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  1. Why do people post that they 'need a break' from the site, or that they 'won't be back' or that they 'are leaving' the site? I mean seriously. If you want to go, just go. Why post a post about it for drama? (Usually the answer for this is **attention**) That said now let me say this: If the Lord truly brought you here, then you better make sure that He is ready for you to leave. If you are leaving because of something someone said that you didn't agree with or if you are leaving because someone didn't respond the way you wanted them to, then good luck in your life. You are always going to have people around you that do not see things your way, that disagree with you, that do not respond as you want them to. You are also going to have people in your life of different faiths and different beliefs. This is how it is. This is life. Learn to accept others have their own beliefs different from yours. If they don't know Christ, sure share Him with them but ONLY if He opens the door for you to do so. But most that come to a Christian site already know about God. They also usually know about Jesus Christ too. Even if they claim to be atheist, they came to a Christian site already being aware of what Christians believe in. If you are leaving because this site doesn't agree with your beliefs, then you already knew that before joining so one would have to ask, did you join just to make a dramatic exit? To see how many responses you could get posting that you are leaving? Since I joined here a couple months ago, I have seen at least (and only at the least) 5 posts about someone leaving. If you want to leave..... just.... go. You can click that x up there you can even deactivate your account but just go quietly. No need to sound the trumpets, bang the drums, or blare the horns. Just be an adult and go.. quietly... peacefully... and holding on to some of your dignity. You an do as I said deactivate your account, or you could just click the x in the upper right corner of your browser and just don't open the site again and I"m sure you could find other creative ways (like a hammer to the computer) to not come back as well. While you really really really want someone to BEG you to stay, it gets old. And over time, people get tired of that and eventually, it takes away the rest of the little bit of dignity you have left. People aren't always going to agree with you. They aren't always going to see things your way. They aren't always going to have the same beliefs as you. So suck it up and accept it... Pray first and foremost and then... if you still feel a need to go... go But for all that's good and mighty, please stop posting about it just to try to get people to beg you to stay. Jesus never begged anyone to come to Him or believe in Him. nor did He beg anyone to follow Him or listen to Him. And if we as Christians are to be like Jesus then please stop expecting people to beg you to stay. Stay if you want, go if you want, do what you want but do it with some dignity at least. CR
  2. You could do as I do and just stay away from the Politics. Personally, I don't like discussing or reading others views on politics so I just don't go to the posts about Politics and I don't engage in chat discussions about it either. I feel there is a place for political discussion but its not on the internet with people I dont really know, so I don't discuss it with people I don't know and with those I do know we dont push anything on each other, we just share our views and leave it alone allowing everyone to have their own. People will vote for who they choose to vote for. You have no control over that, I have no control over that. It's a free country and we are all given the privilege of voting for who we want to. Your original post sounds like just because people won't vote the way you want them to, you can't stick around and that is actually a poor reason not to stick around. You can't control others. Everyone has a right to what they want to do but as far as having to read about it a lot, just don't read the political posts. There seems to be plenty of Biblical posts going on that could be read and responded to. I guess it all comes down to: Why are you here? to push your view? To disagree with others? To share God's word? etc? Maybe just ask yourself that question and go from there and if you still feel you need to leave, that, too, is something we are all free to choose. Come or go, we can decide. CQ
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