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Not of the World

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Everything posted by Not of the World

  1. A man that would break into someone's home and rape a child is a very evil, violent, and dangerous person. Such people often engage in murder. Shooting them in order to prevent them from raping and/or murdering other children would be a justified public service.
  2. I would shoot a fleeing child-rapist in the back without hesitation. No jury in the world would convict someone for doing such a thing.
  3. So-called "prophets" are a dime-a-dozen on social media. They predict some pretty extreme events and, to my knowledge, none of them has ever been correct. But at least they're entertaining.
  4. Did John write about other things that had already occurred when he wrote Revelation?
  5. I'm on a number of forums and I believe (fwiw) that this community is very well moderated.
  6. It depends on what he did. I wouldn't shoot him if he was fleeing with a package left on my porch. But if he was fleeing after breaking into my daughter's room at night, shooting him in the back while fleeing would be justifiable and good.
  7. A sheriff in the next county once said "A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone". Guns are not the issue in America nor anyone else. The lack of following Jesus IS the issue with not only guns, but with every foul deed in the world.
  8. Ok. I'm trying to find help for you. What is the name of the hospital where you are seeking care? And what is the name of their billing department manager as well as their contact information? I can attempt to reach out to them to discuss what options are available to help you!
  9. In what nation do you live, please?
  10. I just prayed for you. What hospital are you in and what is your diagnosis and prognosis?
  11. Here's what God said: Luke 9:23-26 English Standard Version Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus 23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. 25 For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? 26 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. John 15:18-20 English Standard Version The Hatred of the World 18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.
  12. Ok, I have prayed for you. You really need to speak to your attorney. Have you told the attorney about how your husband restricts your son's diet and have you gotten an opinion from your son's pediatrician? Have you spoken to social workers? I believe these are the types of discussions that you should be having. Write down and DOCUMENT everything. Good luck and God bless you and your son!
  13. May I ask, what is your son's health challenge, please?
  14. Based on your earlier post, if you move to India and attempt to convert your son to Christianity, then your ex-husband will then be able to legally take custody of your son, correct? Are you sure about that? Have you consulted an attorney in India? I presume it would be no issue for you to teach your son the words of Christ in Canada. I obviously don't know the particulars to your situation but it seems unfortunate that you might take your son to India where the laws are (apparently) different and unfavorbable for raising your son to be a follower of Christ. I hope there is a way that you can help your son with his health IN CANADA so that you can also raise him up to be a follower of Christ.
  15. The experience further confirmed to me that God is real. I was already a believer but it was example #2,927 as to why I believed. As to the how and why it was there is above my pay grade. I'm certainly not going to ask an unclean spirit to tell me. I know it is a grave sin to engage in such activities.
  16. In or around the spring of 2004(?) my wife, Andrea, and I had just returned to our central Florida home after spending the day at the beach with her brother (Alfredo) and his girlfriend, who were visiting from England. Alfredo and his girlfriend remained in a hotel at the beach, approximately hours from our home. Anyway, our home was completely silent and we were sitting in front of our computer in our home-office and were reviewing some financials. As I said, it was completely silent. And then, I heard Alfredo’s very distinctive voice say “Andrea!”. It was as if Alfredo was in the other room. I looked at my wife and asked “Did you hear that?” to which she replied “Yes, my brother”. We got up and walked into our family room and there was nobody there. We looked all over the house and looked outside our house. Nothing and nobody. I called Alfredo’s room at the hotel and he answered. I obviously wanted to confirm that he was still in the hotel which was 2 hours from our home. He was. We told him what happened. He had no explanation as to how that could have happened. Had my wife not confirmed what I thought I heard, I would have questioned if I actually heard what I thought I heard. It was eerie and I immediately discerned that it was something unnatural and evil, even though I was (at that time) a lukewarm Catholic. Beyond that, I had no answers and neither did my wife. Over the years I did online searches (now and then) to see if anyone else had shared such an experience. Nothing. But one day, I came across an article wherein a woman wrote about demonic “mimics”. As she described it, she said that such entities ARE demonic and that they “mimic” others for their own entertainment. That was the only time in my life wherein I had such an experience. It didn’t happen prior nor since. But, without question, it 100% happened and it was NOT a joke or a prank nor did we mishear something as there was actually nothing to hear as our home was dead silent. So that’s our story.
  17. @Jackero said in another thread "3. When Jesus was born into the world, the dragon tried to devour Him as soon as He was born (Revelation 12:3-4)." and, being that this event purportedly happened over 2,000 years ago, I am curious as to where you (the reader) believes we are in prophercy? Thanks in advance1
  18. Turning schools into gun-free, soft targets, hasn't saved anyone except school shooters. Just ask Nikolaz Cruz.
  19. Do you still live in India? If not, where do you live, please?
  20. The founders ensured that the people would have a militia AND that citizens could legally own and carry guns. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
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