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  1. https://www.desmog.com/science-and-public-policy-institute/ Unsurprisingly, Heartland Institute is also financially supported by Exxon Mobil.
  2. Yes, and the SPPI was supported by Exxon Mobil. I'm not sure why that was confusing to you.
  3. Ah yes, the group financially supported by Exxon Mobil. Of course they wouldn't lie to you, would they... LOL
  4. Bodies of water drying up all over the world is not fictional. Receding glaciers are not fictional. Arctic and Antarctic ice melting is not fictional. Massive and numerous forest fires beyond historical normal levels are not fictional. Rising sea levels are not fictional. These are all very real events.
  5. If you told someone that you would be able to complete a project by 9:00 AM Thursday morning, but you didn't get it finished until 10:15, would that mean you were lying, or would that mean it just took longer than you initially anticipated? The problem is not fictional and ignoring it won't make it go away.
  6. Christian nationalism replaces the worship of Jesus with the worship of political power. Christian nationalism is accepting Satan’s temptation of Jesus, when he showed him all the kingdoms of the world and said “all this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me.” - Benjamin Cremer
  7. Christianity should sound like, "my beliefs continue to deepen my love for others," not "the depth of my love for others is contingent on how deeply they conform to my beliefs." - Benjamin Cremer
  8. I'm also somewhat skeptical of what can be accurately predicted through computer modeling. However, I don't think we as Christians are pushing enough for our government leaders to care for the earth as God tells us to do in Genesis.
  9. I completely believe - without having seen anything to prove it - that both AOC and Al Gore have made some pretty ridiculous claims. Al has been around long enough to be disproven. AOC - not quite yet, but give her a few years.
  10. I'm still waiting for support for the "IPCC predicted that Florida would be underwater today" claim - or a retraction. It seems like a solid prediction that neither will be provided.
  11. Get back to me after you've read/heard everything I've ever said. I'm not doing your homework for you.
  12. To put it very simply, if someone makes a surprising claim, they should provide evidence for the claim. This really isn't difficult.
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