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Ani Tefillah

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Everything posted by Ani Tefillah

  1. I hear you, and unfortunately one can easily get so zeal about a matter, that one simply forget to be polite and friendly, goes against the person instead of the topic. I was like that, so I decided to not participate in many threads, and be careful if I do participate. I don't know if I have succeeded completely, though, but I try to be aware of it. 😊
  2. Amen! And those who have the Holy Spirit of The Messiah dwelling in them, have the ability to understand this, I believe.
  3. Personally, I only think this is possible if we all get one with the sum of the Holy Word. 😊
  4. I hear you, but doesn't the Lord say that we should pray to Abba Father in His Name? I think you know where it is written.
  5. Shalom. I know we're off topic, but I just wanted to let you know that I've been there when it comes to depression etc, but the Lord Yeshua healed me 20+years ago and I know that He can do the same with you there. 😊
  6. Reformation is a return to the sound doctrine of the Bible. Revival is the practice of that sound doctrine under the power of the Holy Spirit. - FRANCIS SCHAEFFER
  7. Please don't comment on this one. Thanks. 😊
  8. The choice. Two people had the same dream, and this was the dream ; "I opened mine eyes, but couldn't see anything, it was pit black! I felt a fear I'd never felt before, and I was burning, as it was so terrible hot there. It felt like flaming fire was creeping into all the cells of my body, and I was so thirsty. All I could think about was that I had to find a way out! So, in the darkness, holding my arms out, I found out that I was locked in a cell. Maybe I was in prison? But it was so dark and hot there! Then I noticed some awful screaming, as of many people whom were howling in pain and agony. The fear I felt, made me scream aloud too. Suddenly a grueful voice with such hatred, told me to shut up! An hideous creature became visible in front of me ;it was huge, so ugly and looked strong and dangerous, so I got even more afraid. It said "welcome to hell! This is the place you'll stay for all eternity, as you don't belong to Jesus, and I and my companions will have the pleasure to torture you, day and night forever and ever." I could hear many horrible voices which laughed mockingly of me, and as the ugly creature was going to hit me, I woke up while crying out loud in my bed, and was so relieved it had just been an awful dream! " However, the dream stayed vivid for both of them in the days ahead. After awhile, one of them displaced the dream and went on living a sinful life without the Lord. The other one kept ponder upon the dream, and couldn't forget it, but had questions. Is there an eternal hell fire? Was this dream a warning for me? Suddenly he saw himself as a sinner on his way to hell and eternal fire, and cried out to God for forgiveness for his sins, repented wholeheartedly to Jesus and got saved and born again! He was full of God's Love, Peace and Joy, and was so grateful for the warning dream. Two different human beings. One equal dream. Two different choices.
  9. Thank you for the share, I'll look at it tomorrow possibly, as it is midnight here. ☺️
  10. I guess some of us got a little off topic (which is so easy), so can we just agree that we don't agree (for those who don't agree)? Moreover, I will encourage all of you who consider to get any kind vaccine or medication in the future, to eagerly search for information about what it contains, and also first of all seek out what the sum of the Holy Word says about it. ☺️ 🙏🏽 Shalom!
  11. Thank God for the Holy Blood of Yeshua and for His deep stripes which both saved me and healed me! 🎶🆙 🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙 🎶 🆙 I would rather "die" (but I shall not die, but live forever), than eat or have blood from any other in my body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I am not "religious", though, but saved and born again.
  12. Tell me, are you working for Bill Gates or such? It just sounds like it.....
  13. I can only choose for myself when it comes to not wanting any blood transfusion or organs from other people. The Blood of the Lord is enough for me, and by His deep stripes I am healed. 😊 As I've mentioned before, He has been my only Doctor for 20+years now, and He has healed me several times during the years. December 2021 I was suddenly so weak that I thought I finally was going Home, where my heart is, but the Lord decided to heal me once again, so here I am over one year after.....
  14. I don't judge anyone, only their evil deeds if there are any, as killing innocent babies in their mothers wombs...f.ex. My heart aches for those murderers, mothers and "doctors", which is doing such evil thing, and I know that some of them have regretted deeply afterwards. Only the Lord can (and will) forgive them and heal them. 🙏🏽 I don't think it is Biblical to transplant blood or any other organs from one human to another, but I know that the Lord still heals. 😊
  15. Yeah, I know that other "medicines" contains aborted babies, and also quite a bit of the cosmetics, therefore I stopped going to doctors, using "medicine" and cosmetics 20+ years ago, and I will not take any vaccine no matter what.
  16. If so, I don't think it makes it less disgusting 🤢.
  17. Or several babies? It is absolutely disgusting 🤢!
  18. I've known it for years now, and I can't figure out how they can just go on with all that debt?
  19. I saw this picture, and I knew that the "covid vaccine " contains this, but I didn't know that other vaccines did. I find it absolutely disgusting 🤢. Unfortunately I had some vaccines as a child, but if I had my own choice, I would not have taken any of them, as I don't take any vaccine today. I don't say this to condemn people who freely takes vaccines, but I wonder if they actually are aware of what the vaccine contains?
  20. That's so true! 🎶 🆙 🎶 May the Lord's peace and grace be with you all there!
  21. That's a good picture of Facebook. I deleted my account there for about 2 years ago, because I didn't feel safe in there anymore, and afterwards I read about many creepy things that happened in there.
  22. Yes, it's very interesting to watch all the endtime signs happening nowadays. I've felt an urge from the Holy Spirit for years now, to pursue holiness and sanctification in a daily basis, so I can be ready to go Home at any moment. 😊 Maranatha!
  23. Abba Father, teach us how to become spiritual warriors according to Your loving will and plan for us, so we can be able to expose the spiritual enemies, and go against them in the power of Your Holy Spirit, and in the Name of the Lord! In Yeshua's Holy Name, I pray! Amiina!
  24. Holiness. Help me to see that You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, and that You want me to be likewise in every way, each and every day! Without Holiness, I shall not enter into Your Kingdom, and I will not be able to see Your Face, as I then will walk out of Your Grace! Teach me and help me to fear You as I should - in Holy fear ; so I through Your Word can understand this very clear! Give me grace to pursue Holiness even more from now on ; so I'm not satisfied until Your work in me is done! Then I will forever see Your beautiful Face in the Heavenly place - by Your wonderful Grace! 20.10.2020. PrayerWife.
  25. Shalom GerdaHannah! I fully agree with George here. You're in my thoughts and prayers 🙏🏽. Please hang in there now! It increases my faith when I "pray His Word", and also when I thank Him in advance for the answer, even if I haven't seen it yet. May the Lord's peace and grace be with you there!
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