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  1. Secular is anything else. So even a love song. Even though I guess love isn’t a terrible thing.
  2. No I like meat too. I’m just trying to understand that Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden were basically vegans right? No meat and no dairy? So when we go to heaven there will be no meat and no dairy. Right?
  3. But if they were before the fall then maybe no meat is a better diet.
  4. God eventually gave people animals to eat in Genesis but I guess we just ate plants before that ? So if that is true than maybe veganism is more healthy than a non- vegan diet?
  5. Hello, Am I supposed to forget my past and start over? I mean is it ok if I do forget everything and start over or am I supposed to remember my past as it makes me who I am now? Or does my past have nothing to do with who I am now? I think it’s popular in therapy to recall the past, especially traumatic experiences as they make you who you are today, But, as a Christian am I supposed to ignore all that and forget it and start a new identity in Christ and just say that I don’t remember that old sinner and that old person is dead and gone and I am brand new now?
  6. There is a huge church called the church of Christ. They are growing rapidly. They call themselves non-denominational. They told me I don’t have the Holy Spirit because I wasn’t water baptized.
  7. Who am I? If I die to Christ then what is left? Who are we at our core? We are made anew in Christ. So none of my past experiences, relationships, etc. make me who I am? What’s left? Am I just this person that worships God and reads the Bible and that’s it? I feel glib. Not sure who I am.
  8. A dog has a heartbeat when it is alive.
  9. So can I keep reading my Joyce Meyers books? Or no? ?
  10. I said .... “because if they do”.... If you want to start a discussion about whether they do or not we can do that? Or maybe you can start a thread yourself and I’ll be the first to reply!
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