocate by thanking you for the respectful reply. Obviously we differ in our conclusions.
  9. What matters is that you never show the evidence. The beginning of burning oil kicked into high gear at the turn of the 20th century. Oil is extracted from the ground, converted into consumable fuel, and carbon dioxide is released into the air. Carbon dioxide is considered a "greenhouse gas" because it reflects the heat coming off the ground back to the ground. The sunlight passes right through because of it's wavelength. But the heat reflected from the ground is of a wavelength that carbon dioxide does reflect back. The problem is that nature's method took time, carbon dioxide was slowly buried into the ground, and slowly released. But mankind's activities now release approximately 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.
  10. Molecule. A molecule is composed of more than one atom. Water is H2O, composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Those are the proper and precise terms, atom and molecule. Any deviation from those terms can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom, all with the same number of protons. Pure gold is a famous example. A ring made of pure gold would be made of millions upon millions of atoms, each having 79 protons in its nucleus and thus having the same atomic number.
  11. Ahh, the "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Do you not understand that there are over 45,000 Christian denominations? All from the same book? Each believe they and they alone have the correct interpretation and all of the others are wrong. The harsh reality is the Bible is composed of stories of stories of translations of stories from unknown authors. We do not have any original texts. There is zero evidence anything was put to paper until at least a full generation after the death of Jesus. Many assume that the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written by each of the four mentioned disciples. They weren't.
  12. Black holes were discovered by the mathematics of cosmology. They were later verified to exist by observation, and recently imaging. Math defines their properties although every cosmologist will admit that when you get to black holes the math gets very weird. The same math that defined and predicted black holes also describes how they act and their influence on other stellar bodies and anything within reach of their gravity. Black holes could be defined as Shiva, the great destroyer. When any object gets within the influence of a black hole, it is drawn in, and the differences in gravity will spaghettify any object. The sun that was consumed by the black hole died a death of slow consumption. It did not just fall into the black hole, it was slowly torn apart. Think of black holes as messy eaters. They just do not consume everything neatly. A lot of radiation and material is flung outward. The interesting difference between this specific event and "normal" consumption of a star by a black hole is how long a period of time existed between consumption and the ejection of material. Additionally, the outflow of material was a lot more than a "normal" star meal.
  13. That is an interesting proposition because the math on black holes suggests a worm hole may be possible. Mathematically. But realistically, the gravity from a black hole destroys everything that comes close. Whatever is drawn in is spaghettified, and destroyed, and if there was a wormhole, what comes out would definitely not resemble what entered. If it could ever escape.
  14. Black holes can consume stars, that is an observable fact. They can consume at a maximum rate, and often a lot of matter is ejected. This black hole did not burp out a star, it ejected what remained from a star it consumed. https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/weve-never-seen-anything-black-hole-spews-out-material-years-after-shredding-star
  15. Dark matter is an unknown and presently unexplored mass that is presently undetectable. That is the sole reason it is called "Dark", it is a mystery. A black hole possesses so much gravity that light itself ca not escape from it. They are not one and the same.
  16. I am not going into a lengthy explanation on early Christianity, but for the first 300 years after the death of Jesus, there were many groups that believed they had the one true message and often conflicts arose. In 325 AD Emperor Constantine convened an assembly of bishops ( First Council of Nicaea ) to sort out the many conflicting dogmas and creeds. From that assembly came the Nicene Creed and the assembly of the Bible. Up until that point there were many different and differing documents and one purpose of the Council was to sort out the differing opinions into one cohesive dogma. The Council did not accept all documents and assemble them into the Bible, some were omitted, some had just a few snippets included, who knows how much was edited. They also resolved and decided on the date of Easter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea As we all know, even today there are ten different versions of the bible, from KGV to King James to English Standard. Imagine how many different versions there were before the council was convened.
  17. It does make one wonder what they were thinking when the First Council of Nicaea collated the Bible. My point is although the Bible is considered to be the perfect word of God, fallible humans with an agenda collated and edited the final release.
  18. I respectfully disagree. Water has absolutely nothing to do with plate tectonics. There is not enough water to drive this process. Plate tectonics is driven by heat from the Earth's core causing convection currents in the mantle.
  19. Non-believers and atheists lean heavily towards the evidence available, and that is supplied by scientific studies. So far our exploration of this universe is barely begun and it is arrogance to believe we have all of the answers. Do not fault the atheists, they rely on available evidence. The God creation story has absolutely zero evidence to support it. Just a story from a book.
  20. Powerful evidence of plate tectonics was delivered by studies of the Mid Atlantic ridge. As magma cools, it adopts the magnetic polarity when it cooled. The continents move apart, magma flows upwards into the ridge, cools, and becomes part of the ocean floor. This earth has frequently switched it's magnetic field.
  21. If the Earth was an apple, the water layer would be thinner than the fruit's skin. If Earth was the size of a basketball, all of its water would fit into a ping pong ball. I hope you revise your calculations and realize that there was never enough water to trigger such massive events.
  22. This is because most of the world view was based on philosophy, notably Aristotle. Their position is understandable, they had little data to work with compared to today where we have circled the globe and learned a lot more in over two thousand years. Aristotle's world was composed of the four elements, earth, water, air, and fire, each finding their own level. And above was the fifth element (remember that movie?) which was the heavenly aether, the divine substance of the heavenly spheres, stars and planets. Sound familiar? That is because those in the same region shared the same world concept. Archimedes corrected Aristotle's theory that bodies move towards their natural resting places; metal boats can float if they displace enough water; floating depends in Archimedes' scheme on the mass and volume of the object, not, as Aristotle thought, its elementary composition And just like the four elements, Aristotle got a lot of things wrong. His explanation on force and inertia was easily disproven centuries later.
  23. What is your personal position on the bible pertaining to your brother and sister? Is it that the bible is 100% true and must be believed, or that it is a good guide on how to live your life and the bible contains inaccuracies. Because if it is the first position then YOU have created a gulf that can not be bridged and communication has basically ceased. But if you adopt the second position then you can retain a dialogue they understand. Try to at least bring them back, if just a little bit. If you can, then it is a beginning to move them in the direction you desire. Please try not be 100% fundamentalist and exclusionary. Remember, it is your obligation God has placed on YOU to bring them back to the fold. 1 Peter 3:15 https://covers.logoscdn.com/lls_1.0.710/50x80/cover.jpgEnglish Standard Versionhttps://biblia.com/public/images/arrow-down.svg 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
  24. Yes they did. Exodus 20:4 ESV “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." Is not a prophesy or a message from God, but just an observation. Abraham and Isaac knew there was water underground, this was an established fact in their lifetimes. The only difficulty was finding the water and a good well. That is why they squabbled over who owned a good well.
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