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Everything posted by teddyv

  1. It's like a greatest hits of the YEC arguments.
  2. How do you know when he said it? Genesis does not internally date itself. Any chronology, such as Ussher's, is tied to secular dates, not from the Bible itself. So the Bible itself makes no claim as to the when.
  3. People of Muslim faith make up less than 7% of the UK population. I would not call that "dominated".
  4. That warning is for the prophecies of the book of Revelation. Yes. Nice scripture, but I'm not sure how that supports you or works against others.
  5. The AR's may not contribute to most gun-related incidents (of course hand guns are more prevalent), but they appear to be the domain of the mass shootings, at least in the last major incidents. Mass shootings are rarely involved with criminals but at the more general public that the perpetrator has some beef with. Arguing that taking away a weapon (or class of weapon) that has the ability to fire multiple rounds very quickly with accuracy and velocity would not result in lessening the impact of these events is questionable logic.
  6. Paradise or Abraham's bosom, as I understand it, is a section of Sheol.
  7. It's a lot harder to kill a lot of people without a rifle like that (seems to be the most popular model in these events). Dismissing the accessibility of weapons as having little to no impact on these events is short-sighted.
  8. I'm fully Dutch by background, but I have no capacity to write or speak it, so we will have to muddle along. You are certainly competent in English. I included a link earlier to a paper in AiG's Answers Research Journal that investigated the energy and so far have found no plausible mechanism to deal with the heat generated. That apparently does not stop them from promoting this hypothesis. The plate collisions or interactions are not a one-off collision event, like a car accident. These are ongoing plate motions driven by mantle forces. Plates are massive objects with huge amounts of inertia. We can measure the rise of the Himalayas as their growth still outstrips erosional forces.
  9. Modern plate tectonics is a very powerful explanatory theory for the geomorphological character of the earth's crust. It underpins the field of geology.
  10. That's why I said they will likely continue to work on it. But, if you look at the energies involved (there is table in that paper I linked that lists the various energy contributions and estimated magnitude), this is a huge issue to explain. They are far better off invoking the miraculous, but that would defeat their purpose to find a naturalistic mechanism. Which I find somewhat ironic.
  11. Unsurprisingly, he neglects to mention the heat problem. And this is why these guys are not serious people.
  12. I just got to his comments on the rapids in the Colorado River, and I have no idea what he's going on about. Has he never been by a river in the Spring? You can here boulders tumbling along the river bed. You can see massive loads of silt and sand. Water is an extremely powerful force of erosion.
  13. @FJK I have not, but others have. It's fairly simple physics to envision. The earth's crustal plates have a ridiculous amount of mass. You cannot simply accelerate them to a "walking speed" as Snelling says without imparting a massive amount of energy. I think his speed is too low anyway for what he's suggesting. Someone who did the calculations compared the energy output to 1000 1Mt bombs per square km of the earth (or something like that). The heat problem is a well known issue for Catastrophic Plate Tectonics as well as it's step-brother Hydroplate. It is acknowledged by the YEC community that it is a problem and they have no means for addressing it at present. I'm sure they will continue to pursue it, as they certainly are welcome to, but it is a huge problem. Answers Research Journal published an article fairly recently. The conclusion states: "The main conclusion of this article is that the total amount of geological heat deposited in the formation of the ocean floors and of LIPs is overwhelming: it cannot be removed from the biosphere within a biblically-compatible timescale by known natural processes. Using CPT-style Flood models as our theoretical framework, no more than a tiny fraction of the total could have been released into the atmosphere and oceans during and after the Flood. Given that the highest bulk ocean temperature in the early Cenozoic did not exceed 13°C in contrast with the present-day value of ~2°C (Worraker 2018; the lower figure of 2°C may be taken as a representative pre-Flood minimum temperature), the total heat absorbed by the oceans, earth’s main environmental heat sink, would have been of order 6 × 1025 J at most, assuming a thermal capacity of 5.5 × 1024 J/K (as estimated above). This is only 0.04% of the total heat deposition: the remaining 99.96% must have been removed or absorbed elsewhere. It seems that this must have been accomplished by some special, hitherto unrecognized mechanism." I'm fairly certain that Snelling in the posted clip did that piece before this was published, but this is not a new problem. I have not gotten completely through the video yet. I am curious if Snelling even acknowledges that the heat problem exists.
  14. Snelling is a ridiculous man for supporting this ridiculous hypothesis. The energy output for this hypothesis would vapourize the entire crust.
  15. Well actuarial tables and risk management by insurance companies is a whole other conversation. Using that FBI page, Maryland shows a trend well below US average in recent years
  16. A property crime can certainly have a violent crime component to it. A person charged usually has multiple charges. I suspect that rioting and looting are generally rare enough that they become statistical outliers to the much larger datasets for other violent and property crimes that happen daily. This is not to dismiss them, but more that they don't really move the overall trends that much. Fair enough, but quantifying these things forces one to classify the data in some form. And our personal views and feelings of how things should be are usually out of step with reality. Media influence and focus on crime is probably one of the largest factors in shaping our view on crime.
  17. This (FBI Crime Data Explorer) appears to be the linked source that the Washington Examiner opinion article is referencing. There are links to explain the data. You can also search on specific types of violent crime federally or by state. Here is the graph for homicide for US versus California. Looking through the various violent crime options, California is lower than the US average in homicide and rape, but higher in robbery and aggravated assault, the latter showing a fairly strong up-trend. California is generally higher in property-crime, but that is not part of the violent crime options.
  18. Except for a spike through the pandemic, violent crime rates have been dropping consistently for something like 40 years, but I'd have to confirm that with some stats.
  19. He also mistakenly places this as the foundational aspect of the Christian faith. To him, Christ is subordinate to his interpretation of Genesis 1-11. He is on very sandy ground.
  20. Theories are explanatory and have to account for all the evidence at hand. They are never proven. Gravitational theory is still a work in progress, because while well understood at the macro level, it is much harder to understand at the micro level (unless I am out of date on this, which is possible).
  21. Yes, I believe that the God created. We differ on the mechanisms, not the agent. "Evolutionary teaching" needs to be seriously qualified to fully understand what you mean by that term. Something like say "social Darwinism" is a corrupted application of evolutionary ideas outside its proper scope.
  22. DNA is not what defines life. I don't even think the term Junk DNA is used anymore. Research is not static, the body of knowledge grows, and theories are refined and modified.
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