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Strict Machine

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Everything posted by Strict Machine

  1. feel free to listen to it, maybe it was a lucky mistake that i put that video on first. i'm looking at another song to add, i'm just trying to decide what style to play it in
  2. oops, i put the wrong link in this thread, the real video is Blind Willie Johnson tribute: https://youtu.be/3wrTpbGoxGg
  3. this isn't even the beginning, wait for governmental bankruptcy and cancelling of pension cheques, disability, social programs, etc and widespread disease and mass starvation. Rev 6 describes 1/4 of the earth dying from starvation, disease, war and the beasts of the earth. if this happens in our lifetime, and it most certainly will, we will see things like women eating their babies and the kinds of suffering that was impossible to imagine even a few years ago. once society collapses, gangs will run the streets and we will all see just how cheap life really is
  4. this a good post Kenny, i agree and i think the foretelling might have a few purposes, to comfort and encourage as you said and possible also to provide confirmation on some things that may have been prayed for and could either be received or happen in either the near or distant future. George Muller talked about some of this in his book on prayer, i really liked what he said about getting confirmation from the word on every example of foretelling and words of knowledge. He said if we don't seek confirmation from the bible on words of knowledge we're making a big mistake
  5. a couple months ago Putin asked for 20,000 taliban fighters to come and help him win in the ukraine, this is the kind of sign we should be watching for, Russia joining with the arabs and probably china. i could see china going for this because after it was all done the chinese would be able to wipe the floor with the others and take everything for themself, unless of course, God intervenes
  6. it is by design, because of greed, the financial wizards are going to make billions shorting wheat and food stocks, as well as helping to starve the masses and bring everybody under control. it's just like the housing bubble which was purposely collapsed to create chaos and massive profits for a handful of powerful people. if we are getting close to the end, and i think we are, just when the hidden rulers of the world are getting ready to take every last thing for themselves, Jesus will return and put an end to their system
  7. Remember in Rev 3 Jesus only rebukes the rich church in the last letter, because all they had was money, not faith or obedience to God. If it was all about getting as much as you can or dying with the most toys Jesus would have been praising these people for their great faith, instead he tells them he will remove their lampstand from its place
  8. i don't think this is necessarily just about money, Jesus also says what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt 16:26, i think). its pretty easy to get sucked into the world system, many real believers have left the faith because of greed, but this can also be status in the world system or anything that takes God's place. success in the world can be like a drug addiction.
  9. this is the way to do it, the truth is the truth whether people like it or not. If these results are true, and i don't doubt that they are it means we have apostates or those who never had faith in the first place leading the flock and we wonder why so called christians never read their bibles and the real word isn't preached.
  10. Part 5 of Body and Soul is the best one by far, lots of scenes with false teachers and the weeds of Matthew 13
  11. Hypocrites part 2: https://youtu.be/sOqjpSnQbz8 Hypocrites part 3: https://youtu.be/nyfeY8IlYUw Body and Soul part 3: https://youtu.be/zYMsQL8PYd8 Body and Soul part 4: https://youtu.be/G6hPu_JPjCc Body and Soul part 5: https://youtu.be/t20Zk601cjE
  12. i like this ^, we can't hold the "teachers" completely responsible if almost everyone who hears their false message goes along with it, the bible says the majority of people would rather believe a lie than the truth. Can two walk together lest they be agreed? The sign of the end coming is false teachers giving people what they're itching ears want to hear and a church full of apostates.
  13. that is an interesting interpretation of the passage, in the context you're describing it does agree with Matt 25:1-12 about the virgins and the parable of the weeds in Matt 13 which both say the church will become full of apostates, not to mention Paul's letters to Timothy which also mention the great departure from the faith. The bible tells us that hypocrisy has been around for a long time
  14. Part 1 of Lois Weber's 1915 classic Hypocrites. This is the first art film and the first half of the film deals with religious hypocrisy and refers to the Pharisees in Matthew 23. Lois Weber was one of the greatest film directors of all time and a real artist. https://youtu.be/i_wo8ITgSSo
  15. Mini - bio on the life of George Muller, a real spiritual giant. i took my podcast on Muller's life and made a video for it. i read from sections of his biography where he talks about the secrets of why all his prayers were answered and how to exercise your faith to grow like his: Video link https://youtu.be/pGac_AWRkZs
  16. oops i forgot the first ones, this is one of the earliest films ever made, the 1903 Life Of Jesus: part 3: https://youtu.be/srjzdg4YdIM part 1: https://youtu.be/8GVY9r0SA0Y part 2: https://youtu.be/CSkB6go8a1E hopefully more to come if these are approved
  17. i made several videos using old bible films where i added commentary on the parts of the bible they referred to, if anyone here is interested in seeing them. All of these films are forgotten classics of the silent era: Demille's 1923 Ten Commandments: part 1: https://youtu.be/E6Q8_lsjd2U part 2: https://youtu.be/Um4qelwvUx0 part 4: https://youtu.be/5JbkYC7KaXM Body and Soul (1925) part 1: Video link https://youtu.be/3aD-VLrrxQA
  18. George, sorry to add this after the fact i didn't realize you are a fellow hebrew, shalom brother. My family is on the Jewish Monument in Rotterdam
  19. Thanks George, i was trying to figure how this forum worked and why i couldn't change my picture or post, lol. i made some videos with old bible films where i added some commentary about the parts of the bible they talk about. will i be able to post them here? a couple of these are really classic films with important things to say to the modern church
  20. i made a tribute video for my favorite gospel blues singer, Blind Willie Johnson. it has scenes from the book of Revelation in it. i hope someone here will enjoy it: https://youtu.be/n2aZ3-k8-LY edited by Omegaman 3.0 - user put wrong link here, corrected link in a subsequent post
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