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Ani Tefillah

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Everything posted by Ani Tefillah

  1. Well, call it what you want, but I've seen it happen during the 35 years I have lived for the Lord, and today it is more worse than ever. I know that it must happen....but I think it is πŸ˜” anyway.
  2. Shalom. Yes, many wanna be and have "light", but few wanna be and have "salt", I believe. I wanna be both SALT and light! I believe that I am salt by living a Holy and Godly life in the LORD, not participating in a worldly and unholy and ungodly lifestyle, but be holy both inwardly and outwardly (dressing myself decent in long covering dresses and skirts only etc), and then the world will see that it is a difference between me and them, as it should be. 😊
  3. A slightly abbreviation. December 2021. A vision (?) When I got suddenly very weak in December 2021, I had an inner vision when I was so weak that I thought it was my time to go Home. I had actually prayed to get a vision of Heaven for awhile, if it pleased Abba Father. I don't know if all in this vision is as it is, but it was so vivid and I was so comforted by it, in the midst of the weakness. The Lord healed me completely, by the way. ☺️ *The vision started with that I "died" when I was going down the stairs, and immediately there were two angels by my side, and they said that they should lead me Home to Heaven. *Suddenly we stood outside "the Gate of Pearl", and one of the angels said that there were something I had to "see" before I went through the Gate.... *Then I saw a large Book on a large table; and an angel asked my name, and then he browsed in the Book and said with joy; ML, you are written in the Book of the Life! Then we all rejoiced! πŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸ˜Š *Then I saw a beautiful jar/flask, and an angel said that on/in it were all mine tears collected. I think that the tears in the jar/flask were poured down on a book, and became "living pictures" (?). *Then I suddenly saw the Lord, Yeshua Messiah, standing right before me looking at me with His Loving and tender eyes, and then I fell down before His feet and shouted. "Holy! Holy! Holy!"! He pulled me up, and then I discovered that I had a crown on my head. I took it off me and threw it before the Lord's feet, and sai ; "It isn't i, but You Who deserve this, Lord!" Then He said; "That is true, but I want you to have it." He put it on my head. * "Come, I shall show you some things"; He said. *Then I saw two long lines of people, one to the left and one to the right. I asked the Lord what it was. *Then He said that it was people who would greet me welcome Home. ☺️ *Those to the left were from the L and B families (lineage) ; and I recognized a few. I noticed one who was SO alike myself ; and she said that she had lived in the 1300th century.... *Those to the right were people who the Lord had touched through me. *I remember that when I walked through the Gate, my name was called out, and it was a great cheer and gladness because I had come Home! 🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢 *The Lord held me in His hand and wanted to show me around. I asked Him where my "straw hut" was, and then He had a good laugh πŸ˜‚! *Everything I saw were SO beautiful! Then we came to a place where I could see high, beautiful mountains with snow on, in the distance ; and I said to the Lord ; "Oh, so beautiful, what if my straw hut was here! " Then the Lord laughed again, and just around the next turn, it was a beautiful three story house, with a balcony in the upper story. He said that I should walk to the door, and see what was written there; and on the door it was written:" Here lives ML!" *"Is this my house?" I asked the Lord, and He said that it was. Everything was beautiful, both outwardly and inwardly, and from the balcony I had a lovely view toward the mountains etc. There were trees and brilliant beautiful flowers around the house. *When I was on the earth, I was interested in learning languages, and in Heaven I could understand all languages, and speak all languages. That was fascinating! *Then the Lord took me into the Throne room, where Abba Father sat on His enormous great Throne, surrounded by His beautiful (rain) bow 🌈, the four living creatures, and all the other which I had read about in His Word. Everything were brilliant beautiful, and it was a lovely worship all the time. *I heard Abba Father say to me ; "come up here, My beloved daughter! I have waited for you, and longed for you to come Home!" Suddenly I resided between Abba Father's shoulders, and I just cried of joy and thankfulness, and felt a deep relief over that I finally had come Home, and that I always should be in Abba Father's and the Lord's safe arms and presence. ☺️
  4. There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough – a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice – which costs nothing, and is worth nothing. - @JCRyle
  5. My tiny YouTube channel ...."Glorify Your Name". https://youtu.be/P1gOesQZbQg This is a song i wrote in hardship. (from my tiny You-Tube channel.) I hope it will touch your heart.πŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™
  6. I'm sure you have good intentions, as it seems that you genuinely love your daughter. ☺️ Nevertheless, first thing first, right? My concern for you both, is that you need to wholeheartedly repent and get saved and bornagain etc., as I assume you wanna go to Heaven some day?
  7. I was grown up with a mom who wanted to control me even after I was an adult, and also my marriage, and that's not good at all for anyone, believe me! It went so long that she ended up persecuting my husband and I, so I decided to cut off all contact with her, which was an huge relief. I'm 55 years now, don't have any children myself, but if I had, I know that it would have been good for both me and the child(ren), if i let them live their own lives when they grew up, and not try to stick my nose and try to control them, if you know what I mean.
  8. I'll pray that you both will wholeheartedly repent and get saved and born again. Please just leave your adult daughter alone, and try only to become a good example for her. ☺️
  9. That's kinda odd, but I'm glad to hear it! 😊
  10. I'm not sure either, but I think it is an option to pay for things you buy online?
  11. Amen to that! I don't have any bankid or internet bank account (and will not have it either), therefore I can't shop online with Klarna etc anymore, as they've started to crave bankid. Well, then I'm saving those money. 😊
  12. Of course He loves everyone, but not everyone is saved and born again, walking on the narrow path to Heaven, unfortunately. πŸ˜” πŸ™πŸ½
  13. Well, I've noticed that I'm using much time on my smartphone and also a little too much on my tablet, so I decided to do something about it and challenge myself. πŸ“²πŸ“΄πŸ™ƒ So yesterday I was totally off both the phone and the tablet, I actually placed them in another room. πŸ˜… It is quite easy for me to not eat anything (fast) for one day, but I must admit that it was a bigger challenge to not be on the phone or the tablet for one day, (I don't have a computer πŸ–₯ / laptop, only a tablet....but it is a tiny πŸ’» pc, isn't it?). However, I think I will continue to be offline some days a week, as what I do FOR the Lord, isn't more important than my relationship WITH Him, I believe. ☺️ What's your opinion on this, and is it something you can consider to do? Do you think you should limit your time on the phone, tablet, computer etc, to be more with the Lord or/and your family and friends? 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 I wish you a blessed and fruitful day (still)! 😊
  14. My heart aches πŸ˜” for those who are deceived by such false teachings and doctrines, and many of them actually seems to be very devoted to the Lord at the first, but then I unfortunately discover that they are deceived. πŸ™πŸ½
  15. Please be aware of false teachers such like this, and pray for those who are deceived by it. https://www.gotquestions.org/Ellen-G-White.html
  16. Amen! πŸŽΆπŸ†™ 🎢 πŸ†™ 🎢 πŸ†™ 🎢 I really enjoy to both pray and sing the Word! 😊
  17. Mighty testimony, Jesus healed a man from ms! πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™
  18. Shalom! I'm taking one day at a time, but I hope to grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, get stronger in the sum of the Holy Word, and learn to walk in the spirit and to trust wholeheartedly in Abba Father. 😊
  19. I can imagine that! 😊 I know that some places in Canada is quite similar to some in Norway πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄, where I live. It actually came more snow 🌨 ❄️ 🌨️ yesterday! πŸ˜‚But as the sun β˜€ is starting to get warmer, I hope it'll melt away soon.
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