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Everything posted by Amigo42

  1. It's not that. It's that these laws are specifically designed to limit minority voters or at a minimum discourage them from voting. After Obama won a surprise victory in NC in 2008, the Republican legislature commissioned a study to find out how African Americans voted in the State. Then the Legislature made voter restrictions to target these ways. A judge said of the law that the Republicans targeted African Americans with surgical precision. In Georgia also a law was passed that made it illegal to give food and water to those waiting in long lines for hours. What does that have to do with fraud?
  2. So true. So many false teachings have crept into the church. The church grew and expanded in a pagan environment. Hence, the mix of popular pagan ideas such as seven years of tribulation during which some just vanish, saint worship, belief in eternal hell vs eternal destruction, belief in three God's, nature of antichrist in the correct context, speaking in tongues as evidence of salvation, purpose of baptism, etc.
  3. Yes because in most States even some democrat States like Michigan the Republicans control all the legislatures due to extreme gerrymandering. This is why Statewide democrats win, but on the district and county levels gerrymandering has provided an unfair advantage. The only State where gerrymandering really helps Dems is in Maryland, but they have a Republican governor. Go figure.?
  4. I do believe that these miracles occur, but I don't believe they are the results of speaking in tongues itself. I believe that God honors faith, and if one has faith that God will move then God will move. A person could stomp their feet and say "begone Satan," and God will rebuke Satan because of their faith not because their is power in stomping their feet.
  5. Yes, that's great and all, but the issue is that it's not a real problem that needs voter suppression laws to fix. Out of 150 million plus votes cast, there were maybe 50 cases in the entire country. The true purpose of the laws is to cheat and steal elections. Republicans can't win elections without extreme gerrymandering and stopping minority voters. It's a sad and pathetic attempt and turning the tide of demographic change in the country.
  6. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that in all 50 States non-US citizens can't vote. Don't think that's a real issue.
  7. I personally believe that some churches have the entire concept of speaking in tongues complete wrong. I think it is even more egregious to tell others who don't speak in tongues that they don't have the Holy Spirit. Let's make it simple. In the Bible, speaking in tongues, to the best of my knowledge, referred to speaking in other EARTHLY languages so that people who didn't speak a certain language miraculously spoke it for the express purpose of sharing the gospel. In other words, someone who never spoke Chinese could be miraculously speak in one of the Chinese languages in order to teach people about the death and resurrection of Jesus. What people call speaking in tongues today though well-meaning is not the original tongues of the Bible. The word "tongues" refers to languages and not just utterings that don't edify the body of Christ. Now don't get me wrong. I do believe that people may see some blessings or move of God when they "speak in tongues" today, but I believe God is simply honoring their faith in what they are doing in good faith not because it is correct.
  8. He's definitely behind a lot. I don't want to give him all the credit though. Thank God that he is still in control! Amen!
  9. It's very sad to see so many States passing these new corrupt voter suppression laws, which let's all be clear, are only to suppress the votes of minority and democratic votes. It's also so sad to see these grown up politicians being so obsequious and shaking in their pants to the point of soiling themselves by fear of the Orange man down in Mar a Lago. This was the most secure election in US history considering the profound ways that covid changed the country. Even so, the true patriots who love our country came together to stop four more years of a man who loves dictators and the South American style of governance. The BIG Lie is just that a BIG lie that some sadly even in the Christian community support. No one who doesn't want to be looked at as ignorant would believe that the President didn't win handily. I believe God was making a major statement. Look at the numbers. Joe Biden won by 306-232. It was the exact same margin the previous winner won by except he lost by the same number in 2020. It's as if God was saying that he was making a complete reversal.
  10. Haven't all humans failed miserably because of sin not just Jews. There are "Christians" who are only Christian and name only and as such are not living in accordance with God's ways. In addition, I'm not sure I'd call it a failure that the Jews killed Jesus because um, wasn't that the point of his sacrifice? Jews overall are a symbol of God. Israel as a people is a symbol of God. This is why there is so much antisemitism through ancient and modern times. The powers and principalities of darkness hate Jews because of the symbolism of who and what they represent.
  11. No, I agree with you to an extent, but I simply mean God clearly chose a people, Israel, to bring his message to the world.
  12. I can't agree with this because I mean we do have the Old and New Testaments that were written mostly by Jews. If you include Muslims and Christians worldwide, that's over 50% of the world's population that has been impacted by the religion of the Jews. In addition, even if every Jew in the world was agnostic they'd still be a target because as a people they represent God.
  13. It's a centuries old hatred of Jews by Satan and the demonic realm because of what Jews represent. Jews or Israel was used by God to tell the world about the one true God and his son, Jesus Christ.
  14. You make a good point. We don't truly understand what a writer 4000 years ago truly meant. We're trying to understand a millenia old book with modern knowledge.
  15. My personal thought on this is as follows: Any Christian who truly dwells on this, lacks hope and faith. "Ye of little faith," IMO fall in this boat. Those of faith think of the "prize," of "running the race," of "purpose" of "others" of "righteousness" etc. Thank you for sharing your testimony and for your thoughts. These testimonies I'm hearing show just how important it is for parents to serve God and raise their kids to do so also. It seems like people have scars from an early age that only God can heal. Some get scars for various reasons later in life additionally. Satan doesn't care when or how. Thank God that his mercy is everlasting. Amen!
  16. Praise God! Thank you for sharing your testimony. Truly, God has a plan for those who love him.
  17. Are there any other born-again Christians who experience bouts of depression? I've been a Christian for over 20 years, and I find that as my eyes have been opened more and more than my desire to not be here tends to increase. Before I start getting counseling referrals I'm not necessarily suicidal myself. I'm just being honest. If we're being honest how many Christians would willingly end their lives if they knew they'd see Jesus on their next breath? This of course assuming that suicide doesn't necessarily mean lost or unsaved? I believe that God judges the totality of a person's life not necessarily a poor choice made in a mindset of suffering. Is it suicide for terminally ill patient who suffers daily to end it all? Is it suicide for a soldier to willingly jump on a grenade to save others? What do you all think?
  18. Wow! That's a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. It's great to know there is still good and beauty. So many people wish they could have what you have even if you got there in a round about way.
  19. Good point. However, scientists believe the entire world was one land mass at one point called pangea, so even though those areas aren't connected now, maybe at one point they were.
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