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Tiana M

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  1. Hey, this might be a little late now but, I don’t think you should worry about this. God has this under control, and whether or not Tupac goes to heaven, the judgement that God chooses would be the beat decision ? I like Tupac’s stuff too, maybe not as much as you, but his music is really good. It is possible he could’ve lied in the interview, or maybe he actually believes those things he said. Either way, God’s got it handled.
  2. Thank you, I will keep all of what you said in mind. That was some very solid advice you gave to me.
  3. Thank you, I will definitely look into making an account on artist station. I looked at the site before and I was going to sign up, but at the time I was too young to sign up, and I wanted to improve my skills a bit more. Because the people who post on there, their stuff is amazing lol. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  4. Yes I want to keep following Jesus. I feel it is the best thing to do in this world.
  5. Thank you, I’ll keep that I mind. Most of the images that entice me to want to draw those things pop up on the explore feed. Do you think if I stopped going on the explore feed it will help? Also sometimes other artists shout out other artists that draw those things on their Instagram story, should I not look at those Instagram stories either? Hopefully those questions made sense just now. And I don’t think my desire is out of following a trend, like sometimes I genuinely wish that being homosexual was ok, so that I can draw those types of things.
  6. I did create my own website, but I use Instagram too because I have a bigger audience on there than I do my website at the moment. And the followers I have on Instagram view my site from time to time. What if I like limited my time on there or don’t go on the explore page, because that’s where a lot of this comes from, and sometimes from the people I follow when they share other artists work?
  7. I’m an artist and I often look on Instagram and see other artists post these things that are lustful and homosexual like images. If that makes any sense. And sometimes I want to draw that type of thing too and I know that I shouldn’t because that’s not ok in God’s eyes. And today I’ve just been having doubts about what if we are wrong about our worldview. Then what? I wasn’t able to draw the things I sometimes desired to draw. And it would be a regret then. Not being able to do what I wanted to do. Or at least not doing EVERYTHING I wanted to do. What do I do? I don’t like having this desire to draw such things, and I want it to go away. But it comes back everytime I look back on Instagram and I see those lusty-gay posts. Idk if anyone can relate to this. I feel like I’m the only one who struggles with this. And I want to still be a Christian, but at the same time I have these desires. Any advice that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. And please pray for me to overcome these desires. I don’t like wanting to draw such things. P.S I usually draw some pretty neutral stuff, I don’t draw the “lusty/gay” stuff. But I want to.
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