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Everything posted by Bluedragon

  1. Just before the Covid shutdown, I received a new Pace Maker. Three leads instead of two. It also served as the opportunity to get a new battery. Energized Bunny ....takes the field. My heart sometimes develops a rthym all it's own ... I was sent in for an assessment of the heart. Phone rang this morning. "Your heart is doing fine. We'll set a follow up in two months." That was the good news .....Then she had to shatter any joy I had at the moment. "We are sending the Urologist a letter approving you for Kidney Surgery." Thanks A Lot .....
  2. Congratualtions. "Get on the bus and learn how to fire this gun." Next stop Ukraine ....
  3. I thought I was already on ignore ......You have no knowledge of fact. Strctly tube knowledge .....Try doing what I suggested you do. Look up the Constitution and read it verbatum ....then apply that information to the President and what qualifies a person and disqualifies a person..... You read trash and vomit the same trash .... Everything you claim ....has been set by precidence ....Too bad you have no knowledge about that either ... Comey not only exonerated Hillary ....he exonerated Trump..... There is more ....but instead of looking it up from reliable sources .... "I'm putting you on ignore." Give it a rest, Mommy has a cookie waiting for you.... Now put me on ignore ....
  4. What becomes obvious is that the majority of liberal Democrats are led by the nose of a group of people that were the most iliterate beings on a college campus .....Journalism Majors .... There is no pure thought, no reasoning ...just blind following of the opinions of a group of people whose major in college was designed to keep athletes eligible ....
  5. You need a history lesson and a lesson of the Constitution. This an adult conversation, not grade school ....
  6. One of the first things Trump did when he became President was to attack Obamacare and remove the US from Paris. Those two issues were enough to send the progressives howling at the moon. Everything they stood for was at risk .....socialism and the fall of capitalism. We are two years behind Germany ,,,,We can see what is coming our way. Consider this ... For every four Americans born right now. Biden allows three illegal imigrants inside the gate ... The White House is breaking America. On purpose...
  7. The 50 migrants gladly got on the plane and flew to Matha's Vineyard. They were were met with hosility using the old "Not in my backyard" stance of the elite ....who use their homes two weeks of every year. Immediately a tem of Lawyers appear to file kidnaping and other charges for Ron Desantis ..... Laughing ..... Ron Desantis provides the "Consent forms" signed by each migrant. End of lawsuits .....Hope you knowledgable legal scholars had a ball spending all that money uselessly .....
  8. I'm the oldest of three boys. To keep us from running in and out all day .....Mom locked the latch on the screen door .... I joked with her later ....."Let's get this straight. You wanted all three of us ...then didn't want us?"
  9. Note the beginning of this ...All they wanted was the material back. Not only was that all they wanted. They went to extreme of having Trump put another lock on the door already under guard from the outside world by not only Trump security but a team of Secret Service Agents. Nothing was claimed about classified information until it became a media circus act. There simply was not any sense of urgency to get the material back. It sat in his office ..or storage area under lock and key. Another road ....There is not a formal procedure to declassify ... Example ...Trump reveals an Israeli Intelligence report that infuriates the Israelis. That report was declassified at that moment. There is not a formal procedure required ... The next step will be ....exactly what did he do to obstruct? What specifically did he or his staff do? Trump is not a Government person. He doesn't know the "procedures" For example, one die hard liberal keeps saying "He declared the fifth 400 times!" Who cares? That was in one hearing and by advice of his council declared the fifth. He answered the same when questioned 400 times! All he had to do was put his feet on the table, pop a can and take a drink after each question. He didn't have to speak any longer. He declared and it was over ....The hearing is done. Someone should have leaned forward and told him to shut up. I think a bag of chips would have been appropriate as well. The precedence is set. When Comey exonerated Hillary ...all bets are off. It becomes a witch hunt after that ....
  10. They can't rifle through anything. They are not working with classified approvals. Whatever is in the desk, pack ..whatever is on the desk, pack ....It's all either containerized on the spot, or padlocked and someone else takes the key. I dropped out of school for a few years and drove 18 wheels. Somewhere along the way I realized, there's a better way than this and went back to school. I was assigned to a cakewalk for three months.....I had a museum run on the California Coast. All keys went with the museum staff, they packed every crate. As they unloaded, I checked off every crate and watched it unpacked. There were Picasso's on that truck more valuable than the whole Agency. Unload on Friday, go to the provided hotel and camp out until Monday. Everything five star ....no Motel 6 .... The driver of the truck at the White House is the same guy that pulls up to deliver the load. I hauled an ammunition load for Remingington once. Had to call in every two hours to dispatch. I would expect the same kind of requirement for Presidential material.
  11. When a President leaves the White House. The GSA sends a packing crew to clean out the offices. That is not a government crew, it is a Corporation on rotation. They pack and ship in a sealed container to the President's residence or choice of destination.. Obama was to a empty furniture warehouse in Chicago. So, for instance, the Moving Company was "Mayflower, United, Allied, Bekins" whoever was on the list. They are rotated constantly ....They were told, "You cannot start until 10AM and must be finished by 4PM." Then the next mover in line rolls in and unpacks for the new Administration. Meanwhile, Contractors pull carpet, replace sofas and chairs and has the exact same timeline to complete their jobs......everything is done within that six hour time period ....No one from the previous Administration was there to tell them "Don't ship that."
  12. Author Posted yesterday at 06:56 AM "I can come up with just as long of a list of Trump screw-ups. For example, they way he is always throwing a temper tantrum whenever anyone anywhere says anything negative about him at all." If you think for a moment that is Trump only one there .... Hillary put dents in the walls in the White House and beyond ... My Son in Law was in that White House. The Marines were told to do their duty and not react to Hillary's rages ..... Personality and character is not left on the doorstep the doorstep when they walk into the White House. I don't mind Trump's releases ....Somehow, someway, it is in the definition of Developer ....Comes with the territory ...
  13. If you think that's Trump only ....I'm worried about you. Hillary put dents in the walls of the White House.
  14. The budget to a specific Department is not read word by word by the President or congress for that matter. If anything they read a summary and know there is a possible account for research When I would read a summary, I didn't care about the content most of the time, unless there was a pet project in my mind I wanted to know about. There is a lot of evil intent in those budgets. The intent of Fauci was to hide his money laundering scheme by taking the money through channels to get to Wuhan. I believe that the possible best approach would be through the Nuremberg Codes .....Those would have Fauci tried for Human Rights charges ....Death by firing squad or hanging. After WW2 and the trials in Nuremberg, Codes were formed and agreed to. Worldwide ...Fauci should be tried in a world court ...No Gain of Function Research ....For weaponizing virus' .
  15. Fauci signed off on the Gain of function Research. Trump didn't sign a thing ...In fact Fauci funneled the illegal funding through EcoHealth to launder it.
  16. How could Manchin be so gulible ....I think Manchin should double cross them all .....If the Senate rolls 50/50 .....announce that the double cross of Pelosi and Schumer worked. You are changing to the Republican Party.
  17. My Cardiologist had quotes and verses displayed in his office and waiting room. I knew the first day I walked in ...."I'm in safe hands now." He shocked me when he came into the room with me, walked over and shook my hand "Of all the things I could do, I'd give anything to sing as well as you and your wife. I've been to several of the church productions." Then his sense of humor came out "You need to do a little more with your Pilate acting."
  18. I'm still a little loopy after surgery yesterday .. I've got one to two more to go ... My Doctor asked before he left to the surgical unit .... "Mind if I pray with you for a minute? " I replied "If you don't I will, please do." That impressed me ...
  19. Sarcasm, meant to appease the unknowing and instable.
  20. Florida flew two plane loads of illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. Destiny? VP Harris's house ...when the buses dropped their loads right in front. He should deliver camping equipment and tell them to make camp, help will arrive soon ....right now, more Republican Governors are planning drops at other Progressive Sanctuary Cities.
  21. Question back at the liberals ....When you compare the riots in Minneapolis after a known criminal was executed by a knee on the neck ....Counting the deaths, property destruction and fires ....How exactly can the actions taken at the Capital ...when the videos support the claim that the Capital Police stood down and opened the doors for the mob ....How does Minneapolis compare to the Capital? It doesn't
  22. Don't believe it will happen. Hilary could care less about someone involved with any investigation involving Trump. Tongue in cheek ...
  23. Should the Republicans gain control of both houses ....Biden will be impeached. The Grand Jury will force the action. The State and the media will have nothing to control. If Biden is impeached, I expect him to resign. Nixon all over again. Nixon didn't order the break in .....he was stupid enough to listen to advisors trying to tell him to conceal the evidence. Once he lost control of the support of the House and Senate it was over. The Democrats won't allow that to happen. They'll tell Biden to go back the beach in Delaware and hide ..... The question will become ..... who does Obama have up his sleeve to fill in the gap.
  24. When the truth comes out about Biden and foreign selling of favors through Hunter ...We can put to bed the question of moral character."
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